
Summary:ASTERISK-07716: Using the # to terminate recording disconnects you
Reporter:seb7 (seb7)Labels:
Date Opened:2006-09-11 08:08:50Date Closed:2006-09-14 14:40:55
Versions:Frequency of
Environment:Attachments:( 0) app_record_clears_call_after_recording_finished_11-Sep-06.txt
Description:If you use a syntax like this:
in your dialplan, i.e. the default syntax, where you have to stop the recording by pressing the # key, pressing the # key disconnects you.

This is only an issue in recent trunk (not sure how recent, but at least since 06-Sep-06) - Asterisk 1.2.x is fine.

If you use the timeout on silence option to stop recording, you are not disconnected.


Relevant part of extensions.conf:

; Phrase Recording - Choose a Phrase Number and Record
include => menu-defaults
exten => s,1,Wait(1)
;exten => s,n,Read(PHRASEID|custom/enter-phrase-num)
exten => s,n,Read(PHRASEID|custom/1003)
exten => s,n,Wait(2) ; give yourself 2 secs to take a breath and wait for beep
;exten => s,n,Record(custom/${PHRASEID}.${codectorecord})
exten => s,n,Record(record-test-trunk-r42684.alaw) ; I'm overriding this as part of testing.
exten => s,n,Wait(2)
exten => s,n,Playback(custom/${PHRASEID})
exten => s,n,Wait(1)
exten => s,n,Goto(s,2)

Console log snippet (the log for the whole call is attached):

   -- Executing [s@phrase-recording:4] Record("Zap/31-1", "record-test-trunk-r42684.alaw") in new stack
[Sep 11 13:49:37] DEBUG[1962]: channel.c:1845 ast_settimeout: Scheduling timer at 160 sample intervals
   -- Playing 'beep' (language 'uk')
[Sep 11 13:49:37] DEBUG[1962]: channel.c:1845 ast_settimeout: Scheduling timer at 0 sample intervals
[Sep 11 13:49:37] DEBUG[1962]: channel.c:1845 ast_settimeout: Scheduling timer at 0 sample intervals
[Sep 11 13:49:37] DEBUG[1962]: chan_zap.c:4976 zt_indicate: Requested indication 18 on channel Zap/31-1
[Sep 11 13:49:42] DEBUG[1962]: chan_zap.c:4787 zt_read: DTMF digit: # on Zap/31-1
[Sep 11 13:49:42] WARNING[1962]: file.c:170 ast_writestream: Tried to write non-voice frame
[Sep 11 13:49:42] WARNING[1962]: app_record.c:335 record_exec: Problem writing final record frame
 == Spawn extension (phrase-recording, s, 4) exited non-zero on 'Zap/31-1'

The same extensions.conf and folder structure works fine on Asterisk 1.2.x.
Comments:By: Anthony LaMantia (alamantia) 2006-09-11 11:01:19

i have just commited a patched for this issue in the latest trunk.

By: Anthony LaMantia (alamantia) 2006-09-14 14:40:54

sorry about the re-opening that was ment for a diffrent bug-id.