
Summary:ASTERISK-09310: MeetMe unable to write frame warning messages.
Reporter:Nick Barnes (bcnit)Labels:
Date Opened:2007-04-25 05:09:34Date Closed:2007-06-19 08:56:21
Versions:Frequency of
Description:Every now and again, the console (and log files) spool warning messages as follows:

Apr 25 10:57:08 WARNING[13262]: app_meetme.c:1550 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel SIP/202-b73065c8
Apr 25 10:57:08 WARNING[13262]: app_meetme.c:1550 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel SIP/202-b73065c8
Apr 25 10:57:08 WARNING[13262]: app_meetme.c:1550 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel SIP/202-b73065c8
Apr 25 10:57:08 WARNING[13262]: app_meetme.c:1550 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel SIP/202-b73065c8
Apr 25 10:57:08 WARNING[13262]: app_meetme.c:1550 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel SIP/202-b73065c8
Apr 25 10:57:08 WARNING[13262]: app_meetme.c:1550 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel SIP/202-b73065c8
Apr 25 10:57:08 WARNING[13262]: app_meetme.c:1550 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel SIP/202-b73065c8
Apr 25 10:57:08 WARNING[13262]: app_meetme.c:1550 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel SIP/202-b73065c8
Apr 25 10:57:08 WARNING[13262]: app_meetme.c:1550 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel SIP/202-b73065c8
Apr 25 10:57:08 WARNING[13262]: app_meetme.c:1550 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel SIP/202-b73065c8

There are 50 such lines produced each second.

Whilst this doesn't affect Asterisk's performance directly, it does make both the console (anything typed/viewed just scrolls off screen) and 'asterisk -rx' unusable (the command never finishes and just returns all the warnings - see 'additional information').

The only way of resolving this appears to be 'restart now'.

This is the second time in four weeks this has happened - there doesn't appear to be anything we can point our fingers at directly. It wouldn't be so much of a problem were it not for the '-rx' being unusable.


The MeetMe conference is started with the line:

exten => me,1,MeetMe(1)

Nothing complicated there!

Typical response when called from the shell:

[root@asterisk asterisk]$ asterisk -rx 'sip show channels'
Peer             User/ANR    Call ID      Seq (Tx/Rx)  Form  Hold     Last Message    214         6b87dc4a653  00102/00000  alaw  No       Tx: ACK    402         3c398da73a9  00101/00002  alaw  No       Rx: ACK    402         6585c8f152d  00102/00002  alaw  No       Rx: ACK     203         3290b4494a4  00102/00000  alaw  No       Tx: ACK      207         3bb518ef0f4  00102/00000  alaw  No       Tx: ACK     201         3ccc03e908f  00102/00000  alaw  No       Tx: ACK     202         3c5dca76816  00101/00002  alaw  No       Rx: ACK     201         02f5991b582  00102/00000  unkn  No       Tx: ACK
8 active SIP channels
Apr 25 11:03:21 WARNING[13262]: app_meetme.c:1550 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel SIP/202-b73065c8
Apr 25 11:03:21 WARNING[13262]: app_meetme.c:1550 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel SIP/202-b73065c8
Apr 25 11:03:21 WARNING[13262]: app_meetme.c:1550 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel SIP/202-b73065c8
Apr 25 11:03:21 WARNING[13262]: app_meetme.c:1550 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel SIP/202-b73065c8
Apr 25 11:03:21 WARNING[13262]: app_meetme.c:1550 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel SIP/202-b73065c8
Apr 25 11:03:21 WARNING[13262]: app_meetme.c:1550 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel SIP/202-b73065c8

(and so on)
Comments:By: Joshua C. Colp (jcolp) 2007-04-25 20:42:47

A show channel on a channel that is having this happen would be helpful, along with any debug output (if you can turn it on).

By: Nick Barnes (bcnit) 2007-04-26 06:16:12

OK, next time this happens I'll try to get this information.

By: Daniel McKeehan (danmckeehan) 2007-05-07 22:52:31

I have the same problems it stops with the following msg:
[May  7 20:52:23] WARNING[18585]: app_meetme.c:2172 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel Local/666@outgoing-c297,2
[May  7 20:52:23] WARNING[18585]: app_meetme.c:2172 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel Local/666@outgoing-c297,2
[May  7 20:52:23] WARNING[18585]: app_meetme.c:2172 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel Local/666@outgoing-c297,2
   -- Hungup 'Zap/pseudo-968026595'
 == Spawn extension (outgoing, 666, 1) exited non-zero on 'Local/666@outgoing-c297,2'

By: Daniel McKeehan (danmckeehan) 2007-05-07 22:54:21

my version Asterisk 1.4.4 built by root @ asterisk1 on a i686 running Linux on 2007-05-03 22:49:03 UTC

By: hristo (hristo) 2007-05-08 05:32:37

I get other messages (about 50/second) and even though they are different they seem related to this issue:
[May  8 13:26:28] WARNING[20002]: app_meetme.c:2177 conf_run: Failed to read frame: Resource temporarily unavailable
[May  8 13:26:28] WARNING[20002]: app_meetme.c:2177 conf_run: Failed to read frame: Resource temporarily unavailable
[May  8 13:26:28] WARNING[20002]: app_meetme.c:2177 conf_run: Failed to read frame: Resource temporarily unavailable

My version is: SVN-branch-1.4-r62331

By: Joshua C. Colp (jcolp) 2007-06-19 08:56:21

Fixed in 1.2 as of revision 69894, 1.4 as of revision 69895, and trunk as of revision 69896.