
Summary:ASTERISK-09375: Show hints is not reliable at startup
Reporter:Daniel Lynes (dlynes)Labels:
Date Opened:2007-05-03 11:24:07Date Closed:2007-07-11 19:58:49
Versions:Frequency of
Environment:Attachments:( 0) sip_peer_loadsc.diff
Description:After running safe_asterisk, and then entering asterisk, using 'asterisk -r',
show hints is not showing correct statuses.  All hints are showing as 'Unavailable'.  If an 'extensions reload' is then issued, all hint statuses are set to what they should be.

****** STEPS TO REPRODUCE ******

/usr/sbin/asterisk -r
ashaman*CLI> show hints
   -= Registered Asterisk Dial Plan Hints =-
  105                 : SIP/105               State:Unavailable     Watchers  1
  104                 : SIP/104               State:Unavailable     Watchers  1
  103                 : SIP/103               State:Unavailable     Watchers  1
  102                 : SIP/102               State:Unavailable     Watchers  1
  6044842432          : SIP/6044842432        State:Unavailable     Watchers  1
  6044842871          : SIP/6044842871        State:Unavailable     Watchers  1
- 6 hints registered
ashaman*CLI> extensions reload
[...spam deleted for brevity...]
ashaman*CLI> show hints
   -= Registered Asterisk Dial Plan Hints =-
  105                 : SIP/105               State:Unavailable     Watchers  1
  104                 : SIP/104               State:Unavailable     Watchers  1
  103                 : SIP/103               State:Unavailable     Watchers  1
  102                 : SIP/102               State:Unavailable     Watchers  1
  6044842432          : SIP/6044842432        State:Idle            Watchers  1
  6044842871          : SIP/6044842871        State:Idle            Watchers  1
- 6 hints registered
Comments:By: Joshua C. Colp (jcolp) 2007-05-03 11:36:17

Please try the attached patch. It will basically tell the devicestate core to update the device status when the peer is seeded/loaded.

By: Daniel Lynes (dlynes) 2007-05-03 11:40:39

The diff fixes the problem.

By: Joshua C. Colp (jcolp) 2007-05-03 11:45:50

Fixed in 1.2 as of revision 62987, 1.4 as of revision 62989, and trunk as of revision 62990. Thanks!