
Summary:ASTERISK-04683: [request] Change the menu for mailbox options so it does not break 1.0 compatiblity.
Reporter:Paul Belanger (pabelanger)Labels:
Date Opened:2005-07-26 12:14:07Date Closed:2011-06-07 14:10:24
Versions:Frequency of
Description:I was unable to open issue http://bugs.digium.com/view.php?id=4748, that is the reason for a new issue.

I disagree with kpfleming reason on closing the issue, I have tested using 1.0 branch and CVS Head.  In CVS Head, a new feature was added 'Record your temporary Message'.  It was given the menu option of 4, while 'Change your password' was moved to 5.  

However in the 1.0 branch, 4 is 'Change your password'.  The patch attached to http://bugs.digium.com/view.php?id=4748 changes CVS Head back so 'Change your password' is 4, and the new feature 'Record your temporary Message' is now 5.  Changing this will not needlessly break compatibility between branch 1.0 and CVS Head (1.2).


Hope this makes sense.  To recap the current status:

#  0 Mailbox options
   * 1 Record your unavailable message
   * 2 Record your busy message
   * 3 Record your name
   * 4 Record your temporary message
   * 5 Change your password
   * * Return to the main menu

1.0 Stable
#  0 Mailbox options
   * 1 Record your unavailable message
   * 2 Record your busy message
   * 3 Record your name
   * 4 Change your password
   * * Return to the main menu

My patch for CVS HEAD:
#  0 Mailbox options
   * 1 Record your unavailable message
   * 2 Record your busy message
   * 3 Record your name
   * 4 Change your password
   * 5 Record your temporary message
   * * Return to the main menu
Comments:By: Paul Belanger (pabelanger) 2005-07-26 15:55:51

BTW: here is the patch!


It is disclamed!

By: Kevin P. Fleming (kpfleming) 2005-07-26 17:52:46

I disagree; it makes more sense for this option to be #4 than ASTERISK-1. In addition, your patch cannot be applied without re-recording the menu prompts to match.

I have updated UPGRADE.txt to warn users of this change, but there is no particular reason it must be backwards compatible.