
Summary:ASTERISK-08539: brazilian portuguese syntax in voicemail with problems (pt_BR)
Reporter:Caio Begotti (caio1982)Labels:
Date Opened:2007-01-10 07:32:39.000-0600Date Closed:2007-01-29 12:05:09.000-0600
Versions:Frequency of
Environment:Attachments:( 0) asterisklog.txt
( 1) pt_BR_20070118_from_7663.diff
Description:Using pt_BR as the default language for my Asterisk installation doesn't work with the correct syntax for  voicemail sayings. It worked fine using 1.2 (using a backported patch) and in the first tests I made using 1.4 (beta, just when the patch got accepted in trunk). I don't know why it stopped working.

Setting my language to Spanish works (I mean, the syntax changes fine):

Connected to Asterisk 1.4.0 currently running on weon (pid = 18304)
   -- Executing [*98@extensions:1] Answer("SIP/5050-085f9a38", "") in new stack
   -- Executing [*98@extensions:2] Set("SIP/5050-085f9a38", "CHANNEL(language)=es") in new stack
   -- Executing [*98@extensions:3] VoiceMailMain("SIP/5050-085f9a38", "@default") in new stack
   -- Playing 'vm-login' (language 'es')
   -- Playing 'vm-password' (language 'es')
   -- Playing 'vm-youhaveno' (language 'es')
   -- Playing 'vm-messages' (language 'es')

Setting my language to Brazilian Portugues it doesn't work (should have a *similar* behavior of Spanish, not equal, but anyway different from default in English):

Connected to Asterisk 1.4.0 currently running on weon (pid = 18304)
   -- Executing [*98@extensions:1] Answer("SIP/5050-086052a8", "") in new stack
   -- Executing [*98@extensions:2] Set("SIP/5050-086052a8", "CHANNEL(language)=pt_BR") in new stack
   -- Executing [*98@extensions:3] VoiceMailMain("SIP/5050-086052a8", "@default") in new stack
   -- Playing 'vm-login' (language 'pt_BR')
   -- Playing 'vm-password' (language 'pt_BR')
   -- Playing 'vm-youhave' (language 'pt_BR')
   -- Playing 'vm-no' (language 'pt_BR')
   -- Playing 'vm-messages' (language 'pt_BR')


Filled the ticket with major severity because it broke some installations I made.
Comments:By: Jason Parker (jparker) 2007-01-10 10:40:43.000-0600

Please define "doesn't work"

By: Caio Begotti (caio1982) 2007-01-10 11:34:04.000-0600

Th syntax should be more like (pt) Portuguese or even Spanish (es, exemplified above).
The current and broken syntax just does not make any sense in brazilian portuguese, but it used to work and were fine in previous checkouts from trunk.

By: Jason Parker (jparker) 2007-01-10 13:40:20.000-0600

Since I (and any/many of the developers) don't speak Portuguese, you're going to have to elaborate on exactly what is broken.

By: Caio Begotti (caio1982) 2007-01-10 13:52:39.000-0600

I'm sorry for not providing enough information about the syntax (I thought the sound files order would be enough). The problem is that "vm-youhave" + "vm-no" + "vm-messages" is wrong in Portuguese. It should be like the Spanish syntax and the [european] Portuguese: "vm-youhaveno" + "messages".

Sorry if I cannot make it any more clear. There's no way to translate the syntax problem and since it involves the Say() application and other things affected by the ticket 7663, I don't know if there is something else faulty.

By: Denis Galvao (denisgalvao) 2007-01-16 06:29:29.000-0600

The patch is not present on the last Asterisk version. I just downloaded the code and nothing related to "brazil" is present on app_voicemail.c

Has been removed?

By: Caio Begotti (caio1982) 2007-01-16 06:40:30.000-0600

I just checked and noticed that it's not included in the final tarballs because the releases are made from branches/1.4 and the patch is not applied there. The patch is only available on trunk.

Why? Many installations are now broken 'cause it...

By: Caio Begotti (caio1982) 2007-01-16 06:48:08.000-0600

Aren't regular users allowed to add relationships?
Could someone please add one from this ticket to ASTERISK-7464?

By: Serge Vecher (serge-v) 2007-01-17 08:41:13.000-0600

caio1982: thanks for finding the other report. Since the patch in 7663 was a new feature, it was applied to trunk only and will be available in 1.6 release. If you guys want to use this feature in 1.4.x releases, you will have to backport and maintain the patch yourself. Thanks.

By: Caio Begotti (caio1982) 2007-01-17 10:12:20.000-0600

Serge, that's indeed really bad news from every deployment made in Brazil. I understand the technical problem of applying new patches to frozen trees, that's perfectly reasonable but... man, Celso Fassoni's patch has been reported as a fully working one FIVE months ago. That was before ANY beta of Asterisk 1.4.x ever released, before even many improvements commited and released on 1.4.0 final.

By 'guys' you probably meant more than 2 thousand unique people registered in the AsteriskBrasil.org mailing lists, wiki and forum. All of them native speakers and deployers of Asterisk in the South America.

Sorry if I'm being pedantic, Serge, I know it may be a policy thing. I just wrote those things because it's a sad sad news for brazilian... just remind me about the same situation with 1.2.x (which led us to hardly mantain extra patches together Debian people to support our locale and language).

Please consider this bug closed if there's no way for you guys to work around this block, thanks!

By: Denis Galvao (denisgalvao) 2007-01-17 10:24:10.000-0600

Hey guys!!!

Im from Brazil and founder of AsteriskBrasil.org community. Like caio1982 said, we have 2000 people registered on the mailling list and 6000 people registered on our wiki database.

Yes, all of them need this patch that we build couple months ago, of course, expecting this will be included on Asterisk 1.4.0.

Very sad to hear Serge asking us to wait for 1.6.

I have just one thought about it: There is no space for brazilians developers/users on the Asterisk project.

I wanna think different, please help me to do that.

By: Dov Bigio (dovb) 2007-01-17 10:46:12.000-0600

Please consider including this patch in 1.4 branch.

We have several customers using our hosted PBX solution, and this is very important not only for us and our customers, but also for the Brazilian Asterisk community.

By: Josue Conti (josueconti) 2007-01-17 10:57:10.000-0600

Hi All.
Please including this patch in 1.4 branchn and others.
this is very important,for all the Brazilian Asterisk community.

Best Regards

By: Celso Porto Fassoni (cfassoni) 2007-01-17 11:01:36.000-0600

Guys, I've been working in this patch for 1.2 since June last year. I posted in Mantis at begining of August and I was hoping to have this in 1.4 branch as posted in last notes on 7663.

As developer and mainly user of Asterisk PBX it's very frustating to me to have the Brazilian language only in version 1.6 that could take long time yet.

Hope you can reconsider to include it in version 1.4.


By: Jason Parker (jparker) 2007-01-17 11:10:19.000-0600

So, the issue is that the patch was only added to trunk, and not 1.4?  I'm still not understanding the issue.

By: Caio Begotti (caio1982) 2007-01-17 11:11:14.000-0600

Exactly, Qwell. It's was only applied to trunk, not to branches/1.4 as it should.

By: Leonardo Alves (leoalves) 2007-01-17 11:21:29.000-0600

Hey guys,

Consider including this patch in 1.4 branch.

We have here in our company almost 300 users, using voicemail.

By: Marcos Colpaert (mcolpaert) 2007-01-17 11:26:14.000-0600

Hey guys.

Wasn't it already stated as "merged, karmalized, and now... closed!" on 1.4?
The question probably is "Why isn't it on 1.4 branches already?".

I don't want to be to repetitive, but this patch is trully important for Brazilian Portuguese and many other latin languages. It wasn't very good to know at that time that the patch would only be considered on 1.4, meaning we all would have to backport every 1.2.x release.
Don't make it again with 1.4. Please reconsider this.

By: Jason Parker (jparker) 2007-01-17 11:54:55.000-0600

Okay, let's give this a try.  All of you who commented on this bug, I expect you to download the patch from 7663, apply it to the latest svn branch 1.4 code, and report back with results.  If you're all as serious about it as you say, then this should not be a problem.

That's the only way I'm going to feel comfortable "backporting" that at this point.  IF this gets done, then I'll go ahead and commit this to 1.4 (per Kevin and Russell).

Additionally, if somebody is willing to create a patch for say.conf, it would ensure that this support is not removed in the future.

By: Denis Galvao (denisgalvao) 2007-01-17 12:00:32.000-0600

Hi Qwell.

This patch is already in trunk... Is this enough? We really need to patch the branch?

Thanks for your help.

By: Marcos Colpaert (mcolpaert) 2007-01-17 14:04:48.000-0600

OK Qwell.

We know we all can do this but, as Denis said above, is it really necessary?
It is already on trunk and you can make a diff to any branch out there and get what is missing. We are serious on that and would not be talking that much if it wasn't important for us all.
I'm pretty sure you're trying to help and I really appreciate it. I think I can speak for everyone on this thread when I say that. But, do you really think that what you asked for will give you any more confidence over what you already have? I would not like to think that what you asked for is just to give us some work to do while the issue is cooled down.

By: j u n i o u - dss (juniou) 2007-01-17 14:57:37.000-0600

Hello all.
=] from brazilian asterisk user
guys, please reconsider, and include\apply this patch in 1.4 branch.
this is very very important,for all the brazilian asterisk users!

By: Jason Parker (jparker) 2007-01-17 15:23:20.000-0600

Spamming the bug marshals with "please reconsider" doesn't help, by the way.  Please stop.  Besides, I already said I would do it, if the testing were done.

By: Caio Begotti (caio1982) 2007-01-17 19:38:33.000-0600

Qwell, my personal apologies if it appeared like spamming. We talked about this patch in the last days on our regional mailing list and seems to me that people really wanted to make sure that brazilian users will be not forgotten this time, as occured with 1.2.x. Sorry anyway.

Well, I still doen't understand why you asked for another patch if that from the ticket 7663 were applied to trunk. The voicemail application got a lot of changes since five months ago, but Celso (as he told me by mail tonight) is already adjusting the patch to cleanly apply on your 1.4 branch, so we can RE-test it one more time as requested...


By: Renato dos Santos (shazaum) 2007-01-18 05:55:57.000-0600

from brazilian asterisk user.....

and job asterisk!!!!!!!!!!!
patch is not present on the last Asterisk version????


By: Caio Begotti (caio1982) 2007-01-18 07:30:26.000-0600

I went ahead to get it over. The patch attached applies cleanly on the 1.4 branch and all the tests I made are fine and working. Please, could someone else test it more as well?

Celso, sorry if I made you lost some work (in the case you did)!

People can test the patch by accessing the voicemail application when there are not new messages to review, listening to a voicemail message playing the whole envelope information and executing the following dialplan priorities:

exten => ***,1,Answer
exten => ***,n,Wait,1
exten => ***,n,Set(LANGUAGE=pt_BR)
exten => ***,n,SayNumber(1)
exten => ***,n,Wait,1
exten => ***,n,SayNumber(1,f)
exten => ***,n,Wait,1
exten => ***,n,SayNumber(2)
exten => ***,n,Wait,1
exten => ***,n,SayNumber(2,f)
exten => ***,n,Wait,1
exten => ***,n,SayNumber(183)
exten => ***,n,Wait,1
exten => ***,n,SayNumber(400)
exten => ***,n,Wait,1
exten => ***,n,SayNumber(7000)
exten => ***,n,Wait,1
exten => ***,n,SayNumber(9640025)
exten => ***,n,Wait,1
exten => ***,n,SayUnixTime()
exten => ***,n,Hangup()

By: Jason Parker (jparker) 2007-01-18 10:32:02.000-0600

Thank you caio1982.  I think the test you've provided is perfect - if you can get just a few more people to test it, I'll put it right in (after a basic code review, obviously).

By: Leonardo Alves (leoalves) 2007-01-19 07:41:32.000-0600

hey qwell,
I have just done the same test caio1982 did. And it is working perfect.
Above is the asterisk log.

**   Voicemail log ******
-- Executing [901020@default:1] VoiceMailMain("SIP/1020-081efc98", "1020") in new stack
   -- <SIP/1020-081efc98> Playing 'vm-password' (language 'pt_BR')
   -- <SIP/1020-081efc98> Playing 'vm-nomessages' (language 'pt_BR')
   -- <SIP/1020-081efc98> Playing 'vm-opts' (language 'pt_BR')
   -- <SIP/1020-081efc98> Playing 'vm-helpexit' (language 'pt_BR')
   -- <SIP/1020-081efc98> Playing 'vm-goodbye' (language 'pt_BR')

*** Caio1982 test aplicattion  ********

Asterisk Ready.
*CLI> [Jan 19 10:31:09] NOTICE[7235]: chan_sip.c:12038 handle_response_peerpoke: Peer '1020' is now Lagged. (2605ms / 1000ms)
   -- Executing [3333@default:1] Answer("SIP/1020-081f3248", "") in new stack
   -- Executing [3333@default:2] Wait("SIP/1020-081f3248", "1") in new stack
   -- Executing [3333@default:3] Set("SIP/1020-081f3248", "LANGUAGE=pt_BR") in new stack
   -- Executing [3333@default:4] SayNumber("SIP/1020-081f3248", "1") in new stack
   -- <SIP/1020-081f3248> Playing 'digits/1' (language 'pt_BR')
   -- Executing [3333@default:5] Wait("SIP/1020-081f3248", "1") in new stack
   -- Executing [3333@default:6] SayNumber("SIP/1020-081f3248", "1|f") in new stack
   -- <SIP/1020-081f3248> Playing 'digits/1F' (language 'pt_BR')
   -- Executing [3333@default:7] Wait("SIP/1020-081f3248", "1") in new stack
[Jan 19 10:31:19] NOTICE[7235]: chan_sip.c:12038 handle_response_peerpoke: Peer '1020' is now Reachable. (1ms / 1000ms)
   -- Executing [3333@default:8] SayNumber("SIP/1020-081f3248", "2") in new stack
   -- <SIP/1020-081f3248> Playing 'digits/2' (language 'pt_BR')
   -- Executing [3333@default:9] Wait("SIP/1020-081f3248", "1") in new stack
   -- Executing [3333@default:10] SayNumber("SIP/1020-081f3248", "2|f") in new stack
   -- <SIP/1020-081f3248> Playing 'digits/2F' (language 'pt_BR')
   -- Executing [3333@default:11] Wait("SIP/1020-081f3248", "1") in new stack
   -- Executing [3333@default:12] SayNumber("SIP/1020-081f3248", "183") in new stack
   -- <SIP/1020-081f3248> Playing 'digits/100E' (language 'pt_BR')
   -- <SIP/1020-081f3248> Playing 'digits/80' (language 'pt_BR')
   -- <SIP/1020-081f3248> Playing 'digits/pt-e' (language 'pt_BR')
   -- <SIP/1020-081f3248> Playing 'digits/3' (language 'pt_BR')
   -- Executing [3333@default:13] Wait("SIP/1020-081f3248", "1") in new stack
   -- Executing [3333@default:14] SayNumber("SIP/1020-081f3248", "400") in new stack
   -- <SIP/1020-081f3248> Playing 'digits/400' (language 'pt_BR')
   -- Executing [3333@default:15] Wait("SIP/1020-081f3248", "1") in new stack
   -- Executing [3333@default:16] SayNumber("SIP/1020-081f3248", "7000") in new stack
   -- <SIP/1020-081f3248> Playing 'digits/7' (language 'pt_BR')
   -- <SIP/1020-081f3248> Playing 'digits/1000' (language 'pt_BR')
   -- Executing [3333@default:17] Wait("SIP/1020-081f3248", "1") in new stack
   -- Executing [3333@default:18] SayNumber("SIP/1020-081f3248", "9640025") in new stack
   -- <SIP/1020-081f3248> Playing 'digits/9' (language 'pt_BR')
   -- <SIP/1020-081f3248> Playing 'digits/1000000S' (language 'pt_BR')
   -- <SIP/1020-081f3248> Playing 'digits/600' (language 'pt_BR')
   -- <SIP/1020-081f3248> Playing 'digits/pt-e' (language 'pt_BR')
   -- <SIP/1020-081f3248> Playing 'digits/40' (language 'pt_BR')
   -- <SIP/1020-081f3248> Playing 'digits/1000' (language 'pt_BR')
   -- <SIP/1020-081f3248> Playing 'digits/pt-e' (language 'pt_BR')
   -- <SIP/1020-081f3248> Playing 'digits/20' (language 'pt_BR')
   -- <SIP/1020-081f3248> Playing 'digits/pt-e' (language 'pt_BR')
   -- <SIP/1020-081f3248> Playing 'digits/5' (language 'pt_BR')
   -- Executing [3333@default:19] Wait("SIP/1020-081f3248", "1") in new stack
   -- Executing [3333@default:20] SayUnixTime("SIP/1020-081f3248", "") in new stack
   -- <SIP/1020-081f3248> Playing 'digits/day-5' (language 'pt_BR')
   -- <SIP/1020-081f3248> Playing 'digits/19' (language 'pt_BR')
   -- <SIP/1020-081f3248> Playing 'digits/pt-de' (language 'pt_BR')
   -- <SIP/1020-081f3248> Playing 'digits/mon-0' (language 'pt_BR')
   -- <SIP/1020-081f3248> Playing 'digits/pt-de' (language 'pt_BR')
   -- <SIP/1020-081f3248> Playing 'digits/2' (language 'pt_BR')
   -- <SIP/1020-081f3248> Playing 'digits/1000' (language 'pt_BR')
   -- <SIP/1020-081f3248> Playing 'digits/pt-e' (language 'pt_BR')
   -- <SIP/1020-081f3248> Playing 'digits/7' (language 'pt_BR')
   -- <SIP/1020-081f3248> Playing 'digits/at' (language 'pt_BR')
   -- <SIP/1020-081f3248> Playing 'digits/pt-as' (language 'pt_BR')
   -- <SIP/1020-081f3248> Playing 'digits/10' (language 'pt_BR')
   -- <SIP/1020-081f3248> Playing 'digits/pt-da' (language 'pt_BR')
   -- <SIP/1020-081f3248> Playing 'digits/morning' (language 'pt_BR')
   -- <SIP/1020-081f3248> Playing 'digits/30' (language 'pt_BR')
   -- <SIP/1020-081f3248> Playing 'digits/pt-e' (language 'pt_BR')
   -- <SIP/1020-081f3248> Playing 'digits/1' (language 'pt_BR')
   -- <SIP/1020-081f3248> Playing 'digits/minutes' (language 'pt_BR')
   -- <SIP/1020-081f3248> Playing 'digits/pt-da' (language 'pt_BR')
   -- <SIP/1020-081f3248> Playing 'digits/morning' (language 'pt_BR')
   -- Executing [3333@default:21] Hangup("SIP/1020-081f3248", "") in new stack
 == Spawn extension (default, 3333, 21) exited non-zero on 'SIP/1020-081f3248'
   -- Saved useragent "SJphone/1.60.289a (SJ Labs)" for peer 1020

By: Jason Parker (jparker) 2007-01-19 10:30:43.000-0600

leoalves: I don't speak portuguese...  therefore, I don't know if you're saying that the results are correct or not.

By: Caio Begotti (caio1982) 2007-01-19 10:39:32.000-0600

His results seems to be correct, although there are audiofiles missing in the voicemail test (I mean 'vm-youhaveno'). I'm sure it works, but maybe we might wait one more person to test it, at least.

By: Jason Parker (jparker) 2007-01-19 10:44:50.000-0600

Rather than seeing the CLI output, I'd like for native speakers to say "yes, this sounds correct".

By: Caio Begotti (caio1982) 2007-01-19 10:50:37.000-0600

I'm a native speaker :-) but I got your point, I'll wait more good reports from the folks above.

By: Leonardo Alves (leoalves) 2007-01-19 10:58:25.000-0600

Sorry for the CLI output. I tought you wanted that.
As I said in my post. It is working perfect.

I am a native speaker and yes, this sounds correct.

By: Rodrigo P. Telles (telles) 2007-01-19 14:08:48.000-0600

Hi Folks,

Patched VoiceMail tested here and speaking pt_BR perfectly!
The same for SayNumber and SayUnixTime().
By the way I am a native speaker of Brazillian Portuguese!


By: Max Rivera (megabr) 2007-01-19 16:48:00.000-0600


Patched VoiceMail tested here and speaking pt_BR perfectly!

Asterisk for everyone around the world!
advancing at every time!
No Retreat, No Surrender!
go avant to international * community!
(including Brazil of course!)

By: Caio Begotti (caio1982) 2007-01-23 06:25:25.000-0600

So, nobody else have tested it until now?
I support Telles' and Leoalves' reports, though.

By: Caio Begotti (caio1982) 2007-01-29 05:23:29.000-0600

Qwell, do you think you could commit and close this bug?
I believe that extras tests are going to make it just more repetitive.

By: Steve Murphy (murf) 2007-01-29 12:05:05.000-0600

OK, this has been committed to 1.4 via r.52535. Many thanks to all for their input, and to Qwell for doing the footwork to get this approved for inclusion for 1.4.