
Summary:ASTERISK-08273: Webserver is saying "Invalid/Unknown Command" instead of saying "already Logged In"
Reporter:Pari Nannapaneni (pari)Labels:
Date Opened:2006-12-04 11:12:12.000-0600Date Closed:2007-01-26 18:48:35.000-0600
Versions:Frequency of
Description:if the user is already authenticated, and tries to authenticate again, the webserver is saying "Invalid/Unknown Command" instead of saying "already Logged In".

How to reproduce the problem: Enable webserver in asterisk 1.4 and point the webserver to http://$IP:$PORT/asterisk/manager?action=login&username=admin&secret=secret
The first time we get a "Success" but once the user is authenticated and a session is opened we keep getting "Invalid/Unknown Command" as response instead of something which says that the user is already logged in.
Comments:By: Anthony LaMantia (alamantia) 2006-12-04 12:01:20.000-0600

I have made a branch for this issue in my team directory on the subversion server.
you should be able to access it here pari.


By: Anthony LaMantia (alamantia) 2006-12-04 18:22:40.000-0600

in a short bit can you show me this issue on your workstation?

By: Anthony LaMantia (alamantia) 2006-12-04 18:26:14.000-0600

or if you can just place a console log to this issue, that would work as well

By: Anthony LaMantia (alamantia) 2006-12-07 04:36:04.000-0600

pari can you test up the latest update to my branch? it should work for you.

By: Jason Parker (jparker) 2007-01-09 14:43:34.000-0600


By: Pari Nannapaneni (pari) 2007-01-09 15:15:21.000-0600

ok I have tested the '8509-manager-httcallback' a few days back and the GUI never worked in it. When I looked the http requests I found that the original problem was fixed but the fix introduced a new bug.

a request for http://IP:PORT/..../rawman?action=login&username=admin&secret=secret&_=
was always returning
> Response: Success
> Message: Authentication accepted
as expected. So the original problem was solved.

But irrespective of what the login status is, i.e even when the user was authenticated and while the session was still not expired, a request for http://IP:PORT/..../rawman?action=ping&_=
was always returning
> Response: Error
> Message: Authentication Required
> Response: Pong

this is causing lot of problems with the gui as the gui heavily depends on  the Ping command to know the login status.


By: Anthony LaMantia (alamantia) 2007-01-09 15:28:01.000-0600

humm, i will take another peek at this one :)

By: Anthony LaMantia (alamantia) 2007-01-09 15:29:54.000-0600

did that ping contain the corrent/same mansession_id that was returned after the new login?

By: Serge Vecher (serge-v) 2007-01-09 15:50:37.000-0600

any reason the majority of gui bugs are marked 'private'?

By: Joshua C. Colp (jcolp) 2007-01-09 21:39:02.000-0600

There should be no bugs really that are marked private.

By: Joshua C. Colp (jcolp) 2007-01-26 18:48:35.000-0600

Fixed in 1.4 as of revision 52373. Trunk is a little screwed up right now, so I'm doing things differently...