
Summary:ASTERISK-07101: DTMF not passed properly when included in blindxfer featuremap
Reporter:barton (barton)Labels:
Date Opened:2006-06-05 15:07:39Date Closed:2006-08-05 00:45:16
Versions:Frequency of
Description:When using a custom featuremap such as:

blindxfer => ##

The # does not appear to be passed through to the called party, such as an IVR.

Comments:By: Serge Vecher (serge-v) 2006-07-06 11:38:46

A couple of things.
1. Is this an issue in
2. What channels are in use?
3. If you use different digits for a feature, will the # go through?

By: barton (barton) 2006-07-06 18:12:22

1. Is this an issue in


2. What channels are in use?

Both SIP and ZAP (PRI)

3. If you use different digits for a feature, will the # go through?

Yes, that is the only way to make it go through.  For instance, if I use ** instead of ##, then the # will go through, but the * will not.

By: Johan Gustafsson (johangus) 2006-08-04 05:00:37

I also have noticed this problem. I am using Asterisk 1.2.10.
I saw the problem when calling IVR services via SIP to chan_isdn.

Neither the # nor the * is transferred.

In features.conf I have:

blindxfer => ##
atxfer => **

However, after pressing # or * a second time, with a paus in between, this second keypress is transferred.

By: Russell Bryant (russell) 2006-08-05 00:45:15

This was recently fixed in both the 1.2 branch and trunk.  It is not yet in a release, but will be in 1.2.11.