
Summary:ASTERISK-06747: Added new option 'n' to Page() app to keep the Page from including the caller.
Reporter:Joe Cracchiolo (jjcinaz)Labels:
Date Opened:2006-04-10 13:16:08Date Closed:2006-04-11 16:52:05
Versions:Frequency of
Environment:Attachments:( 0) app_page_changes.patch
Description:The new option 'n' will cause the Page app to NOT dial the originating device/channel.  For example, if SIP/7001 dials *31 with the following in the dialplan:
 exten => *31,1,Page(SIP/7001&SIP/7002&SIP/7003/&SIP/7004&SIP/7005)

The Page app will normally attempt to call SIP/7001.  Since the caller is SIP/7001, this doesn't make sense and the user initiating the page is rather confused by the new call appearing on call waiting.  The new option 'n' will fix this:
 exten => *31,1,Page(SIP/7001&SIP/7002&SIP/7003/&SIP/7004&SIP/7005|n)
Now SIP/7002 ... SIP/7005 will be called, but SIP/7001 will not because it's the originating device.  SIP/7001 will still be in the Meetme room.

Comments:By: Tilghman Lesher (tilghman) 2006-04-11 00:12:39

Can you think of any reason why we'd ever want to include the caller in a Page?  What I'm thinking is that this shouldn't be an option -- it should be
part of the default action.

By: Tilghman Lesher (tilghman) 2006-04-11 00:15:34

Also, we don't allow C++-style comments in the code.  Please use C-style comments only.

By: Kevin P. Fleming (kpfleming) 2006-04-11 16:52:05

This behavior certainly violates the principle of least surprise, so I'm classifying it as a bug. I've fixed it in 1.2 and trunk, although using a simpler and more efficient algorithm. Thanks!