
Summary:ASTERISK-04863: [patch] like clause not case sensitive in show modules
Reporter:Clod Patry (junky)Labels:
Date Opened:2005-08-19 19:46:44Date Closed:2008-01-15 15:44:39.000-0600
Versions:Frequency of
Environment:Attachments:( 0) show_modules_like.txt
Description:Based on the fact that show applications like foo is not case sensitive,
i made a patch to show modules like foo not case sensitive.

before it was:
asterisk*CLI> show modules like IAX
Module                         Description                              Use Count
0 modules loaded
asterisk*CLI> show modules like iax
Module                         Description                              Use Count
chan_iax2.so                   Inter Asterisk eXchange (Ver 2)          0
1 modules loaded

We clearly see it is not matching chan_iax2.so in the first example, cause it's case sensitive.

with this patch:
debian*CLI> show modules like iax
Module                         Description                              Use Count
chan_iax2.so                   Inter Asterisk eXchange (Ver 2)          0
1 modules loaded
debian*CLI> show modules like IAX
Module                         Description                              Use Count
chan_iax2.so                   Inter Asterisk eXchange (Ver 2)          0
1 modules loaded

Both works, which make all like clause standard with the show applications like.
Comments:By: Tilghman Lesher (tilghman) 2005-08-21 14:40:58

Given that these are filenames, though, it makes sense for this to be case-sensitive.  Case-insensitivity would only be proper on Windows or Macintosh, where the native file system is case-insensitive.

By: Clod Patry (junky) 2005-08-21 19:29:56

The only problem i see with that, is currently, all modules are in lower case.

By: Michael Jerris (mikej) 2005-08-21 20:38:39

lets just make the search case insensitive and not force a breaking of cross platform compatability for no good reason.

By: Kevin P. Fleming (kpfleming) 2005-08-22 14:41:37

Committed to CVS HEAD, thanks!

By: Digium Subversion (svnbot) 2008-01-15 15:44:39.000-0600

Repository: asterisk
Revision: 6349

U   trunk/cli.c

r6349 | kpfleming | 2008-01-15 15:44:39 -0600 (Tue, 15 Jan 2008) | 2 lines

make 'show modules like' not case sensitive (issue ASTERISK-4863)

