
Summary:ASTERISK-08231: System allows variable length extensions
Reporter:Andrew Payne (payne92)Labels:
Date Opened:2006-11-30 15:57:55.000-0600Date Closed:2006-12-01 12:04:24.000-0600
Versions:Frequency of
This is a design issue.

The system allows a user to create an short extension (say "6") that could block dialing access to full-length extensions (e.g. "6000"). This could create a lot of confusion for users.

Other systems force extensions to be a certain (user selected) length.  That restriction may be appropriate here to minimize user confusion.
Comments:By: Pari Nannapaneni (pari) 2006-12-01 12:02:52.000-0600

This has been addressed in asterisk-gui commit 141

Admin can now define the length of extensions
and also the starting point.

As always .. this feature would not be available for asterisk-now
users until the conary repositories are updated.

- pari

By: Pari Nannapaneni (pari) 2006-12-01 12:04:10.000-0600

This has been addressed in asterisk-gui commit 141

Admin can now define the length of extensions
and also the starting point.

As always .. this feature would not be available for asterisk-now
users until the conary repositories are updated.

- pari