
Summary:ASTERISK-08048: Dundi Problem with Key generated on hardened system.
Reporter:Omar Belakhdar (belakdar)Labels:
Date Opened:2006-11-02 05:20:58.000-0600Date Closed:2011-06-07 14:03:05
Versions:Frequency of
Description:I followed all instruction given by the paper of Mark Spencer "Unsing Dundi with cluster of ...". I get the following problem with the used keys. Here is the mapping in the dundi.conf file.

priv => sipregistration,0,IAX2,priv:${SECRET}@${NUMBER},nopartial

Here is also an execution of the dialplan when calling the extension 1101 registered on a dundi peer.

-- Executing ChanIsAvail("SIP/1131-103b", "SIP/1101|sj")
   -- Executing Goto("SIP/1131-103b", "lookupdundi|1101|1")
   -- Goto (lookupdundi,1101,1)
Nov  2 12:03:36 NOTICE[14565]: res_crypto.c:391 __ast_encrypt_bin: How odd, encrypted size is -1
Nov  2 12:03:36 NOTICE[14565]: pbx_dundi.c:1320 update_key: Whoa, got a weird encrypt size (-1 != 128)!
Nov  2 12:03:36 NOTICE[14565]: pbx_dundi.c:3056 dundi_send: Failed to send packet to '00:0f:ea:79:24:9e'
Nov  2 12:03:37 NOTICE[14565]: res_crypto.c:391 __ast_encrypt_bin: How odd, encrypted size is -1
Nov  2 12:03:37 NOTICE[14565]: pbx_dundi.c:1320 update_key: Whoa, got a weird encrypt size (-1 != 128)!
Nov  2 12:03:37 NOTICE[14565]: pbx_dundi.c:3056 dundi_send: Failed to send packet to '00:0f:ea:79:24:9e'
   -- Sent into invalid extension '1101' in context 'lookupdundi' on SIP/1131-103b
   -- Executing Playback("SIP/1131-103b", "pbx-invalid") in new stack
   -- Playing 'pbx-invalid' (language 'fr')
   -- Executing Hangup("SIP/1131-103b", "") in new stack
 == Spawn extension (lookupdundi, i, 2) exited non-zero on 'SIP/1131-103b'
Nov  2 12:03:42 NOTICE[14565]: res_crypto.c:391 __ast_encrypt_bin: How odd, encrypted size is -1
Nov  2 12:03:42 NOTICE[14565]: pbx_dundi.c:1320 update_key: Whoa, got a weird encrypt size (-1 != 128)!
Nov  2 12:03:42 NOTICE[14565]: pbx_dundi.c:3056 dundi_send: Failed to send packet to '00:0f:ea:79:24:9e'


I'm still using 1.2.4
Comments:By: Russell Bryant (russell) 2006-11-02 07:46:02.000-0600

1.2.4 is quite old.  Please upgrade to the latest version and see if you still have the problem.

By: Omar Belakhdar (belakdar) 2006-11-02 16:17:12.000-0600

Thanks for your answer.
The problem is reproducable with the 1.2.13.
After setting up the dundi debug, here is the resulting logs:
Nov  2 23:09:29 NOTICE[14743]: res_crypto.c:391 __ast_encrypt_bin: How odd, encrypted size is -1
Nov  2 23:09:29 NOTICE[14743]: pbx_dundi.c:1320 update_key: Whoa, got a weird encrypt size (-1 != 128)!
Nov  2 23:09:29 NOTICE[14743]: pbx_dundi.c:3056 cdypeer_send: Failed to send packet to '00:0f:ea:79:24:9e'
Tx-Frame Retry[No] -- OSeqno: 000 ISeqno: 000 Type: DPDISCOVER   (Command)
    Flags: 00 STrans: 22660  DTrans: 00000 []
  VERSION         : 1
  DIRECT EID      : 00:13:20:b7:ba:af
  CALLED NUMBER   : 1101
  TTL             : 2

Rx-Frame Retry[No] -- OSeqno: 000 ISeqno: 001 Type: DPRESPONSE   (Response)
    Flags: 00 STrans: 25242  DTrans: 22660 [] (Final)
  CAUSE           : NOAUTH: Unencrypted responses not permitted


I tried many things but I get always the same result. Then I returned back to the code, it seems for me that the problem is likely due to the keys. My keys are generated with astgenkey -n dundi then copied to each peer.

Any idea?


By: Omar Belakhdar (belakdar) 2006-11-02 16:22:46.000-0600

Another thing is when I enabled the debugging with dundi debug and the error occurs, asterisk get killed due to a stack smashing attack in the function dundi_showframe(). Asterisk is compiled with SSP support.



By: Omar Belakhdar (belakdar) 2006-11-09 09:06:38.000-0600

Good afternoon,
The problem is solved.
This issue has to be closed. The problem was due to an denied access (* is running under unpreviliged user) to my entropy file on the system. This make * assumes that the dundi messages were not encrypted and thus it makes it complain.

However, when debug option is used, the dundi crashes ... this means that * has to be more cautious about this situation when the keys are not provided. This can be used as stack smashing attack in "dundi_showframe()".

Hope this help.


By: Russell Bryant (russell) 2006-11-09 09:44:38.000-0600

I'm glad you have found the problem!  I will take a look at the reasons it was crashing when you had no keys before I close out this bug.  Thanks