
Summary:ASTERISK-06430: meetme-admin menu: 2 functions not working
Reporter:chotaire (chotaire)Labels:
Date Opened:2006-02-27 07:04:01.000-0600Date Closed:2006-03-24 23:34:45.000-0600
Versions:Frequency of
Description:When using the meetme admin menu, two functions are entirely not working...

a) conf-locked will not lock the conference, people can still join.
b) kick-lastuser will not kick anyone and it will keep flooding error messages:

Feb 27 14:57:36 WARNING[12763]: codec_gsm.c:165 gsmtolin_framein: Huh?  A GSM frame that isn't a multiple of 33 or 65 bytes long from (null) (320)?
Comments:By: Tilghman Lesher (tilghman) 2006-02-27 12:44:52.000-0600

I am unable to reproduce either of these problems.  Please upload your extensions.conf, meetme.conf, and please enumerate the steps you had to take to reproduce this problem.

By: chotaire (chotaire) 2006-02-28 04:05:50.000-0600

exten => 1,1,MeetMe(1001|Tpas)

conf => 1001

Now if dialing extension 1, there will be the bugs mentioned plus another one actually: When using "s" option, there will be no enter/leave sounds.

What happens:
   -- Executing MeetMe("SIP/client1-d8f9", "1001|Tpas") in new stack
 == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/meetme.conf': Found
   -- Created MeetMe conference 1023 for conference '1001'
   -- Playing 'conf-onlyperson' (language 'de')
   -- Playing 'conf-adminmenu' (language 'de')
   -- Playing 'conf-lockednow' (language 'de')

Except of playing the sample, nothing else happens. People can still join, which I do now.. I will have a second client join the same room so then I will try to kick it with the first client...

Feb 28 12:04:50 WARNING[13128]: codec_gsm.c:165 gsmtolin_framein: Huh?  A GSM frame that isn't a multiple of 33 or 65 bytes long
from (null) (320)?
Feb 28 12:04:51 WARNING[13128]: codec_gsm.c:165 gsmtolin_framein: Huh?  A GSM frame that isn't a multiple of 33 or 65 bytes long
from (null) (320)?
Feb 28 12:04:51 WARNING[13128]: codec_gsm.c:165 gsmtolin_framein: Huh?  A GSM frame that isn't a multiple of 33 or 65 bytes long
from (null) (320)?
Feb 28 12:04:51 WARNING[13128]: codec_gsm.c:165 gsmtolin_framein: Huh?  A GSM frame that isn't a multiple of 33 or 65 bytes long
from (null) (320)?
Feb 28 12:04:51 WARNING[13128]: codec_gsm.c:165 gsmtolin_framein: Huh?  A GSM frame that isn't a multiple of 33 or 65 bytes long
from (null) (320)?
Feb 28 12:04:51 WARNING[13128]: codec_gsm.c:165 gsmtolin_framein: Huh?  A GSM frame that isn't a multiple of 33 or 65 bytes long
from (null) (320)?
Feb 28 12:04:51 WARNING[13128]: codec_gsm.c:165 gsmtolin_framein: Huh?  A GSM frame that isn't a multiple of 33 or 65 bytes long
from (null) (320)?
Feb 28 12:04:51 WARNING[13128]: codec_gsm.c:165 gsmtolin_framein: Huh?  A GSM frame that isn't a multiple of 33 or 65 bytes long
from (null) (320)?
Feb 28 12:04:51 WARNING[13128]: codec_gsm.c:165 gsmtolin_framein: Huh?  A GSM frame that isn't a multiple of 33 or 65 bytes long
from (null) (320)?

Etc... this will go for ages after pressing "*6" (disconnect last caller) until I disconnect the first client.

By: chotaire (chotaire) 2006-03-06 19:00:30.000-0600

I supplied the necessary information (I hope so).. please check bug id 6605 again. thank you.

By: Tilghman Lesher (tilghman) 2006-03-06 21:37:30.000-0600

Please update to 1.2.5 and try again.

By: Tilghman Lesher (tilghman) 2006-03-24 23:34:45.000-0600

Unable to reproduce, lack of response from reporter.  Closing.