
Summary:ASTERISK-05205: Increasing/decreasing conference volume kills asterisk.
Reporter:Jose Pablo Fernandez (pupeno)Labels:
Date Opened:2005-09-30 14:54:08Date Closed:2008-01-15 15:50:14.000-0600
Versions:Frequency of
Description:Running a meetme conference with the following parameter:
exten => 9,1,MeetMe(1234,sca)
causes Asterisk to terminate (it says killed, but it is not acore dumped) when a connected user changes the conference volume by pressing * and then 4 or 6.
The errors ar different depending on the option. Here are the two errors:

Decreasing (*4):
   -- Playing 'conf-adminmenu' (language 'en')
Sep 30 16:40:34 WARNING[17894]: rtp.c:1081 ast_rtp_senddigit: Don't know how to represent ' '
Sep 30 16:40:34 WARNING[17894]: rtp.c:1081 ast_rtp_senddigit: Don't know how to represent ' '
Sep 30 16:40:34 WARNING[17894]: rtp.c:1081 ast_rtp_senddigit: Don't know how to represent ' '
Sep 30 16:40:34 WARNING[17894]: rtp.c:1081 ast_rtp_senddigit: Don't know how to represent ' '
Sep 30 16:40:34 WARNING[17894]: rtp.c:1081 ast_rtp_senddigit: Don't know how to represent ' '
Sep 30 16:40:34 WARNING[17894]: rtp.c:1081 ast_rtp_senddigit: Don't know how to represent ' '
Sep 30 16:40:34 WARNING[17894]: rtp.c:1081 ast_rtp_senddigit: Don't know how to represent ' '
Sep 30 16:40:34 WARNING[17894]: rtp.c:1081 ast_rtp_senddigit: Don't know how to represent ' '
Sep 30 16:40:34 WARNING[17894]: rtp.c:1081 ast_rtp_senddigit: Don't know how to represent ' '
Sep 30 16:40:34 WARNING[17894]: rtp.c:1081 ast_rtp_senddigit: Don't know how to represent ' '
Sep 30 16:40:34 WARNING[17894]: app_meetme.c:1220 conf_run: Error setting conference - Un/Mute
puplab ~ #

Increasing (*6):
Sep 30 16:42:08 WARNING[17924]: channel.c:1942 ast_write: Don't know how to handle control frames yet
Sep 30 16:42:08 WARNING[17924]: app_meetme.c:1481 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel: Function not implemented
   -- Hungup 'Zap/pseudo-1172721272'

I've run it several times in my setup leading to 100% reproduceability. I done it with a Grandstream BudgeTone-100 SIP phone. I am using ztdummy.


# uname -a
Linux puplab 2.6.12-gentoo-r10 #2 Mon Sep 26 16:38:06 ART 2005 i686 Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.40GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux

The SIP account is configured as:

If I am missing any info, please tell me and I'll sumbit it (I won't be available from October 1nd to 6th).
Comments:By: Clod Patry (junky) 2005-09-30 14:57:56

1st, thats not chan_sip
2nd, read the bug guidelines.
3rd, we need at least a backtrace.

By: Jose Pablo Fernandez (pupeno) 2005-09-30 15:48:13

Sorry for putting it on chan_sip, I didn't realice that Asterisk is broken down in various separate applications on the Mantis categorization (that combo box being on the top of the page doesn't help).
Did I miss the guidelines somewhere ? I am sorry, I have read them, I should have re-read them.
Regarding the backtrace, I haven't made it because there wasn't a core dump. Before tring to make the backtrace I upgraded asterisk to *now* and it is not being killed anymore, it just outputs lots of these (over 30 per second)

Sep 30 17:44:42 WARNING[14620]: codec_gsm.c:164 gsmtolin_framein: Huh?  A GSM frame that isn't a multiple of 33 or 65 bytes long from (null) (320)?

whenever the volume is changed.

By: Kevin P. Fleming (kpfleming) 2005-10-04 20:32:40

Fixed in CVS HEAD (the volume adjustment code was changing memory that didn't belong to the audio frame).

By: Digium Subversion (svnbot) 2008-01-15 15:50:14.000-0600

Repository: asterisk
Revision: 6727

U   trunk/apps/app_meetme.c

r6727 | kpfleming | 2008-01-15 15:50:14 -0600 (Tue, 15 Jan 2008) | 2 lines

don't twiddle memory that doesn't belong to us (issue ASTERISK-5205)

