
Summary:ASTERISK-07129: incoming calls on misdn channel are rejected
Reporter:andrea lanza (lanzaandrea)Labels:
Date Opened:2006-06-09 04:33:09Date Closed:2011-06-07 14:03:16
Versions:Frequency of
Description:I have 2 ISDN lines, driven by mISDN.
on outside incoming calls, about 25 % of times I get on full log:
Jun  9 10:45:58 WARNING[5953] chan_misdn.c: Extension can never match, so disconnecting
Jun  9 10:45:58 DEBUG[5953] channel.c: Prodding channel 'mISDN/1-1'
Jun  9 10:45:58 DEBUG[5953] channel.c: Scheduling timer at 160 sample intervals
Jun  9 10:45:58 WARNING[5953] chan_misdn.c: Extension can never match, so disconnecting
Jun  9 10:45:58 DEBUG[5953] channel.c: Prodding channel 'mISDN/2-1'
Jun  9 10:45:58 DEBUG[5953] channel.c: Scheduling timer at 160 sample intervals

Redialing from outside the same number just a moment later, everything is OK, and the correlated internal extension rings.
I reproduced the same bahaviour on two different Suse Linux 10.0 box, last updated kernel 2.6.13-15.10-smp; on one box 2 Billion cards are hosted; on the second box 1 Beronet 2S0 card; No changes if instead of msns=* I tried to add a list of numbers: again about 1/4 of calls fails; my 2 S0 came from a provider who "attached" to that 50 contiguos numbers, ranging from 0108680550 to 0108680599.  
MoreOver, on one box I tried both default and smp kernel: same result.


I am using asterisk 1.2 branch,
Path: asterisk-1.2
URL: http://svn.digium.com/svn/asterisk/branches/1.2
Repository UUID: 65c4cc65-6c06-0410-ace0-fbb531ad65f3
Revision: 33032
Node Kind: directory
Schedule: normal
Last Changed Author: russell
Last Changed Rev: 32818
Last Changed Date: 2006-06-07 19:53:21 +0200 (Wed, 07 Jun 2006)
Properties Last Updated: 2006-06-08 17:01:01 +0200 (Thu, 08 Jun 2006)

; I am using chan_misdn provided by the beronet script:

cd /usr/src
wget http://www.beronet.com/downloads/install-misdn-mqueue.tar.gz
the VERSION file in chan_misdn reports: 0.3.1-rc10, dated Jun 7 14:59

In the past (since last year) I used 2 Fritz cards driven by chan_capi (on a kernel 2.4) and I never lost a call; more recently I used zaphfc with the billion, and I never lost a call too; I moved to misdn becouse zaphfc broke cdr and beronet people, at Cebit, told me misdn is better, whitch actually is true, echo is absent and dialing time is faster.
I think it colud be a bug becouse on 75 % of the times everything is OK; if it were a configuration issue, I think that almost 100% shoul be bad
Comments:By: crich (crich) 2006-06-09 04:57:33

Can you please set the  debug option in the misdn.conf to level 3 and send me the tracefile with the "Extension can never match" Problem in it.

That might help me a lot.

By: andrea lanza (lanzaandrea) 2006-06-09 05:09:10

Ok, I will do it immediatly.
Just a consideration: looking at full log, I see:
Jun  9 12:00:45 WARNING[22310] misdn_config.c: misdn.conf: "method=standard" (section: general) invalid or out of range. Please edit your misdn.conf and then do a "misdn reload".

but method=standard appears to be a "good" command, doesn't it ?

By: crich (crich) 2006-06-09 05:13:48

yes it is, but you might have defined it in the [general] section, but it is not a general but a port specific parameter, so put it in the [default] section or in a port-group section.

By: andrea lanza (lanzaandrea) 2006-06-09 05:16:23

I put myself on tail -f on /var/log/asterisk/misdn.log
This is what I got:

call failed:
Fri Jun  9 12:10:54 2006: P[ 0]  Dynamic Crypting Activation is not support during reload at the moment
Fri Jun  9 12:11:55 2006: P[ 1]  I IND :SETUP oad:3481303064 dad:0108680567
Fri Jun  9 12:11:55 2006: P[ 1]  Extension can never match, so disconnecting
Fri Jun  9 12:11:55 2006: P[ 1]  I SEND:RELEASE oad:3481303064 dad:00108680567
Fri Jun  9 12:11:55 2006: P[ 1]   --> bc_state:BCHAN_CLEANED
Fri Jun  9 12:11:55 2006: P[ 1]  Sending msg, prim:34d80 addr:0 dinfo:2001e
Fri Jun  9 12:11:55 2006: P[ 1]  I IND :RELEASE_COMPLETE oad:3481303064 dad:00108680567
Fri Jun  9 12:11:55 2006: P[ 1]  release_chan: bc with l3id: 2001e
Fri Jun  9 12:11:55 2006: P[ 1]  * RELEASING CHANNEL pid:0 ctx:from-pstn dad:00108680567 oad:3481303064 state: EXTCANTMATCH
Fri Jun  9 12:11:55 2006: P[ 1]  I IND :CLEAN_UP oad: dad:
Fri Jun  9 12:11:55 2006: P[ 2]  I IND :SETUP oad:3481303064 dad:0108680567
Fri Jun  9 12:11:55 2006: P[ 2]  Extension can never match, so disconnecting
Fri Jun  9 12:11:55 2006: P[ 2]  I SEND:RELEASE oad:3481303064 dad:00108680567
Fri Jun  9 12:11:55 2006: P[ 2]   --> bc_state:BCHAN_CLEANED
Fri Jun  9 12:11:55 2006: P[ 2]  Sending msg, prim:34d80 addr:0 dinfo:40008
Fri Jun  9 12:11:55 2006: P[ 2]  I IND :RELEASE_COMPLETE oad:3481303064 dad:00108680567
Fri Jun  9 12:11:55 2006: P[ 2]  release_chan: bc with l3id: 40008
Fri Jun  9 12:11:55 2006: P[ 2]  * RELEASING CHANNEL pid:1 ctx:from-pstn dad:00108680567 oad:3481303064 state: EXTCANTMATCH
Fri Jun  9 12:11:55 2006: P[ 2]  I IND :CLEAN_UP oad: dad:
Fri Jun  9 12:12:35 2006: P[ 1]  MGMT: SSTATUS: L2_RELEASED
Fri Jun  9 12:12:35 2006: P[ 2]  MGMT: SSTATUS: L2_RELEASED

later (call succeded, abot 5 seconds of rings, then hungup without answering)

Fri Jun  9 12:14:55 2006: P[ 1]  I IND :SETUP oad:3481303064 dad:0108680567
Fri Jun  9 12:14:55 2006: P[ 1]  I SEND:PROCEEDING oad:3481303064 dad:0108680567
Fri Jun  9 12:14:55 2006: P[ 1]   --> bc_state:BCHAN_CLEANED
Fri Jun  9 12:14:55 2006: P[ 1]  Sending msg, prim:30280 addr:0 dinfo:20020
Fri Jun  9 12:14:56 2006: P[ 1]  * IND : Indication [3] from s
Fri Jun  9 12:14:56 2006: P[ 1]   --> * IND :   ringing pid:4
Fri Jun  9 12:14:56 2006: P[ 1]  I SEND:ALERTING oad:3481303064 dad:0108680567
Fri Jun  9 12:14:56 2006: P[ 1]   --> bc_state:BCHAN_ACTIVATED
Fri Jun  9 12:14:56 2006: P[ 1]  Sending msg, prim:30180 addr:0 dinfo:20020
Fri Jun  9 12:14:56 2006: P[ 1]   --> incoming_early_audio off
Fri Jun  9 12:14:56 2006: P[ 1]   --> * SEND: State Ring pid:4
Fri Jun  9 12:15:01 2006: P[ 1]  I IND :RELEASE oad:3481303064 dad:0108680567
Fri Jun  9 12:15:01 2006: P[ 1]  I SEND:RELEASE_COMPLETE oad:3481303064 dad:0108680567
Fri Jun  9 12:15:01 2006: P[ 1]   --> bc_state:BCHAN_ACTIVATED
Fri Jun  9 12:15:01 2006: P[ 1]  I IND :CLEAN_UP oad: dad:
Fri Jun  9 12:15:01 2006: P[ 1]  release_chan: bc with l3id: 20020
Fri Jun  9 12:15:01 2006: P[ 1]  * RELEASING CHANNEL pid:0 ctx:macro-dial dad:s oad:3481303064 state: ALERTING
Fri Jun  9 12:15:01 2006: P[ 1]  Sending msg, prim:35a80 addr:0 dinfo:20020

By: andrea lanza (lanzaandrea) 2006-06-09 05:22:35

I modified the method=standard in misdn.conf, moving in to the default section
from general section, and warning disappeared.
In the sample misdn.conf it is present in the  "right" place;
in the pdf card installation guide  from beronet it is described in the right place, but "exampled" in the wrong (page 32/49). Perhaps they could be informed to correct that example.

By: crich (crich) 2006-06-09 05:27:46

that's not level 3 !

anyway could you provide your misdn.conf and your extensions.conf.

By: andrea lanza (lanzaandrea) 2006-06-09 05:56:33

why I see a leading zero on release of failed calls ????

Fri Jun 9 12:35:13 2006: P[ 1] I IND :SETUP oad:3481303064 dad:0108680567
Fri Jun 9 12:35:13 2006: P[ 0] --> * NEW CHANNEL dad:0108680567 oad:3481303064
Fri Jun 9 12:35:13 2006: P[ 1] I SEND:RELEASE oad:3481303064 dad:00108680567

By: crich (crich) 2006-06-09 07:15:47

The destination type of number (dnumplan) is 2 on the failing call. 2 means national. chan_misdn prefixes national calls with the national prefix, which is 0 by default.

Your extensions.conf does not match 001.. that's why you get "Extensions can never match"

By: andrea lanza (lanzaandrea) 2006-06-09 07:34:35

And what does it mean ? Why calling from same cellular to the same number
and entering the same isdn port dnumplan is different ? And, more important,
what can I do to solve it ? Should I duplicate the 01086805XX in 001086805XX,
or should I set nationalprefix=nothing (I don't know how to remove the default
value of 0....)

By: crich (crich) 2006-06-09 07:59:26

I don't know why your provider changes the dnumplan .. but you could either duplicate your extensions.conf entries or set:


in the misdn.conf

By: andrea lanza (lanzaandrea) 2006-06-09 08:06:39

Thank you, so we can consider this issue closed, and not to be a chan_misdn issue; I duplicated the incoming routes and succesfully tested it.
So I have to investigate my provider for this dnumplan problem.

Thanks again,

By: crich (crich) 2006-06-09 08:15:18

Seems to be a broken provider config. can be fixed by configuring either extensions.conf or misdn.conf.