
Summary:ASTERISK-07583: [branch] Cisco 7920 Phone Screen not Cleared on Call Complete
Reporter:sbisker (sbisker)Labels:
Date Opened:2006-08-23 07:51:34Date Closed:2007-07-23 13:35:38
Versions:Frequency of
Environment:Attachments:( 0) console_log.txt
( 1) tethereal.log
Description:After making a call, the display on the 7920 still displays


After receiving a call, the display on the 7920 phone still displays the callerid information.

It requires a phone reset to get the appropriate prompt of "Your current options".

It looks like a problem with transmit_displaymessage.  In the debug, it says it's clearing, but it's not.  Not sure if the same behavior is true for other cisco phones.  I only have the 7920's on chan_skinny.  I've attached a console log, and I will also attach a tethereal log.

Comments:By: jmls (jmls) 2006-10-31 04:37:31.000-0600

qwell: any comments ?

By: pj (pj) 2006-10-31 05:01:02.000-0600

I have same issue, but except, that caller id info stays on display - it is cleared for me and only "connected" or "ring-in" stays on my display in "status bar"...

By: Anthony LaMantia (alamantia) 2006-10-31 15:55:42.000-0600

do either of you have irc or email. to discuss and test this issue out with me while i work on it.. i have some ideas on how it should be resolved. but really need someone with the hardware on their machines to help me work this out.

By: sbisker (sbisker) 2006-11-01 09:03:20.000-0600

I do have email.  sbisker at harvardgrp dot com

By: pj (pj) 2006-11-01 15:53:11.000-0600

my email is pj@i.cz, timezone GMT+1 ;-)

By: Anthony LaMantia (alamantia) 2006-11-01 16:54:21.000-0600

what sort of phone were you having this issue with. was it a 7920 as well?

By: pj (pj) 2006-11-01 17:04:45.000-0600

yes, 7920, firmware v3.0,
I can also test with 7912, if needed...

By: Anthony LaMantia (alamantia) 2006-11-20 19:05:56.000-0600

i tried working this bug out a bit more with some packet captures that i've gotten.
can you see what happens with this branch (made off trunk)

it now broadcasts a new message durring the skinny_hangup() processes.
this may help solve the problem or at least start leading up down the right track.


svn co http://svn.digium.com/svn/asterisk/team/anthonyl/skinny-redux/

By: pj (pj) 2006-11-21 05:14:40.000-0600

it's working for me, one problem is, that display is now cleared even if case of missed call, this should be quite improved ;-)

By: Anthony LaMantia (alamantia) 2006-11-21 10:53:52.000-0600

the new problem should not be to difficult to fix, i will get on that in a few mins. im just pretty glad to see that the screen is getting cleared rather then not at all :)

By: pj (pj) 2006-11-28 06:23:56.000-0600

alamantia, can you look at current issue with clearing missed call? info about xx missed calls on phone status bar should always stay on display, when phone isn't touched.

By: Anthony LaMantia (alamantia) 2006-11-29 12:04:29.000-0600

i'm about to commit a slight patch to the skinny-redux branch which should resolve the issue for you. can you test it out once it's in and provide a console log if it fails to resolve the problem?

By: Serge Vecher (serge-v) 2006-11-30 11:17:13.000-0600


By: Anthony LaMantia (alamantia) 2006-11-30 11:21:08.000-0600

the commit for this bugs fix is.

By: pj (pj) 2006-12-02 10:28:12.000-0600

sad to say, your latest patch brings the thing to begin, missed calls statistic is displayed OK, it stays on status bar, but display is not cleared in other cases, ie. when I'm calling out, on status bar stays "connected" or "call progress" after call is hangup.
( Asterisk SVN-anthonyl-skinny-redux-r48141 )

[Dec  2 17:21:30] unknown1 in handle_stimulus_message is '0'
[Dec  2 17:21:30] Received Stimulus: Line(1)
[Dec  2 17:21:30] Setting ringer mode to '1'.
[Dec  2 17:21:30] skinny_new: tmp->nativeformats=256 fmt=256
[Dec  2 17:21:30] Attempting to Clear display on Skinny 324@PJ
[Dec  2 17:21:30] Clearing Display
[Dec  2 17:21:30]     -- Starting simple switch on '324@PJ'
[Dec  2 17:21:30] Setting ringer mode to '1'.
[Dec  2 17:21:30] Collected digit: [9]
[Dec  2 17:21:30]     -- Asked to indicate 'Stop tone' condition on channel Skinny/324@PJ-9
[Dec  2 17:21:31] Collected digit: [5]
[Dec  2 17:21:31]     -- Asked to indicate 'Stop tone' condition on channel Skinny/324@PJ-9
[Dec  2 17:21:31] Collected digit: [9]
[Dec  2 17:21:31]     -- Asked to indicate 'Stop tone' condition on channel Skinny/324@PJ-9
Playback("Skinny/324@PJ-9", "demo-echotest") in new stack
[Dec  2 17:21:34] skinny_answer(Skinny/324@PJ-9) on 324@PJ-9
[Dec  2 17:21:34] Displaying Prompt Status 'Connected'
[Dec  2 17:21:34]     -- Playing 'demo-echotest' (language 'en')
[Dec  2 17:21:34] Received Open Receive Channel Ack
[Dec  2 17:21:34] ipaddr =
[Dec  2 17:21:34] ourip = 193.179.xx.xx:11804
[Dec  2 17:21:34] Setting payloadType to '256' (20 ms)
[Dec  2 17:21:37] Received Softkey Event: End Call(1)
[Dec  2 17:21:37] Skinny 324@PJ went on hook
[Dec  2 17:21:37] Clearing Display
[Dec  2 17:21:37]   == Spawn extension (xxx, 959, 2) exited non-zero on 'Skinny/324@PJ-9'
[Dec  2 17:21:37] skinny_hangup(Skinny/324@PJ-9) on 324@PJ
[Dec  2 17:21:37] Setting ringer mode to '1'.
[Dec  2 17:21:37] Clearing Display
[Dec  2 17:21:56] Clearing Display
[Dec  2 17:22:26] Clearing Display

By: Anthony LaMantia (alamantia) 2006-12-04 11:34:29.000-0600

ah, ok i removed that change, and added some more debugging, can you reproduce the missed call issue with the enhanced debugging?

By: pj (pj) 2006-12-04 15:28:20.000-0600

skinny debug with current checkout:
Asterisk SVN-anthonyl-skinny-redux-r48241
missed calls, connected, call progress cleared from status bar display....

Dial("IAX2/bill-gw-7", "Skinny/324@PJ|30|T") in new stack
[Dec  4 22:20:59] Found device: PJ
[Dec  4 22:20:59]     -- skinny_request(324@PJ)
[Dec  4 22:20:59] skinny_new: tmp->nativeformats=256 fmt=256
[Dec  4 22:20:59]     -- skinny_call(Skinny/324@PJ-1)
[Dec  4 22:20:59] Setting ringer mode to '2'.
[Dec  4 22:20:59] Displaying Prompt Status 'Ring-In'
[Dec  4 22:20:59]     -- Called 324@PJ
[Dec  4 22:20:59]     -- Skinny/324@PJ-1 is ringing
[Dec  4 22:21:03] skinny_hangup(Skinny/324@PJ-1) on 324@PJ type(2) hookstate(2)
[Dec  4 22:21:03] Setting ringer mode to '1'.
[Dec  4 22:21:03] Clearing Display
[Dec  4 22:21:03]     -- Hungup 'IAX2/bill-gw-7'
[Dec  4 22:21:28] Clearing Display

By: pj (pj) 2006-12-04 15:32:46.000-0600

... and debug with connected call ("connected" is successfully cleared from display after hangup)

[Dec  4 22:30:01] unknown1 in handle_stimulus_message is '0'
[Dec  4 22:30:01] Received Stimulus: Line(1)
[Dec  4 22:30:01] Setting ringer mode to '1'.
[Dec  4 22:30:01] skinny_new: tmp->nativeformats=256 fmt=256
[Dec  4 22:30:01] Attempting to Clear display on Skinny 324@PJ
[Dec  4 22:30:01] Clearing Display
[Dec  4 22:30:01]     -- Starting simple switch on '324@PJ'
[Dec  4 22:30:01] Setting ringer mode to '1'.
[Dec  4 22:30:01] Collected digit: [9]
[Dec  4 22:30:01]     -- Asked to indicate 'Stop tone' condition on channel Skinny/324@PJ-4
[Dec  4 22:30:01] Collected digit: [5]
[Dec  4 22:30:01]     -- Asked to indicate 'Stop tone' condition on channel Skinny/324@PJ-4
[Dec  4 22:30:02] Collected digit: [9]
[Dec  4 22:30:02]     -- Asked to indicate 'Stop tone' condition on channel Skinny/324@PJ-4
Playback("Skinny/324@PJ-4", "demo-echotest") in new stack
[Dec  4 22:30:05] skinny_answer(Skinny/324@PJ-4) on 324@PJ-4
[Dec  4 22:30:05] Displaying Prompt Status 'Connected'
[Dec  4 22:30:05]     -- Playing 'demo-echotest' (language 'en')
[Dec  4 22:30:05] Received Open Receive Channel Ack
[Dec  4 22:30:05] ipaddr =
[Dec  4 22:30:05] ourip = 193.179.xx.xx:14034
[Dec  4 22:30:05] Setting payloadType to '256' (20 ms)
[Dec  4 22:30:10] Received Softkey Event: End Call(1)
[Dec  4 22:30:10] Skinny 324@PJ went on hook
[Dec  4 22:30:10] Clearing Display
[Dec  4 22:30:10]   == Spawn extension (xxx, 959, 2) exited non-zero on 'Skinny/324@PJ-4'
[Dec  4 22:30:10] skinny_hangup(Skinny/324@PJ-4) on 324@PJ type(2) hookstate(2)
[Dec  4 22:30:10] Setting ringer mode to '1'.
[Dec  4 22:30:10] Clearing Display
[Dec  4 22:30:28] Clearing Display

By: Jason Parker (jparker) 2006-12-22 10:25:33.000-0600

So, are you saying that this works as expected, and fixes the issue?

By: Anthony LaMantia (alamantia) 2007-01-03 19:49:16.000-0600

can you respond to qwell's question?

By: pj (pj) 2007-01-04 09:22:35.000-0600

I send only debugs, what alamantina requests:
issue was still the same (alamantina revert changes back, because first patch doesn't help),
I don't know, if any change was made in current 1.4 svn or trunk, currently I can't test with skinny phone.

By: pj (pj) 2007-05-25 15:18:48

issue still persist in current trunk (SVN-trunk-r66178),
related issue is also reported here:
0009596: can't dial/make calls from skinny phone

By: pj (pj) 2007-06-04 15:31:10

this issue can be closed,
display is now correctly cleared in SVN-trunk-r66882M
and excessive clearing of missed call info on 7920 as described in:
0009152: chan_skinny doesn't periodically update time on phone
is probably firmware issue.
missed calls on 7912 are not cleared, so it is correct behaviour.

By: Jason Parker (jparker) 2007-06-04 17:54:01

sbisker, can you confirm?  If not, I'm going to try to go through most of the skinny bugs, and get them all fixed/commited, so this will be on my list as well.

By: sbisker (sbisker) 2007-06-05 14:30:40

The screen is completely cleared and set to "Current Options" when making an outgoing call.  When a call is recieved, the screen stays on "From XXXX" regardless of what you do to clear the screen.  This is the latest firmware on the 7920 phone.  Not sure if this is correct behavior or not?

Will your skinny patches make it into 1.4.x???

By: Jason Parker (jparker) 2007-07-23 13:35:38

With the recent fixes backported to 1.4, this should now be fixed.  Please re-open if that is not the case.