
Summary:ASTERISK-06497: "set debug" and iax2 calls - flooding of socket_read lines
Reporter:Edwin Groothuis (mavetju)Labels:
Date Opened:2006-03-07 17:26:37.000-0600Date Closed:2006-03-28 13:32:24.000-0600
Versions:Frequency of
Description:When an IAX2 channel is setup, and "set debug" is set to one or higher, and the console is set to debug logging, my screen gets flooded with:

Mar  8 10:02:37 DEBUG[27850]: chan_iax2.c:6426 socket_read: For call=2, set last=98664
Mar  8 10:02:37 DEBUG[27850]: chan_iax2.c:6426 socket_read: For call=2, set last=98684
Mar  8 10:02:37 DEBUG[27850]: chan_iax2.c:6426 socket_read: For call=2, set last=98704

Around line 6426 it shows:

#if 1
if (option_debug)
       ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "For call=%d, set last=%d\n", fr.callno, fr.ts);

Please consider setting this to "option_debug > 3", because it floods the console and logs for no good reason, 50 lines per second.


It's line 6462 in channels/chan_iax2.c in 1.2
It's line 6683 in channels/chan_iax2.c in TRUNK.

An other solution would be to use "if (option_debug && iaxdebug)" like on other lines in that file (3796, 7875 in trunk)
Comments:By: Russell Bryant (russell) 2006-03-28 13:32:11.000-0600

I changed it to if (option_debug && iaxdebug) in the trunk in revision 15702