
Summary:ASTERISK-08437: Sound 1M is not found in Spanish even though it exists
Reporter:cursor (cursor)Labels:
Date Opened:2006-12-26 13:39:21.000-0600Date Closed:2006-12-27 14:30:28.000-0600
Versions:Frequency of
Description:When trying to listen to voicemail and I only have one message Asterisk is not finding digits/1M even though the file exists in both gsm and alaw format in the /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/es/digits directory.  Here is the error I get:

  -- Executing [8888@casa:2] Set("SIP/2001-0878ca80", "CHANNEL(language)=es") in new stack
   -- Executing [8888@casa:3] VoiceMailMain("SIP/2001-0878ca80", "2001") in new stack
   -- Playing 'vm-password' (language 'es')
   -- Playing 'vm-youhave' (language 'es')
[Dec 26 13:33:25] WARNING[7408]: file.c:553 ast_openstream_full: File digits/1M does not exist in any format
[Dec 26 13:33:25] WARNING[7408]: file.c:805 ast_streamfile: Unable to open digits/1M (format 0x8 (alaw)): No such file or directory
 == Spawn extension (casa, 8888, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/2001-0878ca80'


[root@pbxoficina digits]# pwd

[root@pbxoficina digits]# ls -lsa 1M*
8 -rw-r--r--  1 1000 1000 5733 Dec 11 16:51 1M.alaw
4 -rw-r--r--  1 1000 1000 1188 Dec 11 16:53 1M.gsm
Comments:By: cursor (cursor) 2006-12-26 13:54:55.000-0600

Maybe there is a problem and Asterisk is not finding the digits directory in spanish because there are several more sounds that it does not find even thought they are there:

[Dec 26 13:49:49] WARNING[7537]: file.c:553 ast_openstream_full: File digits/24 does not exist in any format
[Dec 26 13:49:49] WARNING[7537]: file.c:805 ast_streamfile: Unable to open digits/24 (format 0x8 (alaw)): No such file or directory
[Dec 26 13:49:49] WARNING[7537]: file.c:553 ast_openstream_full: File digits/afternoon does not exist in any format
[Dec 26 13:49:49] WARNING[7537]: file.c:805 ast_streamfile: Unable to open digits/afternoon (format 0x8 (alaw)): No such file or directory
[Dec 26 13:49:49] WARNING[7537]: say.c:382 wait_file: Unable to play message digits/afternoon

I also noticed that other applications like the directory play the spanish sounds but the digits are played in english.  There is also an error in the sound file "vm-first".  This file should say "Primer" (first) but it says "Nombre" (name).  The result is that I hear "name message" instead of "First message".

By: Jason Parker (jparker) 2006-12-26 14:45:42.000-0600

I'm gonna go ahead and close this.  Can you post this information to 8674?  It would be better to have one place for all of these, instead of a new bug for every missing file.