
Summary:ASTERISK-07463: Multiple line ringing has issues
Reporter:J. Oquendo (sil)Labels:
Date Opened:2006-08-04 12:07:19Date Closed:2011-06-07 14:07:57
Versions:Frequency of
Description:I've set up a "ring all" number in my context for gateway of which is supposed to ring all lines when *7 is dialed:

exten => *7,1,Dial(SIP/1229&SIP/1238&SIP/1204&SIP/1224&SIP/1207&SIP/1232&SIP/3209&SIP/1214&SIP/1211&SIP/1231&SIP/1223&SIP/1235&SIP/1213&SIP/1228&SIP/1219&SIP/

Upon trying to test this, only one or two lines ring. The following is an error I get and directly after this error no other phones ring.

[root@XXX logs]# uname -a
Linux XXX 2.6.16-1.2122_FC5 #1 Sun May 21 15:01:01 EDT 2006 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux
[root@XXX logs]# asterisk -V
Asterisk 1.2.10

2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- Executing Dial("SIP/1202-0a1c50a8", "SIP/1229&SIP/1238&SIP/1204&SIP/1224&SIP/1207&SIP/1232&SIP/3209&SIP/12
in new stack
2006-08-04 12:46:40 NOTICE[21119] app_dial.c: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination)
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- Called 1238
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- Called 1204
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- Called 1224
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- Called 1207
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- Called 1232
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- Called 3209
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- Called 1214
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- Called 1211
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- Called 1231
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- Called 1223
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- Called 1235
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- Called 1213
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- Called 1228
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- Called 1219
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- Called 1201
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- Called 1251
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- Called 3208
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- Called 1218
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- Called 1230
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- Called 3237
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- Called 1225
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- Called 1215
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- Called 1233
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- Called 1205
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- Called 1206
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- Called 1249
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- Called 1203
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- Called 3253
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- Called 1212
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- Called 1216
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- Called 1252
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- Called 1202
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- Called 1217
2006-08-04 12:46:40 NOTICE[21119] app_dial.c: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination)
2006-08-04 12:46:40 NOTICE[21119] app_dial.c: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination)
2006-08-04 12:46:40 NOTICE[21119] app_dial.c: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination)
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- Called 1210
2006-08-04 12:46:40 NOTICE[21119] app_dial.c: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination)
2006-08-04 12:46:40 NOTICE[21119] app_dial.c: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination)
2006-08-04 12:46:40 NOTICE[21119] app_dial.c: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination)
2006-08-04 12:46:40 NOTICE[21119] app_dial.c: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination)
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- SIP/1251-0a2c0ec0 is ringing
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- SIP/1210-0a3251f8 is ringing
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[1864] logger.c:     -- Got SIP response 486 "Do Not Disturb" back from
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- SIP/1235-0a2a4950 is ringing
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- SIP/1203-0a2fba78 is busy
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- SIP/1231-0a299f30 is ringing
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[1864] logger.c:     -- Got SIP response 302 "Moved Temporarily" back from
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- SIP/3253-0a301390 is ringing
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- SIP/1228-0a2b0f90 is ringing
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- SIP/1201-0a2bb9b0 is ringing
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- SIP/1252-0a314ec0 is ringing
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- SIP/3208-0a2c63d0 is ringing
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- SIP/1212-0a30a4a0 is ringing
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- SIP/1230-0a2d0df0 is ringing
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- SIP/1211-0a294a20 is ringing
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- SIP/1214-0a28f510 is ringing
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- SIP/1225-0a2db810 is ringing
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- SIP/1249-0a2f6160 is ringing
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- SIP/1217-0a31f8e0 is ringing
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- SIP/1233-0a2e6230 is ringing
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- SIP/1204-0a200a40 is ringing
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- SIP/1206-0a2f0c50 is ringing
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- SIP/1213-0a2a9e60 is ringing
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- SIP/1219-0a2b64a0 is ringing
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- SIP/1216-0a30f9b0 is ringing
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- SIP/1238-0a120978 is ringing
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- SIP/1223-0a29f440 is ringing
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- SIP/1224-0a27a0d0 is ringing
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- SIP/3209-0a28a000 is ringing
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- SIP/1215-0a2e0d20 is ringing
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- SIP/3237-0a2d6300 is ringing
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- SIP/1232-0a284af0 is ringing
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- SIP/1205-0a2eb740 is ringing
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[1864] logger.c:     -- Got SIP response 486 "Do Not Disturb" back from
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- SIP/1202-0a31a3d0 is busy
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- SIP/1218-0a2cb8e0 is ringing
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- SIP/1225-0a2db810 is ringing
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- SIP/1211-0a294a20 is ringing
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- SIP/3208-0a2c63d0 is ringing
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- SIP/1217-0a31f8e0 is ringing
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- SIP/1223-0a29f440 is ringing
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- SIP/1213-0a2a9e60 is ringing
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- SIP/1249-0a2f6160 is ringing
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- SIP/1215-0a2e0d20 is ringing
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- SIP/1212-0a30a4a0 is ringing
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21119] logger.c:     -- SIP/1249-0a2f6160 answered SIP/1202-0a1c50a8
2006-08-04 12:46:40 VERBOSE[21126] logger.c:     -- Hungup 'Zap/1-1'


Using Snom 320's, 360's, Dell Powerconnect switches
Comments:By: Matt O'Gorman (mogorman) 2006-08-04 12:11:14

sounds like a configuration issue.
do a sip show peers and see if all of the phones are registered i imagine the majority arent.

By: J. Oquendo (sil) 2006-08-04 12:54:56

#mogorman - administrator
ASTERISK-48-04-06 12:11
# sounds like a configuration issue.
#do a sip show peers and see if all of the phones are registered i imagine the #majority arent.

Actually most are registered. 6 of all lines are not

By: Joshua C. Colp (jcolp) 2006-08-16 14:20:44

This really seems like a configuration issue or something. It even specifically states the phones are ringing, until SIP/1249 answers then they would stop. I fail to see a problem.

By: Olle Johansson (oej) 2006-08-18 02:24:23

If we get a SIP debug we would propably see that all phones tell Asterisk that they are ringing, which is what we see above.

By: Joshua C. Colp (jcolp) 2006-08-21 13:52:55

If this is still an issue please reopen with the needed information as requested by both oej and myself.