
Summary:ASTERISK-08538: Module cdr_manager.so doesn't load if cdr_manager.conf exists.
Reporter:gustavo costa (gcosta)Labels:
Date Opened:2007-01-10 06:36:17.000-0600Date Closed:2007-01-10 10:47:31.000-0600
Versions:Frequency of
Environment:Attachments:( 0) cdr_manager.conf
Description:Since the upgrade from 1.2 to 1.4, the module cdr_manager.so refuses to load if the conf file cdr_manager.conf is present.

Here is the output of the "module load cdr_manager.so" if the conf file exists:

panoramix*CLI> module load cdr_manager.so
 == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cdr_manager.conf': Found
panoramix*CLI> cdr status
CDR logging: enabled
CDR mode: simple
CDR registered backend: pgsql
CDR registered backend: cdr-custom

As you can see, the module wasn't loaded. On another situation, I decided to remove the file cdr_manager.conf and see the test results. Here they are:

panoramix*CLI> module load cdr_manager.so
Loaded cdr_manager.so => (Asterisk Manager Interface CDR Backend)
panoramix*CLI> cdr status
CDR logging: enabled
CDR mode: simple
CDR registered backend: cdr_manager
CDR registered backend: pgsql
CDR registered backend: cdr-custom

When there is no configuration file the module loads flawlessly. After the module is loaded, I can then proceed to return cdr_manager.conf to its original path, reload the asterisk configuration and then it runs nicely.
Comments:By: gustavo costa (gcosta) 2007-01-10 06:54:40.000-0600

changing the permissions on cdr_manager.conf to 777 did not solved the problem, contrary to what my deleted note said.

By: Jason Parker (jparker) 2007-01-10 10:47:31.000-0600

Fixed in svn branch 1.4 and svn trunk in revisions 50346 and 50347.