
Summary:ASTERISK-09053: ChanSpy and ExtenSpy don't get next channel
Reporter:Badalian Vyacheslav (slavon)Labels:
Date Opened:2007-03-20 08:28:14Date Closed:2007-07-11 19:59:22
Versions:Frequency of
Environment:Attachments:( 0) temp

have 2 and more active channel - 7877872
exten => 7877872, 1, Dial(SIP/500@ccm-trunk)

exten => 666,1,Authenticate(1111)
exten => 666,2,ExtenSpy(7877872|q)

exten => 667,1,Authenticate(1111)
exten => 667,2,ExtenSpy(7877872@cisco|q)

exten => 668,1,Authenticate(1111)
exten => 668,2,ChanSpy(SIP/ccm-trunk|q)

Then i press * - Asterisk say Done SPY and after some time (about 2 seconds) go to FIRST chan again. Second and other not join.

Asterisk have about 80 active calls - what debug CUT and debug level you need?
(say for me RegExp or string that you need to see in full debug)

Comments:By: Serge Vecher (serge-v) 2007-03-20 09:17:37

slavon, perhaps you can find a window opportunity to do a test when the load is lower. Set verbose 4/debug 4 and capture console from when you press the * key. Just manually sanitize the log for anything that doesn't belong.

By: Badalian Vyacheslav (slavon) 2007-03-21 02:23:58

-- Executing [666@ccm-in:1] Authenticate("SIP/", "1111") in new stack
   -- <SIP/> Playing 'agent-pass.gsm' (language 'ru')
[Mar 21 10:13:02] DTMF[6846]: channel.c:2195 __ast_read: DTMF begin '1' received on SIP/
[Mar 21 10:13:02] DTMF[6846]: channel.c:2168 __ast_read: DTMF end '1' received on SIP/, duration 100 ms
[Mar 21 10:13:03] DTMF[6846]: channel.c:2195 __ast_read: DTMF begin '1' received on SIP/
[Mar 21 10:13:03] DTMF[6846]: channel.c:2168 __ast_read: DTMF end '1' received on SIP/, duration 100 ms
[Mar 21 10:13:03] DTMF[6846]: channel.c:2195 __ast_read: DTMF begin '1' received on SIP/
[Mar 21 10:13:03] DTMF[6846]: channel.c:2168 __ast_read: DTMF end '1' received on SIP/, duration 100 ms
[Mar 21 10:13:03] DTMF[6846]: channel.c:2195 __ast_read: DTMF begin '1' received on SIP/
[Mar 21 10:13:03] DTMF[6846]: channel.c:2168 __ast_read: DTMF end '1' received on SIP/, duration 100 ms
[Mar 21 10:13:04] DTMF[6846]: channel.c:2195 __ast_read: DTMF begin '#' received on SIP/
[Mar 21 10:13:04] DTMF[6846]: channel.c:2168 __ast_read: DTMF end '#' received on SIP/, duration 100 ms
   -- <SIP/> Playing 'auth-thankyou.gsm' (language 'ru')
Really destroying SIP dialog '23cae42475903b9847c802d36fe91343@' Method: OPTIONS
   -- Executing [666@ccm-in:2] ExtenSpy("SIP/", "7877872@cisco3600-in|q") in new stack
[Mar 21 10:13:04] NOTICE[6846]: app_chanspy.c:225 start_spying: Attaching SIP/ to SIP/
asterisk*CLI> core show channels verbose
Channel              Context              Extension        Prio State   Application  Data                      CallerID        Duration Accountcode BridgedTo
SIP/ ccm-in               666                 2 Up      ExtenSpy     7877872@cisco3600-in|q    113             00:00:06 ccm-trunk   (None)
SIP/ccm-trunk-084f5e ccm-in                                   1 Up      Bridged Call SIP/ 7877872                - cisco       SIP/
SIP/ cisco3600-in         7877872             3 Up      Dial         SIP/500@ccm-trunk||       9257409838      00:03:08 cisco       SIP/ccm-trunk-084f5e
SIP/cisco3600-trunk- cisco3600-in                             1 Up      Bridged Call SIP/5060-0827c6c8         89091641180            - a10_0200    SIP/5060-0827c6c8
SIP/5060-0827c6c8    out-def-mg           89091641180         3 Up      Dial         SIP/003100000889091641180 500             00:04:58 a10_0200    SIP/cisco3600-trunk-
SIP/ccm-trunk-082899 ccm-in                                   1 Up      Bridged Call SIP/ 7877872                - cisco       SIP/
SIP/ cisco3600-in         7877872             3 Up      Dial         SIP/500@ccm-trunk||       4962643408      00:09:57 cisco       SIP/ccm-trunk-082899
7 active channels
4 active calls
[Mar 21 10:13:09] DTMF[6846]: channel.c:2195 __ast_read: DTMF begin '*' received on SIP/
[Mar 21 10:13:09] DTMF[6846]: channel.c:2168 __ast_read: DTMF end '*' received on SIP/, duration 100 ms
 == Done Spying on channel SIP/
 == Spying on channel SIP/
[Mar 21 10:13:14] NOTICE[6846]: app_chanspy.c:225 start_spying: Attaching SIP/ to SIP/

i think it must join to 08486fd0 channel...

debug set 4/ verbose set 4
Attached file has params (hmmm... some version above in this file i was see verbose... "not strong my hands" or another bug?):
temp => notice,warning,error,debug,verbose

By: Serge Vecher (serge-v) 2007-03-21 08:49:22

It's always best to produce the log on console, as it captures *everything*. Try this
2) Make sure your logger.conf has the following line:
  console => notice,warning,error,debug
3) restart Asterisk with the following command:
  'asterisk -Tvvvvvdddddngc | tee /tmp/verbosedebug.txt'
4) Enable SIP transaction logging with the following CLI commands (1.4/trunk commands in parenthesis):
set debug 4 (core set debug 4)
set verbose 4 (core set verbose 4)
sip debug (sip set debug)
5) Reproduce the problem
6) Trim startup information and attach verbosedebug.txt to the issue.

By: Joshua C. Colp (jcolp) 2007-06-07 13:41:13

Fixed in 1.4 as of revision 68157 and trunk as of revision 68158.