
Summary:ASTERISK-09505: [patch] SayUnixTime(,,S) (seconds) uses the us rules for saying numbers
Reporter:Koos van den Hout (koos)Labels:
Date Opened:2007-05-24 05:28:02Date Closed:2007-05-25 09:50:38
Versions:Frequency of
Environment:Attachments:( 0) 20070524__bug9791.diff.txt
Description:When using SayUnixTime(,,S) (the seconds part) in Dutch, I get the number spoken as if it were in English (order of parts of the number, for example 23 is spoken as 'twintig' (digits/20) 'drie' (digits/3) instead of 'drie' (digits/3) 'en' (digits/and) 'twintig' (digits/20) which is the correct order in Dutch (language=nl)). The same works fine for hours/minutes with SayUnixTime(,,R).


Sample dialplan:

exten => s,1,Set(LANGUAGE()=nl)
exten => s,n,Answer()
exten => s,n,SayUnixTime(,,S)

as a workaround, I now use:

exten => s,n,Set(Secondsnumber=$[ ${EPOCH} % 60 ])
exten => s,n,SayNumber(${Secondsnumber})

Comments:By: Tilghman Lesher (tilghman) 2007-05-24 08:08:14

One question on syntax.  For 20, would you say simply 'digits/20' or would you say 'digits/0' 'digits/and' 'digits/20'?

By: Tilghman Lesher (tilghman) 2007-05-24 09:27:43

Please test this patch and ensure that it solves your issue.  Please reply to the bug, either way.

By: Koos van den Hout (koos) 2007-05-24 11:16:14

In Dutch, for 20 one would say simply 'digits/20'

By: Koos van den Hout (koos) 2007-05-24 13:28:58

The patch solves the issue. Thanks for the fast response!

By: Tilghman Lesher (tilghman) 2007-05-25 09:50:38

Fixed in 66127, merged to 1.4 in 66159, merged to trunk in 66161.