
Summary:ASTERISK-05574: Dial app is not respecting ARGs that use parameters
Reporter:Anton Krall (akrall)Labels:
Date Opened:2005-11-11 23:25:15.000-0600Date Closed:2005-11-12 07:46:06.000-0600
Versions:Frequency of
Description:Dial app is not accepting the parameters issued to options that uses them like S() and L() for example:

-- Executing Dial("SIP/201-1560", "SIP/s201|30|S(5)") in new stack
[Nov 11 23:19:05]     -- Setting call duration limit to 0 seconds.


same issue with Dial(SIP/aaaa,30,L(10000:5000:1000)

[Nov 11 23:22:12]     -- Executing SetVar("SIP/201-a65b", "LIMIT_PLAYAUDIO_CALLER=yes") in new stack
[Nov 11 23:22:12]     -- Executing SetVar("SIP/201-a65b", "LIMIT_CONNECT_FILE=vm-goodbye") in new stack
[Nov 11 23:22:12]     -- Executing SetVar("SIP/201-a65b", "LIMIT_TIMEOUT_FILE=vm-goodbye") in new stack
[Nov 11 23:22:12]     -- Executing SetVar("SIP/201-a65b", "LIMIT_WARNING_FILE=vm-goodbye") in new stack
[Nov 11 23:22:12]     -- Executing Dial("SIP/201-a65b", "SIP/s201|30|L(10000:5000:1000)") in new stack
[Nov 11 23:22:12]     -- Limit Data for this call:
[Nov 11 23:22:12]     -- - timelimit     = 0
[Nov 11 23:22:12]     -- - play_warning  = 0
[Nov 11 23:22:12]     -- - play_to_caller= yes
[Nov 11 23:22:12]     -- - play_to_callee= no
[Nov 11 23:22:12]     -- - warning_freq  = 0
[Nov 11 23:22:12]     -- - start_sound   = vm-goodbye
[Nov 11 23:22:12]     -- - warning_sound = vm-goodbye
[Nov 11 23:22:12]     -- - end_sound     = vm-goodbye
Comments:By: Russell Bryant (russell) 2005-11-12 07:45:53.000-0600

This is fixed in RC2.  Thanks for the report!