
Summary:ASTERISK-08606: [patch] core show channeltype foo
Reporter:Clod Patry (junky)Labels:
Date Opened:2007-01-18 12:14:27.000-0600Date Closed:2007-01-18 12:30:23.000-0600
Versions:Frequency of
Environment:Attachments:( 0) chan_type.diff
when doing:
chouffe*CLI> show channels
Usage: core show channels [concise|verbose]
      Lists currently defined channels and some information about them. If
      'concise' is specified, the format is abridged and in a more easily
      machine parsable format. If 'verbose' is specified, the output includes
      more and longer fields.

which warn us whats the new syntax.

On the same way:

*CLI> show channeltype
Usage: core show channeltype <name>
       Show details about the specified channel type, <name>.
chouffe*CLI> show channeltype sip
Usage: core show channeltype <name>
       Show details about the specified channel type, <name>.

which is fine, but the problem is:
*CLI> core show channeltype sip
Usage: core show channeltype <name>
       Show details about the specified channel type, <name>.

patch is attached.
Cause we want the show channeltype foo displays the deprecated message (like show channels)
and the core show channeltype foo works.


chouffe*CLI> core show channeltype sip
-- Info about channel driver: SIP --
 Device State: yes
   Indication: yes
    Transfer : yes
 Capabilities: 65535
  Digit Begin: yes
    Digit End: yes
   Send HTML : no
Image Support: no
 Text Support: yes
Comments:By: Jason Parker (jparker) 2007-01-18 12:30:23.000-0600

Some of this was already fixed in 1.4 svn, and the rest was fixed in revision 51241.  This probably wasn't an issue in trunk, but I'll double check.