
Summary:ASTERISK-09147: [patch] wrong DPC when communicating to multiple DPCs
Reporter:Daniel Bichara (danbic)Labels:
Date Opened:2007-03-29 19:51:30Date Closed:2007-03-30 15:55:19
Versions:Frequency of
Environment:Attachments:( 0) chan_zap.c.patch
( 1) libss7-fixdpc.patch
Description:Our asterisk box is RJO / OPC 4490. We have 4 SS7 E1s connected to FLO,
We have a "quasi-permanent" signaling link via channel 16 of FLO and BRB
to PTS SIG-1 and SIG-2.

1) When receiving SS7 messages (like GRS, etc.) from BRB, ARC & CDS
(OPCs 4377,4379,4378) , chan_zap replied to FLO (DPC 4132). Also there
is no sigchannel to ARC & CDS and I could not set def_dpc properly
(based on linkset structure). I included DPC information during channel
creation based on value of cur_defdpc variable (see patches and my new
zapata.conf below).

linkset = 1
pointcode = 4490
adjpointcode = 4415
defaultdpc = 4132
sigchan = 16
cicbeginswith = 33
channel = 1-15
cicbeginswith = 49
channel = 17-31

defaultdpc = 4377
;sigchan = 47
cicbeginswith = 1
channel = 32-46
cicbeginswith = 17
channel = 48-62

defaultdpc = 4379
cicbeginswith = 65
channel = 63-77
cicbeginswith = 81
channel = 79-93

defaultdpc = 4378
cicbeginswith = 97
channel = 94-108
cicbeginswith = 113
channel = 110-124


I patched asterisk/channels/chan_zap.c and some libss7 files.
Comments:By: Serge Vecher (serge-v) 2007-03-30 08:33:12

nice job, danbic.

1. Could you please get a disclaimer on file (see bottom of http://bugs.digium.com/main_page.php) and confirm with a note here when done?
2. Combine changes to all files into a single patch, also clean up the comments to only reflect "code comments" -> if you wish your name to appear on the contribution list, please make the respective change to the CREDITS file.

By: Daniel Bichara (danbic) 2007-03-30 13:05:38

I cleaned up the patches and grouped libss7 patches on one file.

By: Daniel Bichara (danbic) 2007-03-30 13:08:30

Dear serge,

I could not delete old patches from the list.

By: Daniel Bichara (danbic) 2007-03-30 13:09:50

Disclaimer sent to Digium (fax).

By: Serge Vecher (serge-v) 2007-03-30 14:19:39

thanks for taking care of this quickly!

By: Matthew Fredrickson (mattf) 2007-03-30 15:25:24

Thanks for getting this patch up.  I'm reviewing it right now....

By: Matthew Fredrickson (mattf) 2007-03-30 15:54:49

Ok, it's committed into the latest version of trunk.  If you can update to make sure I applied everything correctly (there were a few conflicts), I would appreciate it.  Thanks again!!!

By: Matthew Fredrickson (mattf) 2007-03-30 15:55:19
