
Summary:ASTERISK-09348: app_meetme unable to mix VoIP channels correctly
Reporter:Nir Simionovich (atelis)Labels:
Date Opened:2007-04-28 18:02:23Date Closed:2011-06-07 14:02:41
Versions:Frequency of
Description:When activating a meetme bridge between 2 or more VoIP based channels, on a machine utizliing ZTDUMMY for timing, the only thing heard is a static noise in the room. The issue had been reproduced with versions 1.2.18, 1.4.4 and 1.2-trunk.


Here's the scenario, I have an asterisk box running 1.4.4 connected to a PRI (Box A). I then have another box, connected to Box A via the Network, also running version 1.4.4 (Box B).

PSTN -- PRI --> Box A -- SIP/IAX2 --> Box B

When the meetme room is activated on Box A, no problem, the sounds is fluid and nice. When the meetme room is activated on Box B, no matter if it's SIP or IAX2, the only thing heard on the two connected channels is a harsh static noise.

Issuing RTP debug will show that RTP is traversing from box to the other, however, that is only static. I've repeated this test with versions 1.2.18, 1.4.4. and 1.2-trunk, all show similar behavior. I'm unsure if this is an RTP issue, a meetme issue or a transcoder issue, however, this is currently affecting a production environment on my side, which will now force me to go back to an older version.
Comments:By: Nir Simionovich (atelis) 2007-04-28 18:37:11

Ok, small update, I've downgraded to version 1.4.3, and the issue is still exhibited. At this point, I'll simply downgrade to version 1.2.16 which was working fine with this setup.

By: Nir Simionovich (atelis) 2007-04-28 18:57:07

Ok, another small update, after a set of trial and errors, I've managed to get everything working nicely under the following configuration:

Box A: Asterisk 1.4.3
Box B: Asterisk 1.2.17

If anyone has any thoughts on what's wrong here, I'd love to hear it.

By: Joshua C. Colp (jcolp) 2007-05-14 14:04:25

Did you run zttest and confirm that the timing ztdummy was giving was decent?

By: Nir Simionovich (atelis) 2007-05-15 05:37:42


Machine A:
Opened pseudo zap interface, measuring accuracy...
99.987793% 99.987793% 99.987793% 99.987793% 99.987793% 99.975586% 99.975586%
99.987793% 99.987793% 99.987793% 99.987793% 99.987793% 99.987793% 99.987793% 99.987793%
99.987793% 99.975586% 99.975586% 99.975586% 99.987793% 99.987793% 99.987793% 99.987793%
99.987793% 99.987793% 99.987793% 99.987793% 99.987793% 99.975586% 99.975586% 99.975586%
99.987793% 99.987793%
--- Results after 33 passes ---
Best: 99.987793 -- Worst: 99.975586 -- Average: 99.984834

Machine B:
Opened pseudo zap interface, measuring accuracy...
99.975586% 99.975586% 99.975586% 99.975586% 99.975586% 99.975586% 99.975586%
99.975586% 99.975586% 99.975586% 99.975586% 99.975586% 99.975586% 99.975586% 99.975586%
99.975586% 99.975586% 99.975586%
--- Results after 18 passes ---
Best: 99.975586 -- Worst: 99.975586 -- Average: 99.975586

By: Jason Parker (jparker) 2007-07-31 15:39:38

Which meetme conference are the users connected to that get the static?  Do all users on both conferences get the static?

By: Joshua C. Colp (jcolp) 2007-09-04 08:43:54

Suspending due to lack of feedback. Feel free to reopen if you can clarify for Qwell and we will try our best.