
Summary:ASTERISK-09933: T.38 passthrough with 2 Asterisk boxes not working
Reporter:Christoph Stadlmann (cstadlmann)Labels:
Date Opened:2007-07-23 08:41:47Date Closed:2007-08-06 17:16:14
Versions:Frequency of
Environment:Attachments:( 0) 10274.patch
( 1) Log_Asterisk_1.txt
( 2) Log_Asterisk_2.txt
Description:This is the configuration I'm using:

ATA 1 <-> Asterisk 1 <-> Asterisk 2 <-> ATA 2

As long ATA's are resided on the same Asterisk box, no T.38 problem. But if ATA 1 is trying to send a fax via T.38 to ATA 2, the complete call fails because Asterisk 1 is killing it during re-invite and Asterisk 2 gives up.

Both Asterisk boxes are: SVN-branch-1.4-r76410


Attached are the log files of both Asterisk boxes.

T.38 negotiation starts at the following lines:

Log Asterisk 1.txt: 3008
Log Asterisk 2.txt: 1074

The following happens:

ATA 2 is sending the reinvite. Asterisk 2 is passing it to Asterisk 1. Because Asterisk 1 is not responding the correct way, Asterisk retransmits the packet again and again, and Asterisk 1 is "Ignoring this INVITE request" again and again till Asterisk 2 gives up (Line 1446).

As of my understanding, Asterisk can ONLY manage T.38 passthrough and no endpoint operation. In my scenario, the endpoints are the two ATA boxes, so everything should go THROUGH the two Asterisk boxes. So please advise because my whole system is not working.
Comments:By: Christoph Stadlmann (cstadlmann) 2007-07-24 00:48:04

BTW, Asterisk 1 does not close the channels of the failed t38 calls correctly:

asnode1*CLI> sip show channels
Peer             User/ANR    Call ID      Seq (Tx/Rx)  Form  Hold     Last Message    210         048b051b682  00103/00102  unkn  No       Rx: INVITE     v205357an   1686279678-  00106/00082  unkn  No  (d)  Rx: BYE    210         5cd2a1f22c3  00103/00102  unkn  No       Rx: INVITE     v205357an   1566241514-  00105/00072  unkn  No  (d)  Rx: BYE    210         20ab2e6b1dc  00103/00102  unkn  No       Rx: INVITE     v205357an   1025305174-  00104/00062  unkn  No  (d)  Rx: BYE    210         78edc311695  00103/00102  unkn  No       Rx: INVITE     v205357an   1570281691-  00104/00052  unkn  No  (d)  Rx: BYE    210         56a7f2cd49a  00103/00102  unkn  No       Rx: INVITE     v205357an   349579561-5  00104/00042  unkn  No  (d)  Rx: BYE    210         21a3d2822ae  00103/00102  unkn  No       Rx: INVITE     v205357an   2061138247-  00104/00032  unkn  No  (d)  Rx: BYE    210         3e3b148a319  00103/00102  unkn  No       Rx: INVITE     v205357an   512992895-5  00105/00022  unkn  No  (d)  Rx: BYE    210         2bd3c32e77a  00103/00102  unkn  No       Rx: INVITE

By: Christoph Stadlmann (cstadlmann) 2007-07-24 02:11:46

This is sip history on Asterisk 1:

 * SIP Call
1. Rx              INVITE / 100 INVITE / sip:057272210@
2. AuthChal        Auth challenge sent for  - nc 0
3. TxRespRel       SIP/2.0 / 100 INVITE - 407 Proxy Authentication Required
4. SchedDestroy    1664 ms
5. Rx              ACK / 100 ACK / sip:057272210@
6. Rx              INVITE / 101 INVITE / sip:057272210@
7. CancelDestroy
8. Invite          New call: 756623685-55279-12@
9. AuthOK          Auth challenge succesful for v205357an
10. NewChan         Channel SIP/v205357an-08226a58 - from 756623685-55279-12@83.65.
11. TxResp          SIP/2.0 / 101 INVITE - 100 Trying
12. TxResp          SIP/2.0 / 101 INVITE - 180 Ringing
13. TxRespRel       SIP/2.0 / 101 INVITE - 200 OK
14. Rx              ACK / 101 ACK / sip:057272210@
15. TxReqRel        INVITE / 102 INVITE - -UNKNOWN-
16. Rx              SIP/2.0 / 102 INVITE / 100 Trying
17. ReInv           Re-invite sent
18. TxReqRel        INVITE / 103 INVITE - -UNKNOWN-
19. Rx              SIP/2.0 / 102 INVITE / 200 OK
20. Ignore          Ignoring this retransmit
21. Rx              SIP/2.0 / 103 INVITE / 100 Trying
22. ReInv           Re-invite sent
23. TxReqRel        INVITE / 104 INVITE - -UNKNOWN-
24. Rx              SIP/2.0 / 103 INVITE / 200 OK
25. Ignore          Ignoring this retransmit
26. Rx              SIP/2.0 / 104 INVITE / 100 Trying
27. ReInv           Re-invite sent
28. TxReqRel        INVITE / 105 INVITE - -UNKNOWN-
29. Rx              SIP/2.0 / 104 INVITE / 200 OK
30. Ignore          Ignoring this retransmit
31. Rx              SIP/2.0 / 105 INVITE / 100 Trying
32. Rx              SIP/2.0 / 105 INVITE / 200 OK
33. TxReq           ACK / 105 ACK - -UNKNOWN-
34. Rx              BYE / 102 BYE / sip:057272210@
35. RTCPaudio       Quality:ssrc=1103484493;themssrc=0;lp=0;rxjitter=0.000000;rxcou
36. TxResp          SIP/2.0 / 102 BYE - 200 OK
37. Hangup          Cause Normal Clearing

This is sip history on Asterisk 2:

 * SIP Call
1. Rx              INVITE / 102 INVITE / sip:210@
2. AuthChal        Auth challenge sent for  - nc 0
3. TxRespRel       SIP/2.0 / 102 INVITE - 407 Proxy Authentication Required
4. SchedDestroy    64 ms
5. Rx              ACK / 102 ACK / sip:210@
6. Rx              INVITE / 103 INVITE / sip:210@
7. CancelDestroy
8. Invite          New call: 31134bfc29b720cd099dc1c2221a52f0@
9. AuthOK          Auth challenge succesful for v203500aa
10. NewChan         Channel SIP/v203500aa-081efe50 - from 31134bfc29b720cd099dc1c22
11. TxResp          SIP/2.0 / 103 INVITE - 100 Trying
12. TxResp          SIP/2.0 / 103 INVITE - 180 Ringing
13. TxRespRel       SIP/2.0 / 103 INVITE - 200 OK
14. Rx              ACK / 103 ACK / sip:210@
15. TxReqRel        INVITE / 102 INVITE - -UNKNOWN-
16. ReTx            2 INVITE sip:0720440931013@ SIP/2.0
[Jul 24 09:24:59] WARNING[16793]: chan_sip.c:1920 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on transmission 31134bfc29b720cd099dc1c2221a52f0@ for seqno 102 (Critical Request)
[Jul 24 09:24:59] WARNING[16793]: chan_sip.c:1944 retrans_pkt: Hanging up call 31134bfc29b720cd099dc1c2221a52f0@ - no reply to our critical packet.

By: Christoph Stadlmann (cstadlmann) 2007-07-27 01:49:37

Additional info:

If you look at the log file 'Log Asterisk 1.txt' at line 3390 ongoing, you will see the following:

The ATA 1 sends a '100 Trying' to Asterisk 1. Asterisk 1 parses the SIP message and then something strange happens: In line 3424 chan_sip.c it calls the function 'check_pendings', which sends a completely senseless re-invite to the ATA with NO T.38 information.

So I took a look at chan_sip.c (Line 11768 ongoing):

switch (resp) {
case 100:  /* Trying */
case 101:  /* Dialog establishment */
if (!ast_test_flag(req, SIP_PKT_IGNORE))

In case of '100 Trying' nothing should happen in my opinion. But because there is no 'break;' stetement, code for '101' is executed.
So just to find out what happens, I changed line 11769 to the following:

case 100:  /* Trying */   ->   case 100: break; /*Trying */

Now T.38 negotiation between ATA 1 and ATA 2 through both Asterisk boxes is fine because Asterisk 1 waits for '200 OK' from the ATA 1 without executing any code. After '200 OK' from ATA 1 UDPTL packets start to run from ATA 2 to ATA 1, but now Asterisk 1 kills the call at line 11864 in chan_sip.c.

So I guess that the problem is not T.38 related. Something strange happens when Asterisk receives a '100 Trying' SIP message during T.38 negotation.

Please could someone who knows what chan_sip.c is doing have a look at it.

Again my setup:
ATA 1, ATA 2: Grandstream HT-502
Asterisk 1, Asterisk 2: SVN-branch-1.4-r77460M

By: Mark Michelson (mmichelson) 2007-07-30 10:38:20

Just so you don't think no one's looking at this, I'll put in my thoughts. Keep in mind that I'm still learning SIP and so what I say may or may not be right.

It appears that the re-invite sent from ATA2 is reaching ATA1 properly. There are other problems along the way that need to be addressed.

1. It would appear that Asterisk2 is expecting to receive a response to the re-invite it transmits, such as possibly a 100 trying. Since it's not receiving such a response, it continues retransmitting the re-invites. Should Asterisk1 (or for that matter, Asterisk2) be generating provisional responses to the re-invites?

2. Let's say that Asterisk shouldn't be generating the provisional responses in point 1 above, and so Asterisk2 should be generating all the retransmissions. Even so, RFC3621 specifies that if a UAS receives a reinvite for an INVITE already in progress, it should send a 491 response. In this case, Asterisk1 is not sending the 491 to Asterisk2 and in fact is deferring the re-invites for later. This is why that call to check_pendings you mentioned is causing Asterisk1 to send a re-invite to ATA1, and it could also be why the passthrough fails later when you removed the call to check_pendings.

So in summary, it seems that T38 negotiation fails due to lack of expected responses being generated for reinvites. Thoughts?

By: Christoph Stadlmann (cstadlmann) 2007-07-30 13:11:34

Puh... I really thought noone concerns about that issue...

To 1)
During the last week's testing and tracking and tracing I found out that every  ATA or other device immediately sends a '100 Trying' after it receives  the reinvite. After that the device responds with '200 OK'. So if Asterisk1 would also send a 100 response immedately to Asterisk2 I think the whole situation wouldn't go that far in the wrong direction. I tried to figure out where to put in that code snippet, but had no luck because I'm not familiar with chan_sip.c at all.

To 2)
As I mentioned before, Asterisk1 sends a completely senseless reinvite to ATA1  with NO T.38 information, just plain RTP information. Please have a look at line 3424 of 'Log Asterisk 1.txt' and below. You will see what I mean. While ATA1 is responding with a '200 OK' for the T.38 reinvite it receives that useless invite , reponds with '200 OK' again and 'falls back' to plain RTP, so Asterisk 1 thinks that ATA 1 is not capable of T.38. This is that I meant with Asterisk is not handling '100 Trying' correctly because it sends wrong invite packets.

So again, I think that all problems are located in the missing '100 Trying' message. Maybe you can implement that code segment into chan_sip.c or just tell me where I can find it and I will try to patch by myself although I'm not a C guru... Anyway, I would appreciate a quick solution 'cause my boss is already on my tail...

By: Mark Michelson (mmichelson) 2007-07-30 14:28:02

Try the patch I just uploaded and let me know how it works.

By: Christoph Stadlmann (cstadlmann) 2007-07-31 01:49:49

I just patched both Asterisk boxes and T.38 it's working like a breeze. Thanks a lot!

This patch should make it into branch as soon as possible so I don't have to patch every time I update my boxes.

Although T.38 is working now, we also have to bother about the 491 response. In some cases when the 100 response doesn't arrive at Asterisk2, Asterisk1 should respond with a 491 so Asterisk2 doesn't retransmit again and again. If it's specified in RFC3261, I don't see the point why Asterisk shouldn't do it.

Again, thanks a lot for the patch and please don't forget to update branch version.

By: Digium Subversion (svnbot) 2007-07-31 10:04:00

Repository: asterisk
Revision: 77824

r77824 | mmichelson | 2007-07-31 10:03:59 -0500 (Tue, 31 Jul 2007) | 6 lines

This patch makes Asterisk send 100 Trying provisional responses upon receipt of re-invites. This makes it so that if there are two or more Asterisk
servers between endpoints, the Asterisk servers will not keep retransmitting the re-invites.

(closes issue ASTERISK-9933, reported by cstadlmann, patched by me with approval from file)


By: Digium Subversion (svnbot) 2007-07-31 10:05:10

Repository: asterisk
Revision: 77825

r77825 | mmichelson | 2007-07-31 10:05:09 -0500 (Tue, 31 Jul 2007) | 14 lines

Merged revisions 77824 via svnmerge from

r77824 | mmichelson | 2007-07-31 10:21:22 -0500 (Tue, 31 Jul 2007) | 6 lines

This patch makes Asterisk send 100 Trying provisional responses upon receipt of re-invites. This makes it so that if there are two or more Asterisk
servers between endpoints, the Asterisk servers will not keep retransmitting the re-invites.

(closes issue ASTERISK-9933, reported by cstadlmann, patched by me with approval from file)



By: Digium Subversion (svnbot) 2007-07-31 21:28:04

Repository: asterisk
Revision: 77850

r77850 | murf | 2007-07-31 21:28:01 -0500 (Tue, 31 Jul 2007) | 99 lines

Merged revisions 77819-77821,77825,77828-77829,77833-77834,77838,77847 via svnmerge from

r77819 | kpfleming | 2007-07-31 08:54:46 -0600 (Tue, 31 Jul 2007) | 3 lines

umm... let's build with --enable-dev-mode, mmkay?

r77820 | kpfleming | 2007-07-31 08:55:37 -0600 (Tue, 31 Jul 2007) | 2 lines

use a different method for overriding the send_digit_begin pointer, as the old one fails to compile on my 64-bit system with gcc-4.1 and --enable-dev-mode turned on

r77821 | kpfleming | 2007-07-31 09:01:27 -0600 (Tue, 31 Jul 2007) | 2 lines

there is no use in having functions that have no code in them, and hide the locking info when DEBUG_THREADS is enabled... i could have fixed this to be dependent on DEBUG_THREADS, but it would be just as easy for someone to add their test/debugging code to the macros as it would have been to the functions

r77825 | mmichelson | 2007-07-31 09:22:32 -0600 (Tue, 31 Jul 2007) | 14 lines

Merged revisions 77824 via svnmerge from

r77824 | mmichelson | 2007-07-31 10:21:22 -0500 (Tue, 31 Jul 2007) | 6 lines

This patch makes Asterisk send 100 Trying provisional responses upon receipt of re-invites. This makes it so that if there are two or more Asterisk
servers between endpoints, the Asterisk servers will not keep retransmitting the re-invites.

(closes issue ASTERISK-9933, reported by cstadlmann, patched by me with approval from file)


r77828 | kpfleming | 2007-07-31 09:54:29 -0600 (Tue, 31 Jul 2007) | 10 lines

Merged revisions 77827 via svnmerge from

r77827 | kpfleming | 2007-07-31 10:53:42 -0500 (Tue, 31 Jul 2007) | 2 lines

DETECT_DEADLOCKS can't be enabled without DEBUG_THREADS or it does nothing


r77829 | murf | 2007-07-31 09:59:01 -0600 (Tue, 31 Jul 2007) | 1 line

thanks to Russel, for pointing out that the dialoglist_lock/unlock routines also need to be macros if DETECT_DEADLOCKS is set
r77833 | file | 2007-07-31 10:21:34 -0600 (Tue, 31 Jul 2007) | 10 lines

Merged revisions 77831 via svnmerge from

r77831 | file | 2007-07-31 13:17:09 -0300 (Tue, 31 Jul 2007) | 2 lines

Add a flag to the speech API that allows an engine to set whether it received results or not.


r77834 | tilghman | 2007-07-31 10:44:25 -0600 (Tue, 31 Jul 2007) | 3 lines

Add func_lock, which creates dialplan mutexes, and note that the Macro apps are now deprecated.
(Closes issue ASTERISK-9923)

r77838 | tilghman | 2007-07-31 12:50:06 -0600 (Tue, 31 Jul 2007) | 2 lines

Add some documentation detailing an aspect of dialplan functions, as requested by Russell

r77847 | murf | 2007-07-31 15:33:37 -0600 (Tue, 31 Jul 2007) | 17 lines

Merged revisions 77844 via svnmerge from

r77844 | murf | 2007-07-31 14:59:10 -0600 (Tue, 31 Jul 2007) | 9 lines

Merged revisions 77842 via svnmerge from

r77842 | murf | 2007-07-31 13:19:35 -0600 (Tue, 31 Jul 2007) | 1 line

This probably isn't super-general, but it's a first stab at using kill -11 to generate a core file instead of gcore.




By: Digium Subversion (svnbot) 2007-08-06 17:16:14

Repository: asterisk
Revision: 78298

r78298 | murf | 2007-08-06 17:16:13 -0500 (Mon, 06 Aug 2007) | 151 lines

Merged revisions 77850,77893,77906,77961,78003,78038,78070,78110,78199,78230,78250,78267 via svnmerge from

r77850 | murf | 2007-07-31 20:45:22 -0600 (Tue, 31 Jul 2007) | 99 lines

Merged revisions 77819-77821,77825,77828-77829,77833-77834,77838,77847 via svnmerge from

r77819 | kpfleming | 2007-07-31 08:54:46 -0600 (Tue, 31 Jul 2007) | 3 lines

umm... let's build with --enable-dev-mode, mmkay?

r77820 | kpfleming | 2007-07-31 08:55:37 -0600 (Tue, 31 Jul 2007) | 2 lines

use a different method for overriding the send_digit_begin pointer, as the old one fails to compile on my 64-bit system with gcc-4.1 and --enable-dev-mode turned on

r77821 | kpfleming | 2007-07-31 09:01:27 -0600 (Tue, 31 Jul 2007) | 2 lines

there is no use in having functions that have no code in them, and hide the locking info when DEBUG_THREADS is enabled... i could have fixed this to be dependent on DEBUG_THREADS, but it would be just as easy for someone to add their test/debugging code to the macros as it would have been to the functions

r77825 | mmichelson | 2007-07-31 09:22:32 -0600 (Tue, 31 Jul 2007) | 14 lines

Merged revisions 77824 via svnmerge from

r77824 | mmichelson | 2007-07-31 10:21:22 -0500 (Tue, 31 Jul 2007) | 6 lines

This patch makes Asterisk send 100 Trying provisional responses upon receipt of re-invites. This makes it so that if there are two or more Asterisk
servers between endpoints, the Asterisk servers will not keep retransmitting the re-invites.

(closes issue ASTERISK-9933, reported by cstadlmann, patched by me with approval from file)


r77828 | kpfleming | 2007-07-31 09:54:29 -0600 (Tue, 31 Jul 2007) | 10 lines

Merged revisions 77827 via svnmerge from

r77827 | kpfleming | 2007-07-31 10:53:42 -0500 (Tue, 31 Jul 2007) | 2 lines

DETECT_DEADLOCKS can't be enabled without DEBUG_THREADS or it does nothing


r77829 | murf | 2007-07-31 09:59:01 -0600 (Tue, 31 Jul 2007) | 1 line

thanks to Russel, for pointing out that the dialoglist_lock/unlock routines also need to be macros if DETECT_DEADLOCKS is set
r77833 | file | 2007-07-31 10:21:34 -0600 (Tue, 31 Jul 2007) | 10 lines

Merged revisions 77831 via svnmerge from

r77831 | file | 2007-07-31 13:17:09 -0300 (Tue, 31 Jul 2007) | 2 lines

Add a flag to the speech API that allows an engine to set whether it received results or not.


r77834 | tilghman | 2007-07-31 10:44:25 -0600 (Tue, 31 Jul 2007) | 3 lines

Add func_lock, which creates dialplan mutexes, and note that the Macro apps are now deprecated.
(Closes issue ASTERISK-9923)

r77838 | tilghman | 2007-07-31 12:50:06 -0600 (Tue, 31 Jul 2007) | 2 lines

Add some documentation detailing an aspect of dialplan functions, as requested by Russell

r77847 | murf | 2007-07-31 15:33:37 -0600 (Tue, 31 Jul 2007) | 17 lines

Merged revisions 77844 via svnmerge from

r77844 | murf | 2007-07-31 14:59:10 -0600 (Tue, 31 Jul 2007) | 9 lines

Merged revisions 77842 via svnmerge from

r77842 | murf | 2007-07-31 13:19:35 -0600 (Tue, 31 Jul 2007) | 1 line

This probably isn't super-general, but it's a first stab at using kill -11 to generate a core file instead of gcore.



r77893 | murf | 2007-08-01 18:16:13 -0600 (Wed, 01 Aug 2007) | 1 line

As per suggestion of Tilghman, we split the read and write of CDR_CONTROL; begin automation of CDR output for non-answer cases
r77906 | automerge | 2007-08-02 09:39:28 -0600 (Thu, 02 Aug 2007) | 1 line

automerge commit
r77961 | automerge | 2007-08-02 13:51:54 -0600 (Thu, 02 Aug 2007) | 1 line

automerge commit
r78003 | automerge | 2007-08-02 17:36:08 -0600 (Thu, 02 Aug 2007) | 1 line

automerge commit
r78038 | automerge | 2007-08-03 01:35:47 -0600 (Fri, 03 Aug 2007) | 1 line

automerge commit
r78070 | automerge | 2007-08-03 11:35:27 -0600 (Fri, 03 Aug 2007) | 1 line

automerge commit
r78110 | automerge | 2007-08-03 14:35:41 -0600 (Fri, 03 Aug 2007) | 1 line

automerge commit
r78199 | automerge | 2007-08-06 12:28:47 -0600 (Mon, 06 Aug 2007) | 1 line

automerge commit
r78230 | automerge | 2007-08-06 14:26:05 -0600 (Mon, 06 Aug 2007) | 1 line

automerge commit
r78250 | automerge | 2007-08-06 15:27:29 -0600 (Mon, 06 Aug 2007) | 1 line

automerge commit
r78267 | murf | 2007-08-06 15:36:13 -0600 (Mon, 06 Aug 2007) | 1 line

Next installment on getting Asterisk to post unanswered, busy, failed calls
