
Summary:ASTERISK-08820: Most heavily used Zap channels duying (become silent) after several days of operation
Reporter:Anton Vazir (vazir)Labels:
Date Opened:2007-02-16 05:38:54.000-0600Date Closed:2011-06-07 14:03:13
Versions:Frequency of
Description:I'm running an office PBX, operating a T1 channel bank and 8xFXO lines. After several days of operation, some ZAP channels (internal extensions) became non-operational. Some of "hanged" channels continuously "BUSY" (you pick up the phone and hear BUSY tone. Some channels just silent.

STOP/START of asterisk does not recover. Needs kernel modules reload to restore the operation of given channels.


I don't know how to enable debug on zaptel. I have compiled asterisk with "detect deadlocks" and "don't optimize" but there are TONS of output and i have no idea what output is appropriate to "hang" case. Will be happy to dig if someone guides me what to look for.
Comments:By: Anton Vazir (vazir) 2007-02-16 13:36:04.000-0600

Addition -Zaptel  lines are FXO and FXS , not pri

By: Serge Vecher (serge-v) 2007-02-19 10:46:34.000-0600

I think that Digium support at support@digium.com would be the best resource to handle this.

By: Mark Spencer (markster) 2007-02-21 10:34:39.000-0600

Have you tried to contact Digium tech support yet?  If you do a "show channels" do you see any unusual messages?

By: Anton Vazir (vazir) 2007-02-21 10:50:02.000-0600

Not yet. I'll write a message to support@digium.com.
Regarding the show channels - i did not do it this time. I'll wait for the next case of the issue (this is an office PBX and i have to restore it's operation quick after failure). If someone from support would be willing to take a look personally - i may be able to keep the system in the failed stage for 1 day. I'm in GMT+5
(correction wrote to support)

By: Anton Vazir (vazir) 2007-02-28 03:13:23.000-0600

So it did happen again today -this time  ALL ZAP channels died. Only driver reload helped. SIP are ok. I was unable to lease a system in the state for a long time - cannot leave office without telephones. I'll send a packed full-log to the support@digium.com

By: Serge Vecher (serge-v) 2007-02-28 08:18:36.000-0600

vazir: support will work with you on resolving this problem. Please only reopen the bug at the direction of support. Thanks.