
Summary:ASTERISK-09051: Asterisk 1.4.0 Core Dump on voicemailbox consultation with g729 codecs but ok with g711ulaw codecs
Reporter:PORTIER Laurent (lpo)Labels:
Date Opened:2007-03-20 06:59:39Date Closed:2011-06-07 14:00:45
Versions:Frequency of

It' the first time I use an Asterisk PBX and I think It's just the begenning of a good story.

I'm actually use a IBM Labtop for testing ( T23 Intel P III 1Ghz 640 mo RAM).

I install without any problem a R1.4.0 release.

I purchase 3 g729 codecs on digium web site and I register then on my asterisk.

My problem is :

- A softphone (eyeBeam 1.1 3015c stamp 27107) or a hardphone ( Polycom SoudPoint 430 R2.1.0.2708) can't consult the voicemail messages with g729 codecs configuration. There is an asterik core dump (see attached file)

the begenning voicemail prompts are ok but the CORE arrives when asterisk try to read the voicemail message.

-There is no problem with g7111 codecs configuration

- The same endpoint (soft or hard) can put messages in the voicemail box  with g729 codecs configuration.

Could you help me for this bug

Bests Regards
Comments:By: Serge Vecher (serge-v) 2007-03-20 08:53:00

Ok, first of all, please test the latest release, which is 1.4.1. If the crash still occurs, you will need to produce a backtrace of a core file as per instructions below. Also see the following page for more info:

1. Enable DONT_OPTIMIZE flag in menuselect under Compiler Options.
2. Rebuild Asterisk
3. Start Asterisk with '-g' option
4. When crash occurs, perform 'bt' on the core file. Then 'thread apply all bt full'

By: PORTIER Laurent (lpo) 2007-03-26 04:28:43

Hi serbge-v,

You can close this CASE.

I upgrade my asterisk in R4.1.2 with the ask options and It's OK.

Many thanks for your fast answer