
Summary:ASTERISK-05045: Asterisk does not send "pong"
Reporter:tgj (tgj)Labels:
Date Opened:2005-09-10 15:02:05Date Closed:2011-06-07 14:10:30
Versions:Frequency of
Description:I have a manager application where I send a "ping" action every 5 seconds to check the connection.

When I originate a call through the AMI, Asterisk will stop responding to ping until the calling phone is lifted off-hook, in my case SIP/206.

This is the output from AMI:
Lines prepended with date is from asterisk other lines is sent by me.

Action: Ping
ActionID: ping

10-09-2005 21:42:08 Response: Pong

10-09-2005 21:42:08 ActionID: ping
Action: Originate
Channel: SIP/206
Context: phones
Exten: 77
Priority: 1

10-09-2005 21:42:11 Event: Newchannel

10-09-2005 21:42:11 Privilege: call,all

10-09-2005 21:42:11 Channel: SIP/206-fd9e

10-09-2005 21:42:11 State: Down

10-09-2005 21:42:11 CallerID: <unknown>

10-09-2005 21:42:11 CallerIDName: <unknown>

10-09-2005 21:42:11 Uniqueid: 1126381338.33

10-09-2005 21:42:11 Event: Newcallerid

10-09-2005 21:42:11 Privilege: call,all

10-09-2005 21:42:11 Channel: SIP/206-fd9e

10-09-2005 21:42:11 CallerID: <Unknown>

10-09-2005 21:42:11 CallerIDName: <Unknown>

10-09-2005 21:42:11 Uniqueid: 1126381338.33

10-09-2005 21:42:11 CID-CallingPres: 0 (Presentation Allowed, Not Screened)

10-09-2005 21:42:11 Event: Newcallerid

10-09-2005 21:42:11 Privilege: call,all

10-09-2005 21:42:11 Channel: SIP/206-fd9e

10-09-2005 21:42:11 CallerID: <Unknown>

10-09-2005 21:42:11 CallerIDName: <Unknown>

10-09-2005 21:42:11 Uniqueid: 1126381338.33

10-09-2005 21:42:11 CID-CallingPres: 0 (Presentation Allowed, Not Screened)

10-09-2005 21:42:11 Event: Newchannel

10-09-2005 21:42:11 Privilege: call,all

10-09-2005 21:42:11 Channel: SIP/206-fd9e

10-09-2005 21:42:11 State: Ringing

10-09-2005 21:42:11 CallerID: <unknown>

10-09-2005 21:42:11 CallerIDName: <unknown>

10-09-2005 21:42:11 Uniqueid: 1126381338.33

10-09-2005 21:42:11 Event: QueueMemberStatus

10-09-2005 21:42:11 Privilege: agent,all

10-09-2005 21:42:11 Queue: 77342000

10-09-2005 21:42:11 Location: SIP/206

10-09-2005 21:42:11 Membership: dynamic

10-09-2005 21:42:11 Penalty: 0

10-09-2005 21:42:11 CallsTaken: 0

10-09-2005 21:42:11 LastCall: 0

10-09-2005 21:42:11 Status: 6

10-09-2005 21:42:11 Paused: 0
Action: Ping
ActionID: ping

Action: Ping
ActionID: ping

Action: Ping
ActionID: ping

10-09-2005 21:42:23 Event: PeerStatus

10-09-2005 21:42:23 Privilege: system,all

10-09-2005 21:42:23 Peer: SIP/201

10-09-2005 21:42:23 PeerStatus: Registered
Action: Ping
ActionID: ping

10-09-2005 21:42:31 Event: PeerStatus

10-09-2005 21:42:31 Privilege: system,all

10-09-2005 21:42:31 Peer: SIP/204

10-09-2005 21:42:31 PeerStatus: Registered
Action: Ping
ActionID: ping

Action: Ping
ActionID: ping

Comments:By: tgj (tgj) 2005-09-10 15:06:18

I put this in the wrong category, it should have been in "AMI" but I cannot change it :-(

By: Mark Spencer (markster) 2005-09-10 17:21:48

This is an issue in your manager application.  I've confirmed that CVS head does respond to PING's properly, and you can confirm by telneting to port 5038.

By: Russell Bryant (russell) 2005-09-10 17:31:03

The reason you are getting this behavior is probably because you are not setting the "Async" header so that the originate action occurs asynchronously.  Try setting "Async: yes" in your originate action, and I'm willing to bet that it will work as you expect.