
Summary:ASTERISK-07200: Response for call limit is incorrect
Reporter:Makoto Dei (makoto)Labels:
Date Opened:2006-06-18 05:29:44Date Closed:2006-06-26 14:23:06
Versions:Frequency of
Description:Asterisk should answer the callee "486 Busy Here" instead of "480 Temporarily Unavailable" when call limit reached because RFC3261 said the following.

21.4.24 486 Busy Here

  The callee's end system was contacted successfully, but the callee is
  currently not willing or able to take additional calls at this end

Comments:By: Tilghman Lesher (tilghman) 2006-06-18 11:56:45

and from the same document:

21.4.18 480 Temporarily Unavailable

  The callee's end system was contacted successfully but the callee is
  currently unavailable (for example, is not logged in, logged in but
  in a state that precludes communication with the callee, or has
  activated the "do not disturb" feature).  The response MAY indicate a
  better time to call in the Retry-After header field.  The user could
  also be available elsewhere (unbeknownst to this server).  The reason
  phrase SHOULD indicate a more precise cause as to why the callee is
  unavailable.  This value SHOULD be settable by the UA.  Status 486
  (Busy Here) MAY be used to more precisely indicate a particular
  reason for the call failure.

  This status is also returned by a redirect or proxy server that
  recognizes the user identified by the Request-URI, but does not
  currently have a valid forwarding location for that user.

This appears to be a valid reason for using the 480 response.

Is there some issue this is causing you, that you need the 486 response or is this just about pedantry?

By: Olle Johansson (oej) 2006-06-19 02:34:42

And it's not the end point that sets this status, which is another reason to avoid the 486... We did not contact the "callee's system".

By: Olle Johansson (oej) 2006-06-19 02:34:42

And it's not the end point that sets this status, which is another reason to avoid the 486... We did not contact the "callee's system".

By: Olle Johansson (oej) 2006-06-26 14:23:06

No comment from reporter.