
Summary:ASTERISK-07812: Crash due to recording
Reporter:aster1 (aster1)Labels:
Date Opened:2006-09-24 15:05:03Date Closed:2006-09-25 09:08:50
Versions:Frequency of
Description:After few minutes of heavy calling and outbound recording enabled ..Asterisk becomes unresponsive


All i can see in full log is (below ) and asterisk becomes unresponsive . When i do show channels then it shows around 30-40 channels with AgiRecording(Filename) (where filename is filename of recording )..

ep 22 10:45:09 DEBUG[14086] manager.c: Manager received command 'Command'
Sep 22 10:45:09 DEBUG[14086] db.c: Unable to find key 'SIP/123' in family 'dnd'
Sep 22 10:45:09 DEBUG[14086] manager.c: Manager received command 'Command'
Sep 22 10:45:09 DEBUG[14086] db.c: Unable to find key 'SIP/111' in family 'dnd'
Sep 22 10:45:09 DEBUG[14086] manager.c: Manager received command 'Command'
Sep 22 10:45:09 DEBUG[14086] db.c: Unable to find key 'SIP/8778' in family 'dnd'
Sep 22 10:45:09 DEBUG[14086] manager.c: Manager received command 'Command'
Sep 22 10:45:09 DEBUG[14086] db.c: Unable to find key 'Local/919322414054@from-internal' in family 'dnd'
Sep 22 10:45:09 DEBUG[14086] manager.c: Manager received command 'Command'
Sep 22 10:45:09 DEBUG[14086] db.c: Unable to find key 'SIP/292' in family 'dnd'
Sep 22 10:45:09 DEBUG[14086] manager.c: Manager received command 'Command'
Sep 22 10:45:09 DEBUG[14086] db.c: Unable to find key 'SIP/107' in family 'dnd'
Sep 22 10:45:09 DEBUG[14086] manager.c: Manager received command 'Command'
Sep 22 10:45:09 DEBUG[14086] db.c: Unable to find key 'SIP/116' in family 'dnd'
Sep 22 10:45:09 DEBUG[14086] manager.c: Manager received command 'Command'
Sep 22 10:45:09 DEBUG[14086] db.c: Unable to find key 'SIP/291' in family 'dnd'
Sep 22 10:45:09 DEBUG[14086] manager.c: Manager received command 'Command'
Sep 22 10:45:09 DEBUG[14086] db.c: Unable to find key 'SIP/293' in family 'dnd'
Sep 22 10:45:09 DEBUG[14086] manager.c: Manager received command 'Command'
Sep 22 10:45:09 DEBUG[14086] db.c: Unable to find key 'IAX2/Vox' in family 'dnd'
Sep 22 10:45:09 DEBUG[14086] manager.c: Manager received command 'Command'
Sep 22 10:45:09 DEBUG[14086] db.c: Unable to find key 'SIP/100' in family 'dnd'
Sep 22 10:45:09 DEBUG[14086] manager.c: Manager received command 'Command'
Sep 22 10:45:09 DEBUG[14086] db.c: Unable to find key 'SIP/115' in family 'dnd'
Sep 22 10:45:09 DEBUG[14086] manager.c: Manager received command 'Command'
Sep 22 10:45:09 DEBUG[14086] manager.c: Manager received command 'QueueStatus'
Sep 22 10:45:09 DEBUG[14086] manager.c: Manager received command 'Status'
Sep 22 10:45:09 DEBUG[14086] manager.c: Manager received command 'ZapShowChannels'
Sep 22 10:45:09 DEBUG[14086] manager.c: Manager received command 'Command'
Sep 22 10:45:09 DEBUG[14086] manager.c: Manager received command 'MailboxStatus'
Sep 22 10:45:09 DEBUG[14086] manager.c: Manager received command 'MailboxStatus'
Sep 22 10:45:09 DEBUG[14086] manager.c: Manager received command 'MailboxStatus'
Sep 22 10:45:09 DEBUG[14086] manager.c: Manager received command 'MailboxStatus'
Sep 22 10:45:09 DEBUG[14086] manager.c: Manager received command 'MailboxStatus'
Sep 22 10:45:09 DEBUG[14086] manager.c: Manager received command 'MailboxStatus'
Sep 22 10:45:09 DEBUG[14086] manager.c: Manager received command 'MailboxStatus'
Sep 22 10:45:09 DEBUG[14086] manager.c: Manager received command 'MailboxStatus'
Sep 22 10:45:09 DEBUG[14086] manager.c: Manager received command 'MailboxStatus'
Sep 22 10:45:09 DEBUG[14086] manager.c: Manager received command 'MailboxStatus'
Sep 22 10:45:09 DEBUG[14086] manager.c: Manager received command 'MailboxStatus'
Sep 22 10:45:09 DEBUG[14086] manager.c: Manager received command 'MailboxStatus'
Sep 22 10:45:09 DEBUG[14086] manager.c: Manager received command 'MailboxStatus'
Comments:By: aster1 (aster1) 2006-09-24 15:11:56


SIP/115-08a92328     s@macro-record-enabl Ring    AGI(recordingcheck|20060925-01
SIP/101-08ab5dc8     s@macro-record-enabl Ring    AGI(recordingcheck|20060925-01
SIP/106-08a9d3a8     s@macro-record-enabl Ring    AGI(recordingcheck|20060925-01
SIP/117-08a07780     s@macro-record-enabl Ring    AGI(recordingcheck|20060925-01
SIP/101-08a8cde8     s@macro-record-enabl Ring    AGI(recordingcheck|20060925-01
SIP/106-08929be0     s@macro-record-enabl Ring    AGI(recordingcheck|20060925-01
SIP/109-08a04b60     s@macro-record-enabl Ring    AGI(recordingcheck|20060925-01
SIP/102-089a9f20     s@macro-record-enabl Ring    AGI(recordingcheck|20060925-01
SIP/110-089b34e8     s@macro-record-enabl Ring    AGI(recordingcheck|20060925-01
SIP/101-089a2998     s@macro-record-enabl Ring    AGI(recordingcheck|20060925-01
SIP/101-08a412d8     s@macro-dialout-trun Ring    AGI(fixlocalprefix)

By: aster1 (aster1) 2006-09-24 16:18:26

server rebooted and problem seems to have gone for now . also i upgraded to latest svn 1.2 branch . Will report if any further issues

By: Serge Vecher (serge-v) 2006-09-25 09:08:34

aster1: I'm glad your issue is resolved, but please don't use the bugtracker for anything other reporting bugs. From reading the notes in this bug, it's not clear where the problem might be. If you require help narrowing the issues down, please visit the #asterisk channel on IRC and seek help there. Thanks.