
Summary:ASTERISK-08299: Need FreeWorld Dialup, Broadvoice, Sipura install procedures for AsteriskNOW
Reporter:Craig Arno (craigarno)Labels:
Date Opened:2006-12-07 00:58:34.000-0600Date Closed:2011-06-07 14:00:40
Versions:Frequency of
Environment:Attachments:( 0) Asterisk12config.zip
Description:I'm impressed with the AsteriskNOW PBX in a box, but haven't a clue how to use the neat 1.4 GUI to setup IAX2 FreeWorld Dialup, Broadvoice SIP Trunk, and a SIPURA SPA-2102 (and SPA-3000) [I don't have PCI slots for Zaptel].

I could really use some step by step instructions to get this equipment and service(s) setup for my migration from 1.2 to 1.4.  The thinking that went into AsteriskNOW is different than what I used to setup my own Asterisk<=1.2 system with this set of services and equipment.

I don't know if this is more appropriate in AsteriskNOW or Documentation.


I have a friend (well, more than one actually) who has been pestering me to tell the secrets to running Asterisk in their own shop.  I think AstriskNOW is an excellent solution for these requests.  One of these fellows might be interested in Zaptel equipment for his phone lines, as he would really like to replace his current PBX and "upgrade" to another dedicated PBX solution.

I have 1.4 installed on my new system, but don't know how to migrate my services and equipment to the 1.4 GUI system without breaking the GUI.  (I tried today).

I attached my /etc/asterisk files to answer questions about my setup.
Comments:By: Jason Parker (jparker) 2006-12-07 11:44:05.000-0600

The bug tracker is not the appropriate medium to be asking for installation or setup help.  There are many other methods for this - IRC, the forums, the mailing lists, etc.

Having said that, the documentation may need to be improved a bit, or point you to a better location.  I've made a note of that, and I will be passing that information on.