
Summary:ASTERISK-09424: After instalation of "AsteriskNow beta 5" kernel does not boot
Reporter:ikaselj (ikaselj)Labels:
Date Opened:2007-05-11 06:50:56Date Closed:2007-05-16 19:25:52
Versions:Frequency of
Description:After express installation of "AsteriskNow beta 5" is completed and computer is rebooted last message is:

Uncompressing Linux... OK, Booting the kernel.

And in the bottom of the screen is written

Int 6: CR2 00000000  err 00000000  EIP c04098fa  CS 00000060 flags 00010046
Stack: 00003ff0 c041aa2c c03ff15f 00000000 c041aa2c c043634c 00000008 c0407b74


krnel /vmlinz- x86.i686.cmov

Computer: 2x XEON 32bit processor on Intel server board with 512MB RAM

No problem with booting same computer in switchvox and trixbox distributions.
Comments:By: James Lyons (james) 2007-05-11 09:38:08

At the grub screen, press the 'up' arrow, select the kernel you wish to boot, press 'e', highlight the line that starts with 'kernel', press 'b', then at the end of the line put 'acpi=ht', press enter, then 'b' again.

By: ikaselj (ikaselj) 2007-05-11 09:48:46

I tried that and effect is the same.

By: James Lyons (james) 2007-05-11 10:59:24

try 'noapic' as well

By: ikaselj (ikaselj) 2007-05-14 06:35:09

I tried:

acpi=ht noapic

always the same effect. I also tried to remove quiet parameter but there is no direrence.

By: James Lyons (james) 2007-05-14 16:29:55

You can try adjusting some settings in your BIOS, like disable Plug N Play OS support, try disabling apic in the bios.

You might could try booting with 'noapic nolapic'. I've only encountered this issue on an AMD x86_64 system and passing 'noapic' cleared it up.

By: ikaselj (ikaselj) 2007-05-15 03:08:53

Still no effect, I disabled everything in BIOS that can be disabled and tried with various parameters.

Is there a difference between kernel used during installation and kernel that runs on system? Which kernel is used

Can I rebuild kernel and replace it somehow? Cause we use this machine for testing and we installed already many deferent distributions without any problems.

By: ikaselj (ikaselj) 2007-05-15 08:33:56


We managed to start the machine. We changed initrd and vmlinz in grub. For vmlinz we used the same version but without symmetrical multi processing.

Some issues:
vi : error while loading shared libraries: libpearl.so
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

nano: couldn't open '/etc/joe/nano.rc'

joe editor works.

By: James Lyons (james) 2007-05-15 11:04:56

Have you had this problem booting into the non-smp kernel? There should be two to chose from. Can you provide details on the mobo, processor, chasis (if name brand vendor)?

By: ikaselj (ikaselj) 2007-05-16 02:58:23

If by "There should be two to chose from" you mean that under grub there should be option to choose among 2 or more kernels, answer is NO. On Grub screen there is just one entry for kernel (one with smp). Therefore we needed to start system with AsteriskNOW cd with linux rescue boot option and edit grub configuration. That is we found another kernel in the same folder and remapped grub config to use that one.

HW info

mobo: Intel SE7500CW2
proc: 2x Intel XENON 2.4GHz 32bit
bios: Phoenix Tech. 1.28
chas: Our redesign of one older box. Unimportant.

By: James Lyons (james) 2007-05-16 14:11:21


New templates need to be built to resolve this issue. Please standby, I'll generate a new group build shortly

By: James Lyons (james) 2007-05-16 19:25:52

Cooked new builds