
Summary:ASTERISK-05576: thinks channel is in use then receives a call over it.
Reporter:Sean (c0w)Labels:
Date Opened:2005-11-12 11:02:48.000-0600Date Closed:2011-06-07 14:01:00
Versions:Frequency of
Environment:Attachments:( 0) backtrace
( 1) crash.txt
Description:Basically i have a quad e1 card in the server 2 of them doing inbound 1 doing outbound.

it will run fine for roughly 20-24 hours then the channels start to lock

i did a gdb trace of the treads basically i have to killall -v -9 asterisk and start it again.
Comments:By: Sean (c0w) 2005-11-12 11:12:05.000-0600

information out of the message logs

Nov 12 16:53:31 WARNING[7031] chan_zap.c: Ring requested on channel 0/1 already in use on span 3.  Hanging up owner.
Nov 12 16:53:40 WARNING[7029] chan_zap.c: Ring requested on channel 0/1 already in use on span 1.  Hanging up owner.
Nov 12 16:55:20 WARNING[7031] chan_zap.c: Ring requested on channel 0/1 already in use on span 3.  Hanging up owner.
Nov 12 16:55:23 WARNING[7031] chan_zap.c: Ring requested on channel 0/1 already in use on span 3.  Hanging up owner.
Nov 12 16:55:23 WARNING[11863] channel.c: Avoided deadlock for '0x843fa98', 10 retries!
Nov 12 16:55:24 WARNING[7029] chan_zap.c: Ring requested on channel 0/1 already in use on span 1.  Hanging up owner.
Nov 12 16:55:31 WARNING[11863] channel.c: Avoided deadlock for '0x843fa98', 10 retries!
Nov 12 16:55:32 WARNING[11863] channel.c: Avoided deadlock for '0x843fa98', 10 retries!
Nov 12 16:55:34 WARNING[11863] channel.c: Avoided deadlock for '0x843fa98', 10 retries!
Nov 12 16:55:35 WARNING[7029] chan_zap.c: Ring requested on channel 0/1 already in use on span 1.  Hanging up owner.
Nov 12 16:55:35 WARNING[11863] channel.c: Avoided deadlock for '0x843fa98', 10 retries!
Nov 12 16:55:35 WARNING[11863] channel.c: Avoided deadlock for '0x843fa98', 10 retries!
Nov 12 16:55:36 WARNING[11863] channel.c: Avoided deadlock for '0x843fa98', 10 retries!
Nov 12 16:55:36 WARNING[11863] channel.c: Avoided deadlock for '0x843fa98', 10 retries!
Nov 12 16:55:37 WARNING[11863] channel.c: Avoided deadlock for '0x843fa98', 10 retries!
Nov 12 16:55:38 WARNING[11863] channel.c: Avoided deadlock for '0x843fa98', 10 retries!
Nov 12 16:55:40 WARNING[11863] channel.c: Avoided deadlock for '0x843fa98', 10 retries!
Nov 12 16:55:41 WARNING[11863] channel.c: Avoided deadlock for '0x843fa98', 10 retries!
Nov 12 16:55:41 WARNING[11863] channel.c: Avoided deadlock for '0x843fa98', 10 retries!
Nov 12 16:55:44 WARNING[11863] channel.c: Avoided deadlock for '0x843fa98', 10 retries!
Nov 12 16:55:44 WARNING[11863] channel.c: Avoided deadlock for '0x843fa98', 10 retries!
Nov 12 16:55:44 WARNING[11863] channel.c: Avoided deadlock for '0x843fa98', 10 retries!
Nov 12 16:55:44 WARNING[11863] channel.c: Avoided deadlock for '0x843fa98', 10 retries!

By: Serge Vecher (serge-v) 2005-11-12 11:48:01.000-0600

c0w, your version of HEAD is quite old -- can you please update to the most recent version of Zaptel/Asterisk HEAD or 1.2 RC2 (http://lists.digium.com/pipermail/asterisk-announce/2005-November/000006.html) and report back.

By: Sean (c0w) 2005-11-12 12:04:16.000-0600

Sorry i didn't see any changes in zaptel from the 9th of this month as per request i've upgraded to rc2 i'll see how things goes =)

By: Mark Spencer (markster) 2005-11-12 14:56:12.000-0600

Please pursue through Digium technical support. If you continue to have trouble, contact me at markster@digium.com

By: Kevin P. Fleming (kpfleming) 2005-11-15 14:09:11.000-0600

As Mark mentioned, please pursue this through technical support.