
Summary:ASTERISK-09785: Call OffHold Event in Asterisk
Reporter:Gokul (smartgoki)Labels:
Date Opened:2007-06-29 06:06:35Date Closed:2011-06-07 14:02:47
Versions:Frequency of

There is a listener available in Asteriesk to listen the Call Events from the SIP Clients. Call Events like Ringing, Alerting, Hold, OffHold and so on.

Now the problem is in Call Offhold. The Listener could able to catch the Call Hold Event. but when the Call OffHold Event occurs, it couldn't catch the event.

Call Hold / Off Hold was enabled by setting "a=sendonly" when call was in hold.

i tried this between IP Telephonys (PingTel, SIP Communicator) also.. In Both, its not working.

How to overcome from this problem. what i have to do in asterisk server.

if we fix the bug, then Call Hold / Off Hold (Resume) will work perfetly.
Comments:By: Joshua C. Colp (jcolp) 2007-06-29 07:04:07

This has already been fixed in 1.4.5