
Summary:ASTERISK-07346: not sending progressing dss1 messages
Reporter:Rosario Pingaro (rpingar)Labels:
Date Opened:2006-07-16 14:58:35Date Closed:2011-06-07 14:03:14
Versions:Frequency of
Description:In our asterisk we have a trunk in Woomera channel to connect by ss7 to our upstream and a PRI interface to connect asterisk to our voip concentrator.

The problem is that asterisk doesn't send a PROGRESSING dss1 messages after the CALL PROCEEDING messages.

This pushes the voip appliance to use 180 instead 183 sip messages and I don't have EARLY MEDIA on the link.

this is my zapata.conf and a call signaling log:
context = prova
switchtype = euroisdn
usecallerid = yes
echocancel = no
echocancelwhenbridged = no
rxgain = -1.0
txgain = 0.0

signalling = pri_cpe
group =1
channel = 1-15,17-31

;Note: Customers in the UK connected to BT might require this parameter:

< Protocol Discriminator: Q.931 (8)  len=43
< Call Ref: len= 2 (reference 60/0x3C) (Originator)
< Message type: SETUP (5)
< [04 03 90 90 a3]
< Bearer Capability (len= 5) [ Ext: 1  Q.931 Std: 0  Info transfer
capability: 3.1kHz audio (16)
<                              Ext: 1  Trans mode/rate: 64kbps, circuit-mode
<                              Ext: 1  User information layer 1: A-Law (35)
< [18 03 a9 83 81]
< Channel ID (len= 5) [ Ext: 1  IntID: Implicit, PRI Spare: 0, Exclusive
Dchan: 0
<                        ChanSel: Reserved
<                       Ext: 1  Coding: 0   Number Specified   Channel Type:
<                       Ext: 1  Channel: 1 ]
< [6c 0d 00 80 30 38 32 38 31 39 36 32 31 30 31]
< Calling Number (len=15) [ Ext: 0  TON: Unknown Number Type (0)  NPI:
Unknown Number Plan (0)
<                           Presentation: Presentation permitted, user
number not screened (0) '08281962101' ]
< [70 0b 80 33 33 35 36 32 39 32 31 38 37]
< Called Number (len=13) [ Ext: 1  TON: Unknown Number Type (0)  NPI:
Unknown Number Plan (0) '3356292187' ]
-- Making new call for cr 60
-- Processing Q.931 Call Setup
-- Processing IE 4 (cs0, Bearer Capability)
-- Processing IE 24 (cs0, Channel Identification)
-- Processing IE 108 (cs0, Calling Party Number)
-- Processing IE 112 (cs0, Called Party Number)
> Protocol Discriminator: Q.931 (8)  len=10
> Call Ref: len= 2 (reference 60/0x3C) (Terminator)
> Message type: CALL PROCEEDING (2)
> [18 03 a9 83 81]
> Channel ID (len= 5) [ Ext: 1  IntID: Implicit, PRI Spare: 0, Exclusive
> Dchan: 0
>                        ChanSel: Reserved
>                       Ext: 1  Coding: 0   Number Specified   Channel Type:
> 3
>                       Ext: 1  Channel: 1 ]

Comments:By: Rosario Pingaro (rpingar) 2006-07-16 15:05:07

I contacted also the support dep of the voip box's vendor and they told me the same. If they have progressing messages they have early audio on sip; if they don't they send only 180.


By: Matthew Fredrickson (mattf) 2006-07-17 11:54:31

Have you tried using the Progress() application in your dial plan?