
Summary:ASTERISK-09503: Usage of weight option in queues.conf leads to deadlock
Reporter:Sjoerd (telecats)Labels:
Date Opened:2007-05-24 04:42:34Date Closed:2007-05-29 12:47:36
Versions:Frequency of
Description:When using the weight option in queues.conf, the queue fails after a fair amount of calls. It does not react to cli commands anymore.

I compiled the source with DEBUG_THREADS and DETECT_DEADLOCKS and that revealed the problem, the qlock was unlocked twice (in try_calling() and compare_weight() )

The patch was very simple, in function compare_weight, at the end of the function, comment out ast_mutex_unlock(&qlock);
Comments:By: Roberto Lopes (rflopes3) 2007-05-24 14:38:32

I have the same problem. I was using weight=1 on one queue and weight=0 on another and some time on the day, the app_queue locks on join_queue.

This is the same problem ?

By: Sjoerd (telecats) 2007-05-25 01:54:05

It could very well be that this is the same problem. Compile the source with the mentioned debug options (set in the Makefile) and scan the logfile for errors.

By: Jason Parker (jparker) 2007-05-29 12:47:35

This is a duplicate of issue 9404.  Please post relevant details there.  Closing.