
Summary:ASTERISK-08287: extensions limited to 4 digits in "updated" AsteriskNOW
Reporter:Craig Arno (craigarno)Labels:
Date Opened:2006-12-06 03:19:35.000-0600Date Closed:2006-12-20 10:13:57.000-0600
Versions:Frequency of
Description:I could use AsteriskNOW under vmware, if it were not limited to 4 digit extensions as I would like to use 6 digits.  I don't have the "root" password to allow me to directly edit Asterisk config files under the AsteriskNOW system.  AsteriskNOW, when first installed allowed 6 digits. After an update AsteriskNOW, limited extensions to 4 digits.

Allowing 6 digits will let me use my FreeWorld Dialup numbers as extensions, as I currently do under Asterisk 1.2.11 and have done since Asterisk 1.0.1.  My current users have their numbers memorized.

I can be reached at 472002, 473121, or 1-206-203-5630 if I haven't provided enough information.  Thank you, Craig Arno GMT-8 asterisk@arno.com
Comments:By: James Lyons (james) 2006-12-20 10:13:57.000-0600

Fixed with the new Setup wizard