
Summary:ASTERISK-05409: Using cvs-head, unable to bridge or transfer call without crashing.
Reporter:Bubulubu Goth (bubulubu_goth)Labels:
Date Opened:2005-10-31 16:25:35.000-0600Date Closed:2005-11-08 21:07:34.000-0600
Versions:Frequency of
Environment:Attachments:( 0) bactrace
Description:When making 3waycall with tdm400 cards, when creating the second call for a zap channel, the bridge is unable to create in one cases, in other cases, retrys to build de bridge are made until asterisk crash.

Also under moderated load 6 simultaneous calls, 12 channels, things get unsatable

bt, full bt and threaded bt at annex


Description                              Alarms     IRQ        bpviol     CRC4
Wildcard TDM400P REV H Board 1           OK                  0          0          0
Wildcard TDM400P REV E/F Board 2         OK                  0          0          0
Wildcard TDM400P REV E/F Board 3         OK                  0          0          0
Wildcard TDM400P REV E/F Board 4         OK                  0          0          0

 0:     615079          XT-PIC  timer
 1:        432          XT-PIC  keyboard
 2:          0          XT-PIC  cascade
 3:    6047149          XT-PIC  wctdm
 5:    6055072          XT-PIC  wctdm
 7:    6051132          XT-PIC  wctdm
 8:          1          XT-PIC  rtc
 9:    6071107          XT-PIC  wctdm
11:     110067          XT-PIC  libata, eth0
Comments:By: Kevin P. Fleming (kpfleming) 2005-10-31 16:36:26.000-0600

This problem (crashing in clone_variables) was corrected earlier today in CVS HEAD. Please update and re-test.

By: Clod Patry (junky) 2005-11-02 07:11:03.000-0600

bubulubu_goth: Any development here?

By: Bubulubu Goth (bubulubu_goth) 2005-11-02 08:35:05.000-0600

Yesterday, I tested, same Issue, but havent had time to make backtrace.

ASAP I will retry and upload a new backtrace... but the issue still there, and for the record, I deleted all * source code and re-downloaded to avoid any possible error...

By: Kevin P. Fleming (kpfleming) 2005-11-08 21:07:21.000-0600

There were two bugs related to this problem fixed in CVS HEAD today, so please update and retest. If the problem persists, you can reopen this bug.