
Summary:ASTERISK-06896: loss of memory in due corse of time
Reporter:senthilnaidu (senthilnaidu)Labels:
Date Opened:2006-05-04 14:23:16Date Closed:2011-06-07 14:03:26
Versions:Frequency of

I'm using asterisk 1.2.6 with queue, i'm not using music on hold the problem is that the memory utilization keeps on going high, i'm using 1gb ram on a celeron 1.4Ghz system, with te110p card for pri termination.

after around 10 hours of start up the free memory is just aroung 200mb
Comments:By: Serge Vecher (serge-v) 2006-05-04 14:26:57

please upgrade to the latest 1.2 stable branch.

If you are still having a problem after upgrade1, please follow these instructions originally written by jamesgolovich in one of the older bugs:

"I've found the best way to debug memory leaks in asterisk is by using the built in memory debugger that can be enabled.

To enable it edit the Makefile in the asterisk src dir, and change the following line (101):
MALLOC_DEBUG = #-include $(PWD)/include/asterisk/astmm.h
MALLOC_DEBUG = -include $(PWD)/include/asterisk/astmm.h

Then make sure to 'make clean' and recompile asterisk.

Once thats happened you can use the commands 'show memory summary' and 'show memory allocations <filename>' to help track down the leak.

valgrind has also been very useful in tracking down leaks."

Good luck!

By: senthilnaidu (senthilnaidu) 2006-05-04 14:33:25

pl can u tell
how do i upgrade to latest 1.2 stable branc

By: senthilnaidu (senthilnaidu) 2006-05-05 09:17:56

out of the total 1Gb ram the system currently has 557.7 MB free  the system has been up from around 6 hrs following is the output from asterisk cli

localhost*CLI> show memory summary
       12 bytes in     1 allocations in file 'devicestate.c'
        1 bytes in     1 allocations in file 'res_features.c'
      516 bytes in     1 allocations in file 'enum.c'
     8160 bytes in     1 allocations in file 'localtime.c'
      324 bytes in     3 allocations in file 'cdr.c'
       74 bytes in     3 allocations in file 'res_odbc.c'
      244 bytes in     1 allocations in file 'iax2-provision.c'
      962 bytes in    16 allocations in file 'config.c'
     1108 bytes in     2 allocations in file 'chan_oss.c'
      752 bytes in     2 allocations in file 'res_crypto.c'
      180 bytes in     2 allocations in file 'netsock.c'
     3468 bytes in    17 allocations in file 'file.c'
      144 bytes in     5 allocations in file 'chanvars.c'
    12568 bytes in    13 allocations in file 'app_voicemail.c'
     3224 bytes in     8 allocations in file 'chan_iax2.c'
      960 bytes in    40 allocations in file 'manager.c'
   131564 bytes in    32 allocations in file 'chan_zap.c'
       80 bytes in    10 allocations in file 'channel.c'
     4800 bytes in     8 allocations in file 'chan_agent.c'
    38880 bytes in   135 allocations in file 'loader.c'
    80528 bytes in    56 allocations in file 'chan_sip.c'
    10864 bytes in    17 allocations in file 'app_queue.c'
       20 bytes in     1 allocations in file 'cli.c'
     1844 bytes in    55 allocations in file 'sched.c'
      475 bytes in    39 allocations in file 'pbx_ael.c'
    25740 bytes in    20 allocations in file 'io.c'
    30632 bytes in   580 allocations in file 'pbx.c'
    16834 bytes in   970 allocations in file 'res_indications.c'
     3856 bytes in   373 allocations in file 'pbx_config.c'
     4817 bytes in   178 allocations in file 'asterisk.c'
    17416 bytes in   404 allocations in file 'logger.c'
401047 bytes allocated 2994 units total

By: Serge Vecher (serge-v) 2006-05-05 09:39:51

RTFM at http://www.asterisk.org/download

# svn checkout http://svn.digium.com/svn/asterisk/branches/1.2 asterisk-1.2

Once you upgrade, compare the memory reports to figure out which module is consuming memory, then identify clearly what the bug is.

By: BJ Weschke (bweschke) 2006-05-05 10:58:38

suspended - pending more info from the reporter on where the leak is coming from. senthilnaidu: if you need more assistance, please hop into #asterisk-bugs on IRC. we will help you.