
Summary:ASTERISK-09397: Can not update system
Reporter:John Buwa (michianawireless)Labels:
Date Opened:2007-05-07 17:59:34Date Closed:2011-06-07 14:08:07
Versions:Frequency of
Description:2007-Apr-30 23:04:39 raa.service ERROR:   File
y", line 60, in removePinnedKernels
   currentKernel = self._getKernel(client.db, cfg)
y", line 37, in _getKernel
   currentKernel = conary.query.getTrovesToDisplay(
 File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/conary/query.py", line 175, in getTrovesToDisplay
   for trove in db.iterTrovesByPath(path):
 File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages//conary/local/database.py", line 628, in iterTrovesByPath
   return [ x for x in self.db.iterFindByPath(path) ]
 File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/conary/local/sqldb.py", line 1191, in _iterTroves
   self.troveInfoTable.getInfo(cu, trv, instanceId)
 File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/conary/local/troveinfo.py", line 40, in getInfo
   name = trove.troveInfo.streamDict[tag][2]

2007-Apr-30 23:04:39 raa.service ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/raa/service/workerthread.py", line 71, in runTask
   plugin.doTask(self.task['schedId'], execId)
y", line 274, in doTask
   self.doTaskCheck(self.taskId, schedId, execId, task, cfg)
y", line 204, in doTaskCheck
   self.removePinnedKernels(num=kernelNumber, cfg=cfg)
 File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/raa/lib/conaryutils.py", line 223, in jailopwrapper
   return func(self, cfg=cfg, *args, **kwargs)
y", line 63, in removePinnedKernels
   msg="Could not determine currently running kernel")
PermanentTaskFailureException: A permanent failure has occurred: Could not determine currently running kernel: -1

2007-Apr-30 23:04:39 raa.service.workerpool INFO: Removing a new worker;
taskId: 10, execId: 36, schedId: 32, resources: ['UpdateTroves'] 2007-Apr-30 23:04:39 raa.service ERROR: Exception:
raa.rpath_error.PermanentTaskFailureException, Message: A permanent failure has occurred: Could not determine currently running kernel: -1 2007-Apr-30 23:05:38 raa.service INFO: ImmedExecThread thread Thread-6 started 2007-Apr-30 23:05:38 raa.service INFO: Connection accepted 2007-Apr-30 23:05:38 raa.service.workerpool INFO: Placed a task on the work queue 2007-Apr-30 23:05:38 raa.service.workerpool INFO: Starting a new worker;
taskId: 16, execId: 37, schedId: 33, resources: ['Logs'] 2007-Apr-30 23:05:38 raa.service.workerthread INFO: Running task for
schedId: 33
2007-Apr-30 23:05:39 raa.service INFO: Work unit finished 2007-Apr-30 23:05:39 raa.service.workerpool INFO: Removing a new worker;
taskId: 16, execId: 37, schedId: 33, resources: ['Logs'] 2007-Apr-30 23:06:19 raa.service INFO: ImmedExecThread thread Thread-8 started 2007-Apr-30 23:06:19 raa.service INFO: Connection accepted 2007-Apr-30 23:06:20 raa.service INFO: ImmedExecThread thread Thread-9 started 2007-Apr-30 23:06:20 raa.service INFO: Connection accepted 2007-Apr-30 23:06:20 raa.service.workerpool INFO: Placed a task on the work queue 2007-Apr-30 23:06:20 raa.service.workerpool INFO: Placed a task on the work queue 2007-Apr-30 23:06:20 raa.service.workerpool INFO: Starting a new worker;
taskId: 16, execId: 38, schedId: 34, resources: ['Logs'] 2007-Apr-30 23:06:20 raa.service.workerthread INFO: Running task for
schedId: 34
Comments:By: James Lyons (james) 2007-05-11 09:44:02

at the command line try the following

$ sudo su -
# service raa restart
# service raa-lighttpd restart

By: John Buwa (michianawireless) 2007-05-15 08:02:10

I tried this and still come up with the exact same error as noted above.

By: James Lyons (james) 2007-05-15 11:06:13

Are you using a xen, vmware image or livecd?

By: John Buwa (michianawireless) 2007-05-25 14:41:48

We used the * now downloaded from the website that burned to a cd and installed on the computer. We are not using the live it is an actual installation.

By: James Lyons (james) 2007-06-04 11:18:16

I'm unable to reproduce this on any machines i have available. I assume you're still experiencing this issue, can you verify it on another system?

Also, login and please collect some info for me:

$ conary q kernel --full-versions
$ uname -a
$ conary q group-poundkey --full-versions

Additionally, would you upload /var/log/raa/raa-service.log and /var/log/raa/raa.log

By: John Buwa (michianawireless) 2007-06-06 12:17:00

I do not have it on another system, we only have one box running. Here is the results of your questions:

[root@voip asterisk]# conary q kernel --full-versions
kernel=/conary.rpath.com@rpl:devel//1/[~!kernel.debug,~!kernel.debugdata,~!kernel.numa,~!kernel.smp is: x86(~!mmx)]

Linux unix2.michianawireless.com 2.6.12-1.1381_FC3 #1 Fri Oct 21 03:46:55 EDT 2005 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux

~!openssh.static_libcrypto,~!postfix.mysql,sasl,~sqlite.threadsafe,~!xorg-x11.xprint,~!zaptel.debug,~!zaptel.numa is: x86(~!sse2)]

By: James Lyons (james) 2007-06-06 12:18:20

Might I ask why you are running an FC3 kernel?

By: John Buwa (michianawireless) 2007-06-06 12:38:44

I do not know? I installed the entire program, which obviously includes the OS. Followed available updates and after one update one night this is where I am? I did not my self do anything except accept available updates.


By: James Lyons (james) 2007-06-06 14:15:18

All right well, login to the command line

$ sudo su -
# conary update kernel{,[kernel.smp]}=conary.rpath.com@rpl:1

This should update your kernel to the latest available, then you'll need to reboot and select the new kernel upon boot. Then verify with 'uname -a' that you are running the new kernel (, and if you are then  you can try updating again. However, what you're describing is *virtually* impossible :)

By: James Lyons (james) 2007-06-08 10:06:53

Client somehow loaded an FC3 kernel which is the root of the problem, updating to a new kernel should resolve this issue

By: John Buwa (michianawireless) 2007-06-08 12:20:58

kernel[kernel.smp] was not found on path conary.rpath.com@rpl:1

By: James Lyons (james) 2007-06-08 13:05:26

# conary update kernel=conary.rpath.com@rpl:1{,[kernel.smp]}

sorry... my bad

By: James Lyons (james) 2007-06-08 13:05:54

same as before but this time with the right command

By: John Buwa (michianawireless) 2007-06-08 13:31:17

I am so sorry.

Did not work still, here is the info:

Preparing changeset request...warning:
Not removing old kernel as part of update - it is pinned.
Installing new version of kernel side-by-side instead.

To remove the old kernel, run:
conary unpin 'kernel=/conary.rpath.com@rpl:devel//1/[~!kernel.deb
ug,~!kernel.debugdata,~!kernel.numa,~!kernel.smp is: x86(cmov,i486,i586,i686,~!m
conary erase 'kernel=/conary.rpath.com@rpl:devel//1/[~!kernel.deb
ug,~!kernel.debugdata,~!kernel.numa,~!kernel.smp is: x86(cmov,i486,i586,i686,~!m

*** An error has occurred in conary:
*** /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/conary/local/troveinfo.py:40
*** KeyError: -1
*** Receiving this message is always due to a bug in conary, not
*** user error.
*** The related traceback has been output to /tmp/conary-error-SHFs3E.txt
*** To report this error, please run the following script:
*** conary-debug "/usr/bin/conary update kernel=conary.rpath.com@rpl:1 kernel=co
*** You can attach the resulting archive to a bug report at
*** http://issues.rpath.com/.

For more information, or if you have trouble with the conary-debug
command, go to:


for more help on reporting issues.

To get a debug prompt, rerun this command with --debug-all

content of /tmp/conary-error-SHFs3E.txt

Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "/usr/bin/conary", line 1065, in ?
 File "/usr/bin/conary", line 1034, in main
   debugAll=debugAll, cfg=ccfg)
 File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/conary/lib/options.py", line 705, in m$
   return self.runCommand(thisCommand, cfg, argSet, otherArgs, **kw)
 File "/usr/bin/conary", line 1003, in runCommand
   argSet, args)
 File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/conary/lib/options.py", line 708, in r$
   return thisCommand.runCommand(*args, **kw)
 File "/usr/bin/conary", line 794, in runCommand
   updatecmd.doUpdate(cfg, otherArgs[2:], **kwargs)
 File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/conary/updatecmd.py", line 353, in doU$
   keepJournal = keepJournal)
 File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/conary/updatecmd.py", line 410, in _up$
 File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages//conary/conaryclient/update.py", line $
   removeNotByDefault = removeNotByDefault)
 File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages//conary/conaryclient/update.py", line $
   removeNotByDefault = removeNotByDefault)
 File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages//conary/conaryclient/update.py", line $
   recurse, ineligible)
 File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages//conary/conaryclient/update.py", line $
   withDeps = False, *oldInfo)
 File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages//conary/local/database.py", line 387, $
   withDeps = withDeps, withFiles = withFiles)
 File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages//conary/local/database.py", line 398, $
   withDeps = withDeps)
 File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/conary/local/sqldb.py", line 1076, in $
   withDeps = withDeps))
 File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/conary/local/sqldb.py", line 1191, in $
   self.troveInfoTable.getInfo(cu, trv, instanceId)
 File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/conary/local/troveinfo.py", line 40, i$
   name = trove.troveInfo.streamDict[tag][2]
KeyError: -1

By: James Lyons (james) 2007-06-08 16:33:03

You really need to be running the kernel that was installed as apart of asterisknow. the kernel you posted earlier is not and could not possibly have been installed as apart of asterisknow.

By: John Buwa (michianawireless) 2007-06-10 01:23:48

Ok. How do I get that kernel back then??

I will tell you, I did not install a new kernel on my own. Impossible or not it is possible because I have it here to prove it. I followed available updates and I am were I am. I do not know how the update proccess realy works except to accept them. The only thing I have done in the shells is edit some configurations by hand. The only thing I have tried to do on the system out of *now is to install drupal-5.1 and it did not work. I do not beleive that would have replaced the kernel.

So please let me know how to restore to the original working kernel without having to do something as drastic and reinstalling from scratch.

Thank you.

By: James Lyons (james) 2007-06-11 10:24:16

when you boot up the computer what choices do you have for kernels? Please select the one that is not FC3, preferably either of the 2.6.19.X kernels. Once you've booted into that environment, attempt a 'conary updateall --interactive' and verify that you're kernel is being updated to

By: Mark Ledger (lancsman) 2007-06-12 04:59:34

I am having a similar issue.

Poundkey 1-4/0.9.5-0.4-2
Kernel 1/

When i updateall  Get

Failed to find required troves for update:

By: James Lyons (james) 2007-06-12 10:48:01

Lancsman, i don't believe you're issue is related, please open a separate issue and please upload a log of the command you're trying to run with '--debug'

By: John Buwa (michianawireless) 2007-06-12 19:22:46

Yes when I bootup I have the following listed:

I have booted up into each one of the above and tried. All give the following output:

[root@voip admin]# conary updateall --interactive

*** An error has occurred in conary:
*** /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/conary/local/troveinfo.py:40
*** KeyError: -1
*** Receiving this message is always due to a bug in conary, not
*** user error.
*** The related traceback has been output to /tmp/conary-error-kXN-19.txt
*** To report this error, please run the following script:
*** conary-debug "/usr/bin/conary updateall --interactive"
*** You can attach the resulting archive to a bug report at
*** http://issues.rpath.com/.

For more information, or if you have trouble with the conary-debug
command, go to:


for more help on reporting issues.

To get a debug prompt, rerun this command with --debug-all

By: James Lyons (james) 2007-06-12 20:28:29

Try passing '--debug' to that command. Otherwise I would just reinstall.

By: James Lyons (james) 2007-06-18 10:51:14

waiting for reporter(s) to supply debug information