
Summary:ASTERISK-06386: The command "show channels" display a wrong number of calls and generate "Avoided deadlock" warnings
Reporter:Fernando Romo (el_pop)Labels:
Date Opened:2006-02-21 15:03:07.000-0600Date Closed:2006-05-15 15:01:38
Versions:Frequency of
Description:with a freh install of asterisk 1.2.5, and scenario with few calls, the "show channels" command send wrong data and appear a lot of "channel_find_locked: Avoided deadlock for '0x9201a60" warnings...


pbx01*CLI> show channels
Channel              Location             State   Application(Data)            
Agent/1054           9600@agents:1        Up      Bridged Call(Zap/7-1)        
Agent/1146           9600@agents:1        Up      Bridged Call(Zap/6-1)        
Agent/1148           9600@agents:1        Up      Bridged Call(Zap/4-1)        
Zap/7-1              8001@default:1       Up      Queue(viajesaltillo|tdr)      
Zap/1-1              s@default:1          Ringing (None)                        
Zap/6-1              8001@default:1       Up      Queue(viajesaltillo|tdr)      
Zap/4-1              8001@default:1       Up      Queue(viajesaltillo|tdr)      
SIP/1697-e8fa        (None)               Up      ChanSpy(Sip/2002|q)          
Agent/1154           9600@agents:1        Up      Bridged Call(Zap/2-1)        
Zap/3-1              s@default:1          Ringing (None)                        
Zap/2-1              8001@default:1       Up      Queue(viajesaltillo|tdr)      
SIP/1690-5e38        (None)               Up      Bridged Call(IAX2/
IAX2/ s@macro-adminexten:1 Up      Dial(Sip/1690|20)            
Agent/1118           9600@agents:1        Up      Bridged Call(Zap/10-1)        
Agent/1065           9600@agents:1        Up      Bridged Call(Zap/5-1)        
Zap/10-1             8001@default:1       Up      Queue(viajesaltillo|tdr)      
Zap/5-1              8001@default:1       Up      Queue(viajesaltillo|tdr)      
17 active channels
40 active calls
Feb 21 15:58:08 WARNING[4823]: channel.c:787 channel_find_locked: Avoided deadlock for '0x9201a60', 10 retries!
   -- Hungup 'Zap/3-1'
   -- Requested transfer capability: 0x00 - SPEECH
Feb 21 15:58:11 NOTICE[4825]: channel.c:2423 __ast_request_and_dial: Don't know what to do with control frame 15
Feb 21 15:58:12 WARNING[4783]: channel.c:787 channel_find_locked: Avoided deadlock for '0x9201a60', 10 retries!
Feb 21 15:58:17 WARNING[4783]: channel.c:787 channel_find_locked: Avoided deadlock for '0x9201a60', 10 retries!
Feb 21 15:58:22 WARNING[4783]: channel.c:787 channel_find_locked: Avoided deadlock for '0x9201a60', 10 retries!
Comments:By: Jason Parker (jparker) 2006-02-21 15:21:21.000-0600

There is no such thing as Asterisk 1.2.5 yet...  Do you mean the 1.2 branch?

By: Fernando Romo (el_pop) 2006-02-21 15:35:03.000-0600

yes i mean 1.2.x, thank for the correction.. :)

By: Olle Johansson (oej) 2006-04-03 15:28:58

We need to know more about your pbx. Clean installation or any addons?

Platform? Number of simultaneous calls?

What is wrong in this data?

By: Max Litvinov (mthawk) 2006-04-17 09:44:18

I have Asterisk 1.2.5, and the same warning appear after a few hours of * work by "show channesl" command.
For example
asterisk*CLI> show channels
Channel              Location             State   Application(Data)
0 active channels
1 active calls
Apr 17 17:30:40 WARNING[10930]: channel.c:787 channel_find_locked: Avoided deadlock for '0x82e9060', 10 retries!
System ASP Linux 9.0 (RedHat based)
The same warning was at asterisk 1.2.4 and 1.2.6.
But 1.0.9 at this machine with the same system has no problems at all.

The packets i used:
Asterisk 1.2.4; pwlib 1.9.2; openh323 1.17.3
Asterisk 1.2.4; pwlib 1.10.0; openh323 1.18.0
The same with 1.2.6 and 1.2.5
Now i have * 1.2.5 and pwlib 1.9.0 and openh323 1.17.1

kernel 2.4.20-9asp
glibc  2.3.2-27.9.1asp

By: Serge Vecher (serge-v) 2006-05-08 00:15:09

is this still a problem with latest stable?

By: Serge Vecher (serge-v) 2006-05-15 15:01:21

mthawk: your scenario looks different from this bug (ASTERISK-6386) but very much like bug ASTERISK-5826. Please continue searching for solution in that bug.

el_pop: if you can reproduce the original problem with latest unmodified 1.2 branch (rev. > 27000), please reopen the bug, stating exact revision used and attaching new console output at high verbosity.