
Summary:ASTERISK-09494: Calls are terminated by the network when answered by IVR
Reporter:markhnz (markhnz)Labels:
Date Opened:2007-05-22 18:44:01Date Closed:2011-06-07 14:02:37
Versions:Frequency of
Description:When a call is placed to Asterisk and is answered by the IVR the Q931 responses are different and after 24 seconds the call is terminated.

In the case of a call to a DDI the call proceeds normally.  The difference in Q931 debug appears to be that in the case of a DDI call an ALERTING message is sent to the network.


Call answered by IVR
May 22 16:22:10 VERBOSE[21458] logger.c: < Message type: SETUP (5)
May 22 16:22:10 VERBOSE[21458] logger.c: > Message type: CALL PROCEEDING (2)
May 22 16:22:10 VERBOSE[26789] logger.c: > Message type: CONNECT (7)
May 22 16:22:10 VERBOSE[21458] logger.c: < Message type: CONNECT ACKNOWLEDGE (15)
May 22 16:22:34 VERBOSE[21458] logger.c: < Message type: DISCONNECT (69)
May 22 16:22:34 VERBOSE[26789] logger.c: > Message type: RELEASE (77)
May 22 16:22:34 VERBOSE[21458] logger.c: < Message type: RELEASE COMPLETE (90)

Call answered by DDI SIP phone
May 22 16:19:06 VERBOSE[21458] logger.c: < Message type: SETUP (5)
May 22 16:19:06 VERBOSE[21458] logger.c: > Message type: CALL PROCEEDING (2)
May 22 16:19:07 VERBOSE[26437] logger.c: > Message type: ALERTING (1)
May 22 16:19:10 VERBOSE[26437] logger.c: > Message type: CONNECT (7)
May 22 16:19:10 VERBOSE[21458] logger.c: < Message type: CONNECT ACKNOWLEDGE (15)
May 22 16:20:37 VERBOSE[21458] logger.c: < Message type: DISCONNECT (69)
May 22 16:20:37 VERBOSE[26437] logger.c: > Message type: RELEASE (77)
May 22 16:20:37 VERBOSE[21458] logger.c: < Message type: RELEASE COMPLETE (90)
Comments:By: James Texter III (jtexter3) 2007-05-22 20:55:33

ALERTING is an optional message in Q931, so it shouldn't matter, though it's possible.  You can test this by adding a call to the Ringing dialplan app before you call Answer.

By: markhnz (markhnz) 2007-05-22 21:44:21

jtexter: thanks for that suggestion: adding "exten => s,n,Ringing()"
and hence sending ALERTING does prevent the DISCONNECT from network after 24 seconds - more testing will reveal if this fixes the issue properly.  

The situation we are seeing this occur is as follows (asterisk=ast_pabx) :-


it does not occur in these situations:-


(this one is interesting, but we know that the switch from cell->carrier1 is  different than the switch in the pabx->carrier1->carrier2-ast_pabx case.)


So it appears it is a "feature" particular to the pabx->fixed_network_switch scenario.

By: Jason Parker (jparker) 2007-05-23 12:08:54

I'm closing this then, since it isn't an issue with asterisk/libpri.