
Summary:ASTERISK-09415: Inconsistent periodic announcements when strategy != "ring all"
Reporter:Rod Montgomery (rodmontgomery)Labels:
Date Opened:2007-05-09 21:16:09Date Closed:2007-07-12 10:01:02
Versions:Frequency of
Environment:Attachments:( 0) etc_asterisk_tenant_queues.conf
( 1) queues.conf
Description:On another note I have a nasty problem with app_queue.
There is a closed ticket on bugtracker which looks slightly related to
my issue http://bugs.digium.com/view.php?id=6776
Looks like Kevin fixed a bunch of stuff but I have a problem to report.

Here is my problem and I have found a workaround (but the workaround is
bad). In a nutshell the workaround requires me to use a ring all ring
strategy for any queue that requires periodic announcments.

Asterisk 1.2.18 official
I set up an ACD queue(s)
The queue has multiple members and is configured to playback periodic
The problems with the queue can be broken down into two separate
Both issues relate to a problem with playback and call control during
the periodic announcement.
1. The primary announcement plays back fine and after 30 seconds the
secondary announcement should playback but it does not.
In fact the secondary announcement will playback but only if there is at
least one caller waiting in queue.
So caller 1 hears no periodic announcements ever!
Ideally all callers waiting in queue should hear all configured
Caller 2 and higher does hear the periodic announcements.

This is important because we use single digit key press to exit queue
(customer queue overflow).

2. We have an IVR defined in the periodic announcement that allows the
caller to press DTMF and overflow out of queue.
When the announcement plays back the caller presses a digit defined in
the auto attendant announcement to direct them out of the queue
(customer defined overflow).
The problem is variable depending on the ring strategy (ie the problem
does not exist if ring strategy = ring all).
If the ring strategy is "ring all" then the caller can press any single
digit defined during MOH or during periodic announcement playback and
the call is correctly routed.
If the ring strategy is not "ring all" then the caller can press any
single digit defined during MOH and the call is routed correctly.
If the ring strategy is not "ring all" then the caller presses a single
digit to overflow during the periodic announcement and hears silence and
the call is not routed at all! The silence continues until the next
scheduled periodic announcement playback.

Obviously I would like to be able to define more than one ring strategy
and allow the caller to single digit key press out of queue.
I would also like to see the first caller hear all configured
announcements not just the primary queue announcement.

Aside from these issues my ACD queues are functioning very well. But I
am scared to implement ACD queues because of these specific issues.
It is very important to my business to get this fixed.

I have this configured in my lab and can reproduce at any time.
Remote access is available.
Can you assist?


This report is filed on behalf of a Digium customer that cannot use the bug tracker. If access to the customer's lab would be helpful, please contact rmontgomery@digium.com to coordinate access.
Comments:By: David Brillert (aragon) 2007-05-10 20:16:45

There is a typo in my statement:

2. We have an IVR defined in the periodic announcement that allows the
caller to press DTMF and overflow out of queue.
When the announcement plays back the caller presses a digit defined in
the auto attendant announcement to direct them out of the queue
(customer defined overflow).
The problem is variable depending on the ring strategy (ie the problem
does not exist if ring strategy = ring all).
If the ring strategy is "ring all" then the caller can press any single
digit defined during MOH or during periodic announcement playback and
the call is correctly routed.
If the ring strategy is not "ring all" then the caller can press any
single digit defined during MOH and the call is routed correctly.
If the ring strategy is not "ring all" then the caller presses a single
digit to overflow during the periodic announcement and hears silence and
the call is not routed at all! The silence continues until the next
scheduled periodic announcement playback.

It should read:
2. We have an IVR defined in the periodic announcement that allows the
caller to press DTMF and overflow out of queue.
When the announcement plays back the caller presses a digit defined in
the auto attendant announcement to direct them out of the queue
(customer defined overflow).
The problem is variable depending on the ring strategy (ie the problem
does not exist if ring strategy = ring all).
If the ring strategy is "ring all" then the caller can press any single
digit defined during MOH or during periodic announcement playback and
the call is correctly routed.
If the ring strategy is not "ring all" then the caller presses a single
digit to overflow during the periodic announcement and hears silence and
the call is not routed at all! The silence continues until the next
scheduled periodic announcement playback.

The problem only exists if the ring strategy does not = ring all

By: David Brillert (aragon) 2007-05-11 08:17:33

I have attached a copy of /etc/asterisk/queues.conf and /etc/asterisk/lab/queues.conf for review

By: Mark Michelson (mmichelson) 2007-07-11 18:01:36

Regarding issue 1:

I think the "problem" you're experiencing could be a configuration issue. I noticed that your queues have timeouts of either 900 or 1000 seconds. This means that a caller at the head of the queue won't hear periodic announcements for 900 or 1000 seconds after joining the queue. This is because periodic announcements do not play while member phone(s) are ringing (by design). If you set the timeout lower (say 10 seconds), then the periodic announcement will play for the head caller during the retry period in between ringing a member's phone.

If, on the other hand, you meant that all the members were currently taking calls and the caller at the head of the queue didn't hear periodic announcements, then this is a problem.

By: Mark Michelson (mmichelson) 2007-07-11 18:21:10

Before I investigate this any further, I noticed in your configs that you use the autofill and autopause options, which are 1.4 features. But you reported this issue against 1.2.18. Have you patched your install to use the autofill and autopause options? If you have, then please revert to an unpatched install and see if you still have your problems. If not, then I will close this since we do not support patched installations.

By: David Brillert (aragon) 2007-07-12 07:27:30

This is true but not what I reported to be a problem:
If, on the other hand, you meant that all the members were currently taking calls and the caller at the head of the queue didn't hear periodic announcements, then this is a problem.

This is the reported problem:
If the ring strategy is not "ring all" then the caller presses a single
digit to overflow during the periodic announcement and hears silence and
the call is not routed at all! The silence continues until the next
scheduled periodic announcement playback.

The problem only exists if the ring strategy does not = ring all

We have upgraded to 1.2.20 and this problem no longer exists.

The bug report can be closed since resolved in 1.2.20

By: Mark Michelson (mmichelson) 2007-07-12 10:01:01

This is fixed in 1.2.20. Closing.