
Summary:ASTERISK-07351: rtptimeout setting fails to hang up a call dialed with AGI script
Reporter:chrisde (chrisde)Labels:
Date Opened:2006-07-18 02:23:29Date Closed:2011-06-07 14:02:45
Versions:Frequency of
Description:Why is asterisk keeping channels up when "...Nobody there, continuing...". And what happened there? Won't Asterisk hangup when the user pulls the line out of the wall? Or when the user looses signal from his Accesspoint using a WLAN phone?

Also whenever I look in the console and type "show channels" there are several channels up, that shouldn't be up. Also there are channels in state ring for more than 16 hours while the caller isn't registerd anymore with asterisk.


Jul 15 16:52:51 VERBOSE[18440] logger.c:     -- Executing
DeadAGI("SIP/mysipid-3d7b", "newalepo.php") in new stack
Jul 15 16:52:51 VERBOSE[18440] logger.c:     -- Launched AGI Script
Jul 15 16:52:51 VERBOSE[18440] logger.c:   newalepo.php: 'agi_request' =>
Jul 15 16:52:51 VERBOSE[18440] logger.c:   newalepo.php: 'agi_channel' =>
Jul 15 16:52:51 VERBOSE[18440] logger.c:   newalepo.php: 'agi_language' => 'en'
Jul 15 16:52:51 VERBOSE[18440] logger.c:   newalepo.php: 'agi_type' => 'SIP'
Jul 15 16:52:51 VERBOSE[18440] logger.c:   newalepo.php: 'agi_uniqueid' =>
Jul 15 16:52:51 VERBOSE[18440] logger.c:   newalepo.php: 'agi_callerid' =>
Jul 15 16:52:51 VERBOSE[18440] logger.c:   newalepo.php: 'agi_calleridname' =>
Jul 15 16:52:51 VERBOSE[18440] logger.c:   newalepo.php: 'agi_callingpres' =>
Jul 15 16:52:51 VERBOSE[18440] logger.c:   newalepo.php: 'agi_callingani2' =>
Jul 15 16:52:51 VERBOSE[18440] logger.c:   newalepo.php: 'agi_callington' => '0'
Jul 15 16:52:51 VERBOSE[18440] logger.c:   newalepo.php: 'agi_callingtns' => '0'
Jul 15 16:52:51 VERBOSE[18440] logger.c:   newalepo.php: 'agi_dnid' =>
Jul 15 16:52:51 VERBOSE[18440] logger.c:   newalepo.php: 'agi_rdnis' =>
Jul 15 16:52:51 VERBOSE[18440] logger.c:   newalepo.php: 'agi_context' =>
Jul 15 16:52:51 VERBOSE[18440] logger.c:   newalepo.php: 'agi_extension' =>
Jul 15 16:52:51 VERBOSE[18440] logger.c:   newalepo.php: 'agi_priority' => '1'
Jul 15 16:52:51 VERBOSE[18440] logger.c:   newalepo.php: 'agi_enhanced' => '0.0'
Jul 15 16:52:51 VERBOSE[18440] logger.c:   newalepo.php: 'agi_accountcode' =>
Jul 15 16:52:51 VERBOSE[18440] logger.c:   newalepo.php:
Jul 15 16:52:51 VERBOSE[18440] logger.c:   newalepo.php: string(96) "mysipid
; SIP/mysipid-3d7b ; 1152982371.5285 ; mysipid ; 0092215616237 ;
Jul 15 16:52:51 VERBOSE[18440] logger.c:   newalepo.php: >> SET AUTOHANGUP 3600
Jul 15 16:52:51 VERBOSE[18440] logger.c:   newalepo.php: >> SET CALLERID
Jul 15 16:52:51 VERBOSE[18440] logger.c:   newalepo.php: >> EXEC DIAL
sip/70092215616237 at
Jul 15 16:52:51 VERBOSE[18440] logger.c:     -- AGI Script Executing
Application: (DIAL) Options: (sip/70092215616237 at
Jul 15 16:52:51 DEBUG[18440] res_config_mysql.c: MySQL RealTime: Retrieve SQL:
SELECT * FROM sipfriends WHERE name = ''
Jul 15 16:52:51 DEBUG[18440] res_config_mysql.c: MySQL RealTime: Everything is
Jul 15 16:52:51 DEBUG[18440] chan_sip.c: Outgoing Call for 70092215616237
Jul 15 16:52:51 VERBOSE[18440] logger.c:     -- Called
70092215616237 at
Jul 15 16:53:06 VERBOSE[18440] logger.c:     -- SIP/ is
making progress passing it to SIP/mysipid-3d7b
Jul 15 16:53:07 DEBUG[18440] chan_sip.c: Oooh, format changed to 2
Jul 15 16:53:09 NOTICE[18440] rtp.c: Comfort noise support incomplete in
Asterisk (RFC 3389). Please turn off on client if possible. Client IP:
Jul 15 16:53:17 VERBOSE[18440] logger.c:     -- SIP/ is
making progress passing it to SIP/mysipid-3d7b
Jul 15 16:54:02 VERBOSE[18440] logger.c:     -- SIP/ answered
Jul 15 16:54:02 VERBOSE[18440] logger.c:     -- Attempting native bridge of
SIP/mysipid-3d7b and SIP/
Jul 15 17:52:51 DEBUG[18440] channel.c: Nobody there, continuing...
Jul 15 17:52:51 DEBUG[18440] channel.c: Nobody there, continuing...
Jul 15 17:52:51 DEBUG[18440] channel.c: Nobody there, continuing...
Jul 15 17:52:51 DEBUG[18440] channel.c: Nobody there, continuing...
repeated 2 million times
Jul 15 17:52:51 DEBUG[18440] channel.c: Nobody there, continuing...
Jul 15 17:52:51 DEBUG[18440] channel.c: Nobody there, continuing...
Jul 15 17:52:51 DEBUG[18440] channel.c: Nobody there, continuing...
Jul 15 18:05:45 DEBUG[18440] channel.c: Didn't get a frame from channel:
Jul 15 18:05:45 DEBUG[18440] channel.c: Bridge stops bridging channels
SIP/mysipid-3d7b and SIP/
Jul 15 18:05:45 DEBUG[18440] chan_sip.c: update_call_counter(70092215616237) -
decrement call limit counter
Jul 15 18:05:45 DEBUG[18440] app_dial.c: Exiting with DIALSTATUS=ANSWER.
Jul 15 18:05:45 VERBOSE[18440] logger.c:   newalepo.php: >> GET VARIABLE
Jul 15 18:05:45 VERBOSE[18440] logger.c:   newalepo.php: >> GET VARIABLE
Jul 15 18:05:45 VERBOSE[18440] logger.c:   newalepo.php: string(6) "ANSWER"n
Jul 15 18:05:45 VERBOSE[18440] logger.c:     -- AGI Script newalepo.php
completed, returning 0
Jul 15 18:05:45 DEBUG[18440] pbx.c: Extension 92215616237, priority 1 returned
normally even though call was hung up
Jul 15 18:05:45 DEBUG[18440] cdr_addon_mysql.c: cdr_mysql: inserting a CDR
Jul 15 18:05:45 DEBUG[18440] cdr_addon_mysql.c: cdr_mysql: SQL command as
follows: INSERT INTO cdr
VALUES ('2006-07-15 16:52:51','\"mysipid\"
'SIP/mysipid-3d7b','SIP/','Dial','sip/70092215616237 at',4374,4303,'ANSWERED',3,'mysipid')

Jul 15 18:05:45 DEBUG[18440] chan_sip.c: update_call_counter(mysipid) -
decrement call limit counter
Comments:By: chrisde (chrisde) 2006-07-18 03:41:00

please also take note of "SET AUTOHANGUP 3600" ... Asterisk seems to also ignore this.

By: Serge Vecher (serge-v) 2006-07-18 08:56:41

1. First of all, you are using an AGI script to dial. If you dial directly with Dial(), I bet this problem won't happen.
2. if the device looses network connectivity, there is a setting in sip.conf to specifically address this - 'rtptimeout'

You have posted a bug report marked 'major' that has to do with a custom component, rather than Asterisk proper, which could also be addressed with a configuration option. This is the second time you do this. In the future, if you think you have identified an Asterisk bug, please consult somebody else either on #asterisk channel on IRC or asterisk-users mailing list. Thank you.

By: chrisde (chrisde) 2006-07-22 06:07:16

This problem occurs having rtptimeout set to 60 seconds. Also on the mailing-list and in #asterisk there are no ideas for this problem. Also I upgraded to 1.2.10 without any change. This night asterisk crashed completely because of this closing the channel on restart:

Jul 22 01:36:02 DEBUG[11595] chan_sip.c: Outgoing Call for 700554333296999
Jul 22 01:36:02 VERBOSE[11595] logger.c:     -- Called 700554333296999 at
Jul 22 01:36:06 VERBOSE[11595] logger.c:     -- SIP/ is making progress passing it to SIP/mysipid-08215dc8
Jul 22 01:36:07 DEBUG[11595] chan_sip.c: Oooh, format changed to 2
Jul 22 01:36:07 NOTICE[11595] rtp.c: Comfort noise support incomplete in Asterisk (RFC 3389). Please turn off on client if possible. Client IP:
Jul 22 01:36:21 VERBOSE[11595] logger.c:     -- SIP/ answered SIP/mysipid-08215dc8
Jul 22 01:36:21 VERBOSE[11595] logger.c:     -- Attempting native bridge of SIP/mysipid-08215dc8 and SIP/
Jul 22 02:36:02 DEBUG[11595] channel.c: Nobody there, continuing...
Jul 22 02:36:02 DEBUG[11595] channel.c: Nobody there, continuing...
Jul 22 02:36:02 DEBUG[11595] channel.c: Nobody there, continuing...
Jul 22 02:36:02 DEBUG[11595] channel.c: Nobody there, continuing...

sending a "stop now" to asterisk:

Jul 22 09:24:31 DEBUG[11595] channel.c: Didn't get a frame from channel: SIP/
Jul 22 09:24:31 DEBUG[11595] channel.c: Bridge stops bridging channels SIP/mysipid-08215dc8 and SIP/
Jul 22 09:24:31 DEBUG[11595] chan_sip.c: update_call_counter(700554333296999) - decrement call limit counter

between this call and the stop now command noone could do any calls.

By: Serge Vecher (serge-v) 2006-07-24 08:21:14

please replace the AGI dialing script with a generic Dial() diaplan command for dialing and reproduce. We need to isolate the problem to either an AGI script\subsystem or another core component. Thanks.

By: chrisde (chrisde) 2006-07-24 09:45:33

we cannot do this since our billing is based on AGI.
The (php)AGI-script does the following:
$myres = $agi->exec("EXEC DIAL $dialstr");
and one line later:
$answeredtime = $agi->get_var("ANSWEREDTIME");
so everything between is from Asterisk and shouldn't have anything to do with AGI. If you look at the first debug, only

"Jul 15 16:52:51 VERBOSE[18440] logger.c: newalepo.php: >> EXEC DIAL sip/70092215616237 at"

should be caused by the AGI script. Anything else after this and before the line

"Jul 15 18:05:45 VERBOSE[18440] logger.c: newalepo.php: >> GET VARIABLE ANSWEREDTIME"

looks like internal channel handling from asterisk, because in the agi script there is also nothing in between.

By: chrisde (chrisde) 2006-07-25 07:30:58

very strange:

show channels

Channel              Location             State   Application(Data)
SIP/mysipid-0827 34952928103@from-gig Ring    Dial(SIP/20034952928103@66.241
10 active channels
7 active calls

show channel SIP/mysipid-0827

server*CLI> show channel SIP/mysipid-0827
SIP/mysipid-0827 is not a known channel

sip1-ffm*CLI> sip show channels
Peer             User/ANR    Call ID      Seq (Tx/Rx)  Form  Hold     Last Message      (None)      KZUrMUhT6R6  00101/07582  unkn  No       Rx: REGISTER  (None)      2f71f501540  00101/32207  unkn  No       Rx: REGISTER   (None)      0b138b7f72a  00101/10565  unkn  No       Rx: REGISTER   (None)      4bc444631b7  00101/00229  unkn  No       Rx: REGISTER   7005548364  30e22e9b534  00102/00000  ulaw  No       Tx: ACK     2005551347  6af9da1a52a  00102/00000  g729  No       Tx: ACK          (None)      00f5d19e19f  00101/00000  unkn  No          (None)      4e1e01087f8  00101/00000  unkn  No          (None)      6d3c21b91b4  00101/00000  unkn  No     mysipid     1102520504@  00101/00021  g729  No       Rx: ACK          (None)      6ac2ecf51c2  00101/00000  unkn  No
...          (None)      1f89ef10529  00101/00000  unkn  No

22 active SIP channels

server*CLI> sip show channel 1102520504@

 Direction:              Incoming
 Call-ID:                1102520504@
 Our Codec Capability:   270
 Non-Codec Capability:   0
 Their Codec Capability:   256
 Joint Codec Capability:   256
 Format                  g729
 Theoretical Address:
 Received Address:
 NAT Support:            Always
 Audio IP:      (local)
 Our Tag:                as61f80030
 Their Tag:              991783329
 SIP User agent:         GL221SCF-1.36f
 Username:               mysipid
 Peername:               mysipid
 Original uri:           sip:mysipid@
 Caller-ID:              mysipid
 Need Destroy:           0
 Last Message:           Rx: ACK
 Promiscuous Redir:      No
 Route:                  sip:mysipid@
 DTMF Mode:              rfc2833
 SIP Options:            (none)

By: Serge Vecher (serge-v) 2006-08-01 08:12:49

chrisDE: this issue may be related to a recently fixed bug ASTERISK-7262. Can you please test revision >= 38611 of 1.2 branch and see if that fixes your issue as well?

By: chrisde (chrisde) 2006-08-09 02:37:38

At this time the error doesn't appear anymore. We used the nagios plugin to monitor the asterisk system and its open channels. Now, after disabling nagios the error doesn't appear anymore. I now try to find out what caused the problem, because as I understand everything nagios does is to "show channels" in the manager console.?

By: Serge Vecher (serge-v) 2006-08-09 09:20:46

alright, at this point I will close the issue and mark it as caused by third-party software. Feel free to investigate this further and if you do establish that there is a *bug* in Asterisk, feel free to reopen the issue. To avoid any more negative 'karmage', please run your findings by somebody on #asterisk or #asterisk-bugs before reopening. Danke.