
Summary:ASTERISK-07985: Page only forwards audio for 5 seconds
Reporter:Michel Belleau (malaiwah)Labels:
Date Opened:2006-10-23 14:30:04Date Closed:2011-06-07 14:03:24
Versions:Frequency of
Description:When trying to Page a lot of phones (intercom use) with Alert-Info: Answer-after 0 rings, Asterisk only forwards audio from the caller to the callees for 5 seconds.

I looked at the source code and there is a w(5) command to the call to the Meetme application.. I looked at the documentation and the "w" tells the callees to wait for the marked used for 5 seconds?

I'll try to get an accurate verbose/debug log of what's going on in a following report, but from memory:

a- User A dials the Page extension of their context
The Page application sets up a Meetme with some options (including w(5))
b- Phones of users B/C/D automatically answers.
c- Console/ALSA answers
d- 5 seconds from the A step, Console/ALSA hang ups.
e- Caller can't talk into the intercom anymore.


Perfect trace coming up in the following report.
Comments:By: Michel Belleau (malaiwah) 2006-10-23 14:34:52

malaiwah@hosting $ sudo asterisk -r
Asterisk, Copyright (C) 1999 - 2006 Digium, Inc. and others.
Created by Mark Spencer <markster@digium.com>
Asterisk comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; type 'show warranty' for details.
This is free software, with components licensed under the GNU General Public
License version 2 and other licenses; you are welcome to redistribute it under
certain conditions. Type 'show license' for details.
Connected to Asterisk currently running on hosting (pid = 30455)
Verbosity is at least 3
hosting*CLI> set verbose 99
Verbosity is at least 99
hosting*CLI> set debug 99
Core debug was 0 and is now 99
Extension Changed 3801 new state InUse for Notify User omnidavid
Extension Changed 3801 new state InUse for Notify User omnimichel
Extension Changed 3801 new state InUse for Notify User omniluc
Extension Changed 3801 new state InUse for Notify User omnijulie
Extension Changed 3801 new state InUse for Notify User omnipierre
Extension Changed 3801 new state InUse for Notify User omnimarc
   -- Executing Goto("SIP/omnimichel-b54517a0", "8003|1") in new stack
   -- Goto (omnitronik,8003,1)
   -- Executing Answer("SIP/omnimichel-b54517a0", "") in new stack
   -- Executing SIPAddHeader("SIP/omnimichel-b54517a0", "Call-Info:;answer-after=0") in new stack
   -- Executing Page("SIP/omnimichel-b54517a0", "SIP/omniluc&SIP/omnipierre&SIP/omnidavid&SIP/omnimichel&SIP/omnimarc&SIP/omnijulie&SIP/omniconf&SIP/omniguy&SIP/omniguy3&Console/ALSA") in new stack
   -- Playing 'beep' (language 'fr')
Extension Changed 3301 new state Ringing for Notify User omnidavid
Extension Changed 3301 new state Ringing for Notify User omnimichel
Extension Changed 3301 new state Ringing for Notify User omnijulie
Extension Changed 3301 new state Ringing for Notify User omnipierre
Extension Changed 3301 new state Ringing for Notify User omnimarc
Extension Changed 3302 new state Ringing for Notify User omnidavid
Extension Changed 3302 new state Ringing for Notify User omnimichel
Extension Changed 3302 new state Ringing for Notify User omniluc
Extension Changed 3302 new state Ringing for Notify User omnijulie
Extension Changed 3302 new state Ringing for Notify User omnimarc
Extension Changed 3802 new state Ringing for Notify User omnidavid
Extension Changed 3802 new state Ringing for Notify User omnimichel
Extension Changed 3802 new state Ringing for Notify User omniluc
Extension Changed 3802 new state Ringing for Notify User omnijulie
Extension Changed 3802 new state Ringing for Notify User omnipierre
Extension Changed 3802 new state Ringing for Notify User omnimarc
   -- Created MeetMe conference 1023 for conference '1726617656d'
   -- Launching MeetMe(1726617656d|mqxdw(5)) on SIP/omnipierre-0072ed40
Extension Changed 3302 new state InUse for Notify User omnidavid
Extension Changed 3302 new state InUse for Notify User omnimichel
Extension Changed 3302 new state InUse for Notify User omniluc
Extension Changed 3302 new state InUse for Notify User omnijulie
Extension Changed 3302 new state InUse for Notify User omnimarc
   -- Launching MeetMe(1726617656d|mqxdw(5)) on SIP/omniconf-0078ca80
Extension Changed 3002 new state InUse for Notify User omnimarc
   -- Launching MeetMe(1726617656d|mqxdw(5)) on SIP/omnijulie-006a9220
Extension Changed 3901 new state InUse for Notify User omniluc
Extension Changed 3901 new state InUse for Notify User omnimarc
Extension Changed 3901 new state InUse for Notify User omnidavid
Extension Changed 3901 new state InUse for Notify User omnimichel
Extension Changed 3901 new state InUse for Notify User omnipierre
   -- Got SIP response 486 "Busy" back from
   -- Launching MeetMe(1726617656d|mqxdw(5)) on SIP/omniguy3-006be2a0
   -- Launching MeetMe(1726617656d|mqxdw(5)) on SIP/omniluc-0075b7c0
Extension Changed 3301 new state InUse for Notify User omnidavid
Extension Changed 3301 new state InUse for Notify User omnimichel
Extension Changed 3301 new state InUse for Notify User omnijulie
Extension Changed 3301 new state InUse for Notify User omnipierre
Extension Changed 3301 new state InUse for Notify User omnimarc
   -- Launching MeetMe(1726617656d|mqxdw(5)) on SIP/omniguy-007de680
   -- Launching MeetMe(1726617656d|mqxdw(5)) on SIP/omnidavid-006dab40
Extension Changed 3802 new state InUse for Notify User omnidavid
Extension Changed 3802 new state InUse for Notify User omnimichel
Extension Changed 3802 new state InUse for Notify User omniluc
Extension Changed 3802 new state InUse for Notify User omnijulie
Extension Changed 3802 new state InUse for Notify User omnipierre
Extension Changed 3802 new state InUse for Notify User omnimarc
[... no more sounds, 5 seconds later ...]
Extension Changed 3002 new state Idle for Notify User omnimarc
Extension Changed 3302 new state Idle for Notify User omnidavid
Extension Changed 3302 new state Idle for Notify User omnimichel
Extension Changed 3302 new state Idle for Notify User omniluc
Extension Changed 3302 new state Idle for Notify User omnijulie
Extension Changed 3302 new state Idle for Notify User omnimarc
Extension Changed 3901 new state Idle for Notify User omniluc
Extension Changed 3901 new state Idle for Notify User omnimarc
Extension Changed 3901 new state Idle for Notify User omnidavid
Extension Changed 3901 new state Idle for Notify User omnimichel
Extension Changed 3901 new state Idle for Notify User omnipierre
Extension Changed 3802 new state Idle for Notify User omnidavid
Extension Changed 3802 new state Idle for Notify User omnimichel
Extension Changed 3802 new state Idle for Notify User omniluc
Extension Changed 3802 new state Idle for Notify User omnijulie
Extension Changed 3802 new state Idle for Notify User omnipierre
Extension Changed 3802 new state Idle for Notify User omnimarc
Extension Changed 3301 new state Idle for Notify User omnidavid
Extension Changed 3301 new state Idle for Notify User omnimichel
Extension Changed 3301 new state Idle for Notify User omnijulie
Extension Changed 3301 new state Idle for Notify User omnipierre
Extension Changed 3301 new state Idle for Notify User omnimarc
   -- Executing DeadAGI("SIP/OMNI03-418-1-b5444fe0", "channel-ends.php") in new stack
   -- Launched AGI Script /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/channel-ends.php

By: BJ Weschke (bweschke) 2006-10-25 11:59:38

SIP/omnimichel appears to be the person initiating the page here and should be the "admin" joining the conference. Without that, after 5 seconds of that admin not joining, the meetme will end so as not to have the "Page" continue forever when someone initiates a page and then hangs up.

By: Michel Belleau (malaiwah) 2006-10-25 13:06:26

I'm reopening that bug since the resolution is not right.

"no change required" ... huh ? ;-)

I totally agree that "omnimichel" should be the admin of that conference and that's what I originally thought the "app_page" application would be doing by default !

How come "omnimichel" is the one that calls the Page application and do not automatically get the "Admin" flag on the Meetme conference that is dynamically created ?

By: BJ Weschke (bweschke) 2006-10-27 14:07:13

No. Not acknowledged. malaiwah - if you're saying that the originating person answering the page is answering the phone and is going into conference, please attach VERBOSE and DEBUG logging to the bug that indicates that it's done so. a CLI trace, obviously, doesn't get us there as I closed the bug because there isn't any place in your CLI trace that shows that the originator of the page answered the phone and went into conference.

By: Michel Belleau (malaiwah) 2006-10-27 15:21:59

- omnimichel initiates the call
- asterisk does goto and then answer

  -- Executing Goto("SIP/omnimichel-b54517a0", "8003|1") in new stack
  -- Goto (omnitronik,8003,1)
  -- Executing Answer("SIP/omnimichel-b54517a0", "") in new stack

- i'll get the debug trace

By: Tilghman Lesher (tilghman) 2006-11-12 21:31:49.000-0600

This is already fixed in 1.2.13.