Summary: | ASTERISK-05476: DB Connection in AGI | ||
Reporter: | Lawrence (finejava) | Labels: | |
Date Opened: | 2005-11-06 13:13:05.000-0600 | Date Closed: | 2011-06-07 14:10:43 |
Priority: | Minor | Regression? | No |
Status: | Closed/Complete | Components: | Resources/res_agi |
Versions: | Frequency of Occurrence | ||
Related Issues: | |||
Environment: | Attachments: | ||
Description: | Hi, I've found a bug in realtime which is quite severe to me...all this while i'm running *-1.0.9 very well as my billing engine...but when i upgraded to *-1.2.0 regardless of version beta 1/2, i keep on losing db connection which means missing cdrs and the calls are not agi scripts are written in perl | ||
Comments: | By: Lawrence (finejava) 2005-11-06 13:14:50.000-0600 Marshall can u pls change this category to AGI...sorry for the mistakes...10q By: Kevin P. Fleming (kpfleming) 2005-11-07 19:35:35.000-0600 AGI does not use database connections. Without a more accurate description of the problem, including complete console traces, there is very little anyone will be able to do to help you get this problem fixed. By: Lawrence (finejava) 2005-11-07 23:34:20.000-0600 sorry for the brief description... i'm using starsshops billing engine which uses perl AGI the script it uses perl DBI package to connect to mysql...i came to know bout * realtime so what i do is upgrade my current *-1.0.9 to *-1.2.0-beta1 & beta2. but it is giving problem writing the cdrs into the db after the calls and also updating the card inuse. when i revert back to 1.0.9 the problem is solve...and it's been working fine with 1.0.9 all this while...the script is exactly the same...i was suspecting something to do with the * AGI it works perfectly with 1.0.9 and below but with 1.2.0 it keeps on giving db connection problems By: Kevin P. Fleming (kpfleming) 2005-11-07 23:44:12.000-0600 I would suggest trying to simplify your configuration as much as possible while still being able to reproduce the problem; we don't have access to any of that external code (nor do we have time to figure out how it works), so if you can reproduce the problem with only a simple configuration we'll have a much better chance of finding the problem. Can I assume that you completely wiped out your /usr/lib/asterisk/modules directory each time you made these version changes? You can't leave _any_ old modules in there and expect things to work properly. By: Lawrence (finejava) 2005-11-08 00:42:47.000-0600 was a clean install of *-1.2.0 below are my configuration: sip.conf [general] port=5060 ; UDP Port to bind to (SIP standard port is 5060) bindaddr= ; IP address to bind to ( binds to all) tos=reliability ; lowdelay,throughput,reliability,mincost,none defaultexpirey=600 ; Default length of incoming/outoing registration maxexpirey=3600 rtptimeout=60 rtpholdtimeout=300 useragent=SoftSwitch realm=voip dtmfmode=rfc2833 nat=yes disallow=all allow=g729 [xchange1004] type=friend username=xchange1004 secret=superjaring host=dynamic context=prepaid nat=yes canreinvite=no disallow=all allow=g729 qualify=yes extensions.conf exten => _00XXXXXXXX.,1,DeadAGI(postpaidnoivr.agi,${CALLERIDNAME},${EXTEN:2}) exten => _00XXXXXXXX.,2,Hangup postpaidnoivr.agi (code snippets) #!/usr/bin/perl use DBI; use Asterisk::AGI; sub connect_db() { my $dsn = "DBI:mysql:database=callingcard;host=XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX"; $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, 'XXX', 'XXX'); } sub close_db(){ $dbh->disconnect if $dbh; } sub savecdr() { my ($cardnum, $callerid, $callednum, $trunk, $disposition, $billseconds, $billcost,$callstart) = @_; if(!$dbh) { &connect_db(); } $dbh->do("INSERT INTO cdrs (cardnum,callerid,callednum,trunk,disposition,billseconds,billcost,callstart) VALUES (" . $dbh->quote($cardnum) . ", " . $dbh->quote($callerid) . ", " . $dbh->quote($callednum) . ", " . $dbh->quote($trunk) . ", " . $dbh->quote($disposition) . ", " . $dbh->quote($billseconds) . ", " . $dbh->quote($billcost) . ", " . $dbh->quote($callstart) . ")"); } By: Lawrence (finejava) 2005-11-08 19:20:02.000-0600 And another finding is that...i can't seems to pass in ${CALLERIDNUM} or ${CALLERIDNAME} into the AGI...the only way to solve that is by SetVar then only it is successful passed in as reported in issue 0005591 in *-1.2.0-beta1 By: Mark Spencer (markster) 2005-11-12 19:55:37.000-0600 They're separated into two parameters, agi_callerid and agi_calleridname in 1.2, and also you might check the SIGHUP changes (see UPGRADE.txt) with respect with your AGI issue. By: Digium Subversion (svnbot) 2008-01-15 15:55:58.000-0600 Repository: asterisk Revision: 7091 U trunk/UPGRADE.txt ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r7091 | markster | 2008-01-15 15:55:58 -0600 (Tue, 15 Jan 2008) | 2 lines Mention callerid name / num changes in UPGRADE.txt (bug ASTERISK-5476) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ |