
Summary:ASTERISK-09941: Misdn hang
Reporter:Francesco Romano (francesco_r)Labels:
Date Opened:2007-07-24 03:52:39Date Closed:2011-06-07 14:00:20
Versions:Frequency of
Description:I have some problems with different asterisk installations, all have misdn (1.1.5) in common. This morning for example i had in the console:
pbx*CLI> show channels
Channel              Location             State   Application(Data)            
SIP/204-0829acf8     (None)               Up      Bridged Call(SIP/201-082957b8)
mISDN/1-u21          0117701428@from-pstn Down    Bridged CallËêËê·082f2920)
2 active channels
1 active call
pbx*CLI> misdn show channels
Chan List: (nil)

I had to kill asterisk to close these open channels. Suggestions to debug this?
Comments:By: crich (crich) 2007-07-31 03:22:33

It would be good to see the verbose messages and a misdn trace with a call which creates these zombie calls ..

By: Alexander Zielke (azielke) 2007-12-04 03:10:04.000-0600

i think i'm having the same or a related problem that is creating zombie calls

in my channel list, after a while i see loads of:
mISDN/16-u5330       326@e1-extern:1      Down    (None)

Tue Dec  4 08:20:12 2007: P[ 5]  I IND :RELEASE_COMPLETE oad: dad: pid:2137 state:CLEANING
Tue Dec  4 08:20:12 2007: P[ 5]   --> channel:1 mode:TE cause:44 ocause:44 rad: cad:
Tue Dec  4 08:20:12 2007: P[ 5]   --> info_dad:2 onumplan:0 dnumplan:0 rnumplan:0 cpnnumplan:0
Tue Dec  4 08:20:12 2007: P[ 5]   --> No need to queue hangup
Tue Dec  4 08:20:12 2007: P[ 5]  Cannot hangup chan, no ast
Tue Dec  4 08:20:12 2007: P[ 5]  $$$ Cleaning up bc with stid :10010500 pid:2137
Tue Dec  4 08:20:12 2007: P[ 5]  **** Received CAUSE:44, so not cleaning up channel 1
Tue Dec  4 08:20:12 2007: P[ 5]  **** This channel is now no longer available,
please try to restart it with 'misdn send restart <port> <channel>'
Tue Dec  4 08:20:12 2007: P[ 5]  Sending Restarts on this port.
Tue Dec  4 08:20:12 2007: P[ 5]  Restarting and cleaning channel 1
Tue Dec  4 08:20:12 2007: P[ 5]  I SEND:RESTART oad: dad: pid:0
Tue Dec  4 08:20:12 2007: P[ 5]   --> channel:1 mode:TE cause:0 ocause:0 rad: cad:
Tue Dec  4 08:20:12 2007: P[ 5]   --> info_dad: onumplan:0 dnumplan:0 rnumplan:0 cpnnumplan:0
Tue Dec  4 08:20:12 2007: P[ 5]  Restarting channel 1
Tue Dec  4 08:20:12 2007: P[ 6]  $$$ Cleaning up bc with stid :10010600 pid:2136

This happens every time, the asterisk receives cause 44. The channel gets restarted properly and i can use it without problems, however, this once channel stays in the list, marked as down.

This System uses asterisk-1.4.14 with mISDN-1_1_7.

By: Gregory Hinton Nietsky (irroot) 2007-12-05 09:10:11.000-0600

ok i have this "CAUSE 44" often it is basicaly a rejection by the telco (congestion) to get arround it i use round robin routing and do a reset on the ports that have had this problem ...

it does not lock all the time however the OP was using 1.2 you on 1.4

OP 1.4 works a lot better with mISDN imho and reporting a bug on 1.2 that is not a security issue may make the gods angry

the line mISDN/1-u21  0117701428@from-pstn Down Bridged CallËêËê·082f2920)
gives some indication of a problem and somthing is screwy

By: Jason Parker (jparker) 2008-01-09 15:56:47.000-0600

Unless I'm misunderstanding something, this cause 44 is something sent by the telco, and is not caused by Asterisk itself.

As for the original report, being against 1.2 - yes, it is no longer supported, so any issues reported against 1.2 should be closed (unless they also happen on 1.4).

Please reopen if you have this issue on 1.4 as well.