
Summary:ASTERISK-09597: [patch] Add bitwise & and bitwise | functionality
Reporter:Curt Moore (jcmoore)Labels:
Date Opened:2007-06-05 19:37:26Date Closed:2007-06-28 15:41:11
Versions:Frequency of
Environment:Attachments:( 0) bitwise_functions.diff.txt
Description:This patch adds bitwise AND (&) and bitwise OR (|) functionality to func_math.


If anyone has suggestions on another operator to use instead of | for the bitwise OR , I'm open to suggestions.  The | will work in the dialplan but it has to be escaped with a \ otherwise the pipe is interpreted as an option delimiter instead of an operator.
Comments:By: Dwayne Hubbard (dhubbard) 2007-06-06 18:07:10

 I'm not seeing bitwise OR working.  I've tried the following:

exten => 601,1,NoOp(trying bitwise AND 7 & 3 -> ${MATH(7&3)})
exten => 601,n,NoOp(trying bitwise AND 5 & 6 -> ${MATH(5&6)})
exten => 601,n,NoOp(trying bitwise AND 5 & 7 -> ${MATH(5&7)})
exten => 601,n,NoOp(trying bitwise OR 1 | 2 -> ${MATH(1|2)})
exten => 601,n,NoOp(trying bitwise OR 1 | 3 -> ${MATH(1|3)})

 I've also tried with one and more escape characters before the pipe, but no success.  Can you provide a sample of your working use of this functionality?

By: Curt Moore (jcmoore) 2007-06-06 18:44:23

Actually, you have to double escape the pipe and put a space after the pipe.  Why this matters, I'm not sure.  Hopefully someone with more experience with option parsing can shed some light.  

I modified your example and this works for me:

exten => 601,1,NoOp(trying bitwise AND 7 & 3 -> ${MATH(7&3)})
exten => 601,n,NoOp(trying bitwise AND 5 & 6 -> ${MATH(5&6)})
exten => 601,n,NoOp(trying bitwise AND 5 & 7 -> ${MATH(5&7)})
exten => 601,n,NoOp(trying bitwise OR 1 | 2 -> ${MATH(1 \\| 2)})
exten => 601,n,NoOp(trying bitwise OR 1 | 3 -> ${MATH(1 \\| 3)})

By: Joshua C. Colp (jcolp) 2007-06-06 18:47:16

I suspect the argument parser is interpreting the | as an argument separater... perhaps a different character should be used?

By: Curt Moore (jcmoore) 2007-06-06 18:57:05

Any thoughts on a preferred character?  I would say that o and O are out as they could be confused with 0.  What about r or R?

By: Jason Parker (jparker) 2007-06-26 10:30:49

Dwayne and I talked about this yesterday, and discussed the possibility of using the words "OR" and "AND"

By: Dwayne Hubbard (dhubbard) 2007-06-28 15:41:11

Changed '&' to 'AND', '|' to 'OR', and added XOR.  Committed to revision 72524.  Thanks jcmoore!