
Summary:ASTERISK-08613: contact information should be in users.conf - no incoming calls
Reporter:Michael Schreiber (mik_schreiber)Labels:
Date Opened:2007-01-19 11:49:05.000-0600Date Closed:2007-03-13 22:15:52
Versions:Frequency of
Description:the fromuser= and contact= has to be in the users.conf
without contact='accountinfo' the provider get have a s@sipprovider.com
If you have several phone numbers with one provider you will not get an incoming call unless you add contact to users.conf


some providers have a webpage where you can check the registered user. without contact='accountinfo' you will see s@provider.com
Comments:By: Pari Nannapaneni (pari) 2007-02-16 12:24:31.000-0600

Added in commit 352

Thanks for reporting the issue

By: Michael Schreiber (mik_schreiber) 2007-02-21 03:34:01.000-0600

just checked in rev 375:
i created a new service Provider --> do not work

add service provider
voip (to use data from providers.conf)
type in:
username: 491234567
password: test

result in users.conf:
secret = test
provider = 1und1
trunkstyle = voip
username = 491234567
trunkname = 1und1 - 491234567
callerid =
hasexten = no
hassip = yes
hasiax = no
registeriax = no
registersip = yes
host = sip.1und1.de
dialformat = ${EXTEN:1}
context = DID_trunk_1
group =
insecure = port,invite
fromuser =

result should be:
secret = test
provider = 1und1
trunkstyle = voip
username = 491234567
trunkname = 1und1 - 491234567
callerid =
hasexten = no
hassip = yes
hasiax = no
registeriax = no
registersip = yes
host = sip.1und1.de
dialformat = ${EXTEN:1}
context = DID_trunk_1
group =
insecure = port,invite
fromuser = 491234567
contact = 491234567

By: Pari Nannapaneni (pari) 2007-03-13 22:15:51

A provision to edit the Advanced settings for each trunk
has been added in r420, trunk.

Additional fields will be added to the advanced section in future
as needed.
